The reinvention blog of June 3 remains instructive.
>2018 JUNE detail for life pattern awareness
flow weekly LIFEWAY
w27: CAexit, w28; drive, w29; inFL, w30; bloodDraw. w31; PCP.
w22: into38jeans, w23; CAhome, w24; selfHEAL, w25; TestPack, w26; HIdogCare.
w18: backupAir, w19; Nancy?dogs, w20; reinvent; w21 seclusion.
w14: DeBaryH.care, w15; muscleCrampsPAINw11on, w16; CA h.care, w17; stonesPass.
w13: PCP aims protein, carbs, 6m no b.donate, at least walk for 80#overweight42jeans.
weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW
26 - Susan/Greg in HI,
25 - Greg in Lincoln,
24 - CA retirement home not $ viable,
23 - Sue to Indiana, home in CA offer,
22 - wallet opens,
80th year week 25 study of calendar history reconciled to 168 hours weekly for validity:
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization (article 1815);
- pre-pack test failed, some 3ring glean, dog hand fed to give surgery pills, let tears attacks over dogs happen,
HEALTHY AGING by Mayo Clinic;
- lost cash envelop, daily sun at In/Out, f.Day cake, beans’ meal awaits implementation, support hose once,
AS-SET NICETIES support wellness;
- house vac, Greg intro went super, made J Rod contact, Sue birthday card, delivered forgotten phone,
- Fit table placement deliberation, orange peelers, 38w jeans holding at 5 belt chinches, Netflix?
SOURCE/USE of weekly hours;
Sleep 11h daily took more +8 h pause time for standby to react to Susan’s panic stitches out too soon,
Health ‘same’ +1 hours scooter w/o ‘wasted’ days, SCOOTER STAMINA, 38w jeans holding,
As-set maintenance LESS -25 h Fit air fixed by dealer, HD table board final placement deliberated,
Visits (sociality) MORE +16 h needy Sue/dogs sucked up Harv’s life time, Sue/Greg to Hawaii,