Many W words incise Harv’s life -- the W words are gimmicks for thought exploration to attend
comprehension of his QoL as an organization. For blog comprehension he chooses the convenience
of the week as the conglomerate QoL whole of 168 wholly hours of each week. For those so inclined,
the week end ‘rest’ has cultural tradition and it certainly fits conveniently with a 40 hour week job.
The why-question is a universal thought provoker, even with children -- they think it, and frequently
voice it as they learn-to-learn. The why-question is even a powerful adult question, and repeatedly
answered, leads a person-as-an-organization to their vision/strategy/mission QoL. Reversed -- the way
-question leads their organization to actualize its mission. So, what is the why of Harv’s vision/mission?
Or, what are the way steps whereby he actualizes his life’s QoL mission. The steps can be diagramed
and maintained in a precedence network database.
WellCare of Florida Medicare Advantage together with Community Health Centers of Florida are
the leader integrals to Harv’s QoL.
flow weekly LIFEWAY
2019 PCP 3mo death watch, encouraged DeBary Fall Africa trip.
November-December w44: fly/drive2CA, w45; holidays.
October w40: , w41; , w42; , w43; .
September w35: , w36; , w37; w38; flyFL, w39; teethProphy.
August w31; PCP, w32; , w33; , w34; flyCA.
July w27: exitCA, w28; donateBlood, w29; Tmobile, w30; bloodPCP.
weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW
30 - PCP blood draw, backups NOT, Tmobile of lesser quality,
29 - Tmobile truer unlimited, cold recoup w/eats and OTC meds,
28 - quickly reestablished FL routine, blood donation,
27 - to FL averaged 50 MPH,
80th year week 30 study of calendar history reconciled to 168 hours weekly for validity:
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- whelmed this week, six 3ring binders NOT, backups NOT, alt.springs not successful, 3Tvisits,
HEALTHY AGING by Mayo Clinic;
- compression socks a disaster (holes powder pinches soreFeet odor), body haircut at gym w/workout,
- cold pills/eats stop, 2 bags chocolate almonds, alternate days Flomax successful, protein shakes,
- chicken filets, L backhand blood draw, ok BM more viscous,
AS-SET NICETIES support wellness;
- $20 iPad cell line, tower reception? lint brush, purse hook, Air/iPad used together, 20% iPad use/hr,
SOURCE/USE of weekly hours;
Sleep 12 h daily took more +8h Harv’s elder condition is sweet dreams for half his lifetime,
Health 7 h daily took less -14hours other half MUST NOT be eats, nor OVERREACH,
As-set maintenance more +9h too many bits left undone, fantasy Susan support continues,
Visits (sociality) less -3h Bob lunch problematic, Italy flights set,
whelm but not over whelm.