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THEORY W why a QoL, who, when, what, the will, the way, where, with, the week …

Many W words incise Harv’s life -- the W
words are gimmicks for thought exploration to attend 
comprehension of his QoL as an organization. For blog comprehension he chooses the convenience 
of the week as the conglomerate QoL whole of 168 wholly hours of each week. For those so inclined, 
the week end ‘rest’ has cultural tradition and it certainly fits conveniently with a 40 hour week job.
The why-question is a universal thought provoker, even with children -- they think it, and frequently 
voice it as they learn-to-learn. The why-question is even a powerful adult question, and repeatedly 
answered, leads a person-as-an-organization to their vision/strategy/mission QoL. Reversed -- the way
-question leads their organization to actualize its mission. So, what is the why of Harv’s vision/mission? 
Or, what are the way steps whereby he actualizes his life’s QoL mission. The steps can be diagramed
and maintained in a precedence network database.
WellCare of Florida Medicare Advantage together with Community Health Centers of Florida are 
the leader integrals to Harv’s QoL.

flow weekly LIFEWAY

2019 PCP 3mo death watch, encouraged DeBary Fall Africa trip.
November-December  w44: fly/drive2CA, w45; holidays.  
October      w40: , w41; , w42;  , w43; .
September w35: , w36; , w37; w38; flyFL, w39; teethProphy.
August w31; PCP, w32;  , w33;  , w34;  flyCA.
July w27: exitCA, w28; donateBlood, w29; Tmobile, w30; bloodPCP

weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW 

30 -  PCP blood draw, backups NOT, Tmobile of lesser quality,
29 -  Tmobile truer unlimited, cold recoup w/eats and OTC meds,
28 -  quickly reestablished FL routine, blood donation,
27 -  to FL averaged 50 MPH,
80th year week 30 study of calendar history reconciled to 168 hours weekly for validity: 
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY  aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- whelmed this week, six 3ring binders NOT, backups NOT, alt.springs not successful, 3Tvisits, 
HEALTHY AGING  by Mayo Clinic;
- compression socks a disaster (holes powder pinches soreFeet odor), body haircut at gym w/workout, 
- cold pills/eats stop, 2 bags chocolate almonds, alternate days Flomax successful, protein shakes,
- chicken filets, L backhand blood draw, ok BM more viscous, 
AS-SET NICETIES  support wellness; 
- $20 iPad cell line, tower reception? lint brush, purse hook, Air/iPad used together, 20% iPad use/hr, 
SOURCE/USE  of weekly hours;
Sleep   12 h daily    took more     +8h Harv’s elder condition is sweet dreams for half his lifetime, 
Health   7 h daily    took less       -14hours other half MUST NOT be eats, nor OVERREACH,  
As-set maintenance    more         +9h too many bits left undone, fantasy Susan support continues,
Visits (sociality)            less            -3h Bob lunch problematic, Italy flights set, 
whelm but not over whelm. 


CALM/EASE of Harv’s Florida Quality of Lifeway operation (QoL).

With RIM actualization prowess rejoined and an inflection of super health returned (Residence In Motion), 
Harv circumvents procrastination, to fortify his Central Florida (CFL) geographic area preference for 2019.  
His lifeway building blocks now include his life-long trait of fleeing/cowering from displayed/repressed external anger
including Susan the first half of 2018, and habitual chasing-for-love but finding never-enough.  
Other obvious lifeway building blocks are his stable Florida finances, more unlimited data thanks to a switch to Tmobile, 
a clinic and a Primary Care Physician (PCP) that stabilized his high blood pressure in 2017, 
and in late 2017 an advertised 10-year prostate cancer cure in effect after a 6-month recoup period that explains his July 2018 super health feel.  
He has already returned to regular blood donation, and gym strength exercises have attained the 80# level.  
Character traits of melodic, a smile, a listener, betterment focused, niceties enjoyment, co-operation, challenges, … are practiced.

The Florida daily twirl remains about the same: sunrise, move to the park, pills with an orange, the clonidine nap -- project-task-bits if awake, 
strength exercises at the gym every other day, Cici veggie bar limits carbs, a quicker MORe ‘contacts’ the other 107B humans 
(Modus Operandi Routine and extras), Air tome scribble, Gemini Springs canopy has lessening shade, clonidine nap, RIM project/routine-task-bits,
sunset, McDecaf and soda with night pills and nuts snack and protein shake, video entertainment currently led by WestWorld, 
retire to Walmart parking lot accompanied by a thunder/light/patter shows.

    flow weekly LIFEWAY 

2019 PCP 3mo death watch, encouraged DeBary Fall Africa trip.
November-December  w44: fly/drive2CA, w45; holidays.  
October      w40: , w41; , w42;  , w43; .
September  w35: fly2CA, w36; , w37; , w38; fly2FL; w39; teethProphy.
August        w31: PCP, w32;  , w33;  , w34;  .
July w27: exitCA, w28; donateBlood, w29; Tmobile, w30; bloodPCP. 

weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW 

30 -  PCP blood draw, backups, 
29 -  Tmobile truer unlimited, cold recoup w/eats and OTC meds,
28 -  quickly reestablished FL routine, blood donation,
27 -  to FL averaged 50 MPH,
80th year week 29 study of calendar history reconciled to 168 hours weekly for validity: 
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY  aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- blood donation marks w/reduced sleep a return to pre-cancer super health, torpedoed by cold,
- Susan’s silence presents little home/family interest from California, entertained by DeBary 2x, 
- ‘super’ whelmed by ‘cold’,
HEALTHY AGING  by Mayo Clinic;
- gym twister aches warrant an extra day of rest, athlete’s foot arrested but lower legs are logs, 
- scooter dormant, gym strength at 80#, but less sleep produced cold, checked meds w/PharmD,
- gym/shower suspended during cold recoup with symptom treated by OTC meds, Flomax refilled,
- BM not constipated without use of white fiber and Cici veggie lunch, 
AS-SET NICETIES  support wellness; 
- table finished via Bob, closer to all Rx papers filed, Verizon use forced move to Tmobile 5 visits, 
- gleaned duplicates between California and Florida, ordered lint brush, bagged Rx bottles,
- head and fingernails clipped, support hose and jeans not donned, 
SOURCE/USE  of weekly hours;
Sleep   11 h daily    took less       -10h immunity awakes to illness, OTC meds allay symptoms, 
Health   9 h daily   took more    +17hours pee Rx every other day test, Tmobile UNLIMITED data, 
As-set maintenance    LESS        -16h table fixed, 3ring papers gleaned some, backups failed,
Visits (sociality)           more         +9h Robert friendship, Susan seems empty thus chase or wait?
cold (allergy?) illness puts hold on gym activity. 

OBSERVATION of the return to Florida RIM operation (Residence In Motion).

    In family macro: after: KS home shares, Milwaukee annually, Columbus, Tampa, Williamsburg, Phoenix, the Everglades, 
Foresthill, NC, cancer, a bad fall, a fear of no drivers license, Africa nixed, realization of life-long flee-from-anger pattern, CA#4, 
and a drive to Florida that reestablished RIM actualization prowess.
    This week 28 in micro: paid oil change, drove, bought fruit, showered at gym, donated blood, strength exercises, Rx refills, and 12 hour daily sleep.
      The Florida daily twirl: sunrise, move to the park, pills with an orange, the clonidine nap, strength exercises at the gym, 
Cici salad bar to avoid ‘bread’, a quicker MORe, Air tome scribble, Gemini Springs has lost its shade, clonidine nap, RIM project bits, 
sunset, McDecaf and soda with food/pill control, video entertainment, retire to Walmart parking lot accompanied by a thunder/light/patter show.

    flow weekly LIFEWAY 

November-December  w44: fly/drive2CA, w45; holidays, PCP 3mo death watch. 
October      w40: , w41; , w42;  , w43; .
September  w35: fly2CA, w36; , w37; , w38; fly2FL; w39; teethProphy.
August        w31: PCP, w32;  , w33;  , w34;  .
July w27: exitCA, w28; donateBlood, w29; backup, w30; bloodPCP. 

weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW 

30 -  PCP blood draw, 
29 -  garner slides, backup,
28 -  quickly reestablished FL routine, blood donation,
27 -  to FL averaged 50 MPH,

80th year week 28 study of calendar history reconciled to 168 hours weekly for validity: 

CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY  aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- Ashbrook’s txts all dead end, blood donation marks pre-cancer super health?
HEALTHY AGING  by Mayo Clinic;
- support hose donned again to control “logs,” shorts and over pants added, very little scooter, 
- initial gym strength exercise workouts,
AS-SET NICETIES  support wellness; 
- table helpful, first paid oil change ever, electronic charges facilitated by 12v outlet#3,

SOURCE/USE  of weekly hours;
Sleep   12 h daily    took more   +34 h drive began sad recouped prowess as the states rolled by, 
Health   6 h daily       same        -1 hours urine control with p.t. and o.b. quickly was of top priority,
As-set maintenance   LESS        -27 h table loose and awaits project-task-bits sequencing,
Visits (sociality)          LESS         -6 h Susan awaits wed (sort-of) thus no CA Harv co-op (sort-of),
ironically Harv’s FL MOR prowess has naturally recurred to offer much flexibility for Susan’s advantage. 


PERSPECTIVE to mark the return to melodic solitude RIM operation -- after Harv’s recent life phases of: (1) a difficult NorthCarolina2016, (2) a return to Florida2017 health care for a surprise $10k prostate cancer ‘cure,’ And (3) the lifeway unsettling tease of California2018. Adjust Harv’s RIM (Residence In Motion) lifeway to include a calm/ease end to Harv’s lifetime pattern of fleeing-from-anger, more wallet openness, FL/CA geography, and possible umbrella US health care control.


    flow weekly LIFEWAY 

November-December  w44: fly/drive2CA, w45; holidays, PCP 3mo death watch. 
October      w40: , w41; , w42; w43; .
September  w35: fly2CA, w36; , w37; , w38; fly2FL; w39; teethProphy.
August        w31: PCP, w32;  , w33;  , w34;  .
July w27: exitCA, w28; drive, w29; inFL, w30; bloodPCP. 

weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW 
30 -  blood draw, 
29 -  garner slides, backup,
28 -  to FL, drove 700 miles,
27 -  to FL, drove 2300 miles,

80th year week 27 study of calendar history reconciled to 168 hours weekly for validity: 

CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY  aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- the 2300 mile drive was more soothing than stressful -- perhaps a super truck driver trait,
HEALTHY AGING  by Mayo Clinic;
- used Rx eyewear for day and night drive, no binges this week (part of QoL), 3x lo QoL just plain too old,
- wore support hose almost all week, manage urine in pants attempted w/OdoBan, roadside stops a must,
AS-SET NICETIES  support wellness; 
- unlimited data now avoids the new McD sign in, Fit table has promise, dash directions a definite assist, 

SOURCE/USE  of weekly hours;
Sleep   7 h daily      took less       -21 h driving is a “soft” routine that again brought out melodic mood, 
Health               same     +1 hours BM ok, white fiber not needed, button 38w jeans comes back,
As-set maintenance   MORE    +44 h loosed table to get air lite back, gleaned foam and Rx compress,
Visits (sociality)          LESS        -24 h drove 2300 miles at 50 MPH, tickled Sue for flight buys,


PERSPECTIVE for the promise of clarity in Harv’s remaining life-time, unto the revelation of Harv’s death action. (Portend calm/ease of FL/CA geography, react less to the flee-from-anger pattern, and effect FL/CA health control.)

The perspectives of previous weekly blogs and life flows remain instructive.
2018  life pattern awareness 
flow weekly LIFEWAY 
november-december  w44: fly/drive2CA, w45; holidays, PCP 3mo death watch. 
october      w40: , w41; , w42; w43; .
september  w35: fly2CA, w36; , w37; , w38; fly2FL; w39; teethProphy.
august        w31: PCP, w32;  , w33;  , w34;  .
july       w27: CAexit T, w28; drive10days300mDaily, w29; inFL, garner slides, w30; bloodDraw. 
june          w22: into38jeans, w23; CAhome, w24; selfHEAL, w25; TestPack, w26; HIdogCare.
may           w18: backupAir, w19; Nancy?dogs, w20; reinvent; w21 seclusion.
april       w14:, w15; muscleCrampsPAINw11on, w16; CA, w17; stonesPass.
march     w13: PCP aims protein, carbs, 6m no b.donate, at least walk for 80#overweight42jeans.

weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW
26 -  Susan/Greg in HI, whelm, eyesight, binges QoL, daily sun, fiber change, Fit table, under stress,
25 -  Greg in Lincoln,
24 -  CA retirement home not $ viable,
23 -  Sue to Indiana, home in CA offer,
22 -  wallet opens,
80th year week 26 study of calendar history reconciled to 168 hours weekly for validity: 
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization (article 1815);
- resisting whelm (fun_org), Hawaii dog sit/vet/eats/pills/vac, sociality twice unexpected, 
- supernatural dream (peace?death), 
HEALTHY AGING by Mayo Clinic;
- eyesight wanes, celebration binges QoL thwarting further #loss, R hip pain, no scooter/gym time this week,
- daily sun at In/Out, fiber change stops BM blood, 38w jeans with 5 cinch notches hangs on, wieners phase out,
AS-SET NICETIES support wellness; 
- gleaned some 3ring papers, bought wiper inserts, Fit table board causes air bag light, bedroom tables to garage, 
- support hose after showers, Netflix connected, 
SOURCE/USE of weekly hours;
Sleep   10h daily      took less      -5 h sleep down some under stress, of vet appointments 
Health               took less     -9 hours Hawaii vacation takes precedence, 
As-set maintenance   MORE    +8 h Fit improvements for trip to FL,
Visits (sociality)          MORE    +6 h Hawaii vacation dog sit and dog surgery followup,
