flow weekly LIFEWAY
November-December w44: fly/drive2CA, w45; holidays, PCP 3mo death watch.
October w40: , w41; , w42; w43; .
September w35: fly2CA, w36; , w37; , w38; fly2FL; w39; teethProphy.
August w31: PCP, w32; , w33; , w34; .
July w27: exitCA, w28; drive, w29; inFL, w30; bloodPCP.
weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW
30 - blood draw,
29 - garner slides, backup,
28 - to FL, drove 700 miles,
27 - to FL, drove 2300 miles,
80th year week 27 study of calendar history reconciled to 168 hours weekly for validity:
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- the 2300 mile drive was more soothing than stressful -- perhaps a super truck driver trait,
HEALTHY AGING by Mayo Clinic;
- used Rx eyewear for day and night drive, no binges this week (part of QoL), 3x lo QoL just plain too old,
- wore support hose almost all week, manage urine in pants attempted w/OdoBan, roadside stops a must,
AS-SET NICETIES support wellness;
- unlimited data now avoids the new McD sign in, Fit table has promise, dash directions a definite assist,
SOURCE/USE of weekly hours;
Sleep 7 h daily took less -21 h driving is a “soft” routine that again brought out melodic mood,
Health same +1 hours BM ok, white fiber not needed, button 38w jeans comes back,
As-set maintenance MORE +44 h loosed table to get air lite back, gleaned foam and Rx compress,
Visits (sociality) LESS -24 h drove 2300 miles at 50 MPH, tickled Sue for flight buys,