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week 33 attempts 168 wholly hours of QoL bits (Harv’s oneself wares) to transition to his 4 weeks of California life


Harv’s life (lifetime and life time) is made up of QoL bits.  (Quality of Lifeway) (Wares of Lifeway -- WoL)
In his 80th year, he still looks forward.  To what event?  Death being that ultimate event.  
But that is not Harv’s point -- the point is better stated as a calm/ease  QoL /WoL style,  letting death come.
This week Harv was introduced to a health industry attempt to control his life, and panic his actions -- 
too many referrals, too many specialists for his 80th year life of sweet dream sleep (twelve hours daily}, 
partly due to the 2017 control of his life-long HTN and eighteen Rx pills daily, and most currently to a 
suspected false-positive test.  Harv is overwhelmed -- in reaction, he can only schedule his next visit with his 
Primary Care Physician and trust that his clinic operation returns to a patient advocacy stance.  Panic is not 
a chosen part of his calm/ease. Again, death may come, but not from panic, rather death will come with 
calm/ease.  However, his life vision does include longevity effort that does continue --
“Joy-Love-Freeing for Oneself-Another-Others in the context of a longer and more productive lifetime/life time,”
this week, as always, his life vision continues to be supported with his QoL bits.
The challenge is to choose life flow bits that actualize his JLF and OAO vision.
Harv’s tome documents his Lifeway interest --  bits  WoL  QoL  JLF  SHF  OAO  …
blog flow of weekly calm/ease LIFEWAY

2019 continue PCP 3mo death watch, encouraged DeBary Alaska trip,
November-December  w44 flyCA, w45 holidaysCA,  
October      w40 DDS, w41 eyes, w42 Chris49Amber7, w43 slack,
September  w35 dog-sit, w36 dog-sit, w37 dog-sit, w38 flyFL, w39 prophy PCP urology.
August        w31 PCP, w32 suitcase, w33 assimilation into ’suitcase’, w34 flyCA,

weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW

34 -  fly to CA, dog-sit, 
33 -  RIM assimilation into suitcase,
32 -  suitcase/closet, glean RIM, iCloud Drive backup, excessive referrals cancelled,
31 -  PCP, new inverter, new wallet, 1st FL laundry,
80th year week 33 study of calendar history reconciled to 168 hours weekly for validity: 
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY  aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- tmobile credit score slam a lifeway prick, WoL still stable, mystical ’home’ erosion, calm/ease 'pushed’, 
- “The Perfectionists” study follows the life-long angry-women realization, gateway interest unending, 
HEALTHY AGING  by Mayo Clinic;
- clear CT scan for stones in kidneys, extra acid seems corrective, no-c-em bites misery week, 
- Cici fell out of favor, McD triple enters diet, 3 c.almonds binges, gentle gym/Air workout helps tender back, 
- xtra protein/nans all week pills on time one lunch exception, requested case worker to replace Lisa Williams, 
- compression socks all week with few breaks/no steroids, foot powder ok, sun brings red spots on R leg, 
- PrepH begins, #4stool most normal, poly.e.glycol as needed for #4,
AS-SET NICETIES  support wellness; 
- shorts, Crocs/t.capsules/1A charger nixed, Chris leads to anti virus software, suitcase mini tweak, 
- headlight lens buffed, front door basket anchored, purse stiffened, iCloud Drive backup, 3rings images,
SOURCE/USE  of weekly hours; fallback to surf entertainment, book “The Perfectionists,”
Sleep   11 h daily    took less       -8h calm/ease rest helps tender back,
Health   9 h daily     same          -5hours conscious pause in ill-health chase,
As-set maintenance  took more +14h anti virus, backup, charging, RIM gleans, 
Visits (sociality)            same          -1h surf plateau, Air enters gym/shower mix, 
WoL  precision v imprecision (like fiction v nonfiction), bought the book “The Perfectionists.” 
