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week 39 challenge: with return to FL from CA, spiff RIM operation (Residence In Motion).

2018 September 29 post for week 39
A YOUTHFUL SPIRIT  scribbles  
the  LIFEWAY  of an 80 year old  --  --  -- domain 
week 39 challenge: with return to FL from CA, spiff RIM operation (Residence In Motion).
But PCP had a surprise list of maladies that resulted in more referrals at the expense of normal A1c and potassium checks.
A halt was called to all specialist thought and action in favor of a quality normal lifetime operation even at less longevity.

flow weekly LIFEWAY

2019 continue PCP 3mo afflictions/DEATH watch, encouraged DeBary vacation trip.
February Cancun dog sit?
January visit Susan?
December   w48  w49  w50 flyCA?  w51  w52 Susan Xmas?
November  tome QoL scribble,  w44  w45 PCP  w46  w47.
October      w40 exercise fix, w41 eyes, w42 specialist, w43 DDS, digitize few slides in RIM.
September  w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal upbeat, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP plugs brakes.
August        w31 PCP, w32 suitcase, w33 assimilation, w34 flyCA, bicycle.
July             w27 exitCA, w28 donateBlood, w29 Tmobile, w30 bloodPCP.
June            w22: into38jeans, w23; CAhome, w24; selfHEAL, w25; TestPack, w26; HIdogCare.
May            w18: backupAir, w19; Nancy?dogs, w20; reinvent; w21 seclusion.
April       w14:, w15; muscleCrampsPAINw11on, w16; CA, w17; stonesPass.
March     w13: PCP aims protein, carbs, 6m no b.donate, at least walk for 80#overweight42jeans.

weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW

39 -  teethProphy, PCP, plugs, front brakes,  
38 -  dog-sit, fly to FL
37 -  dog-sit, heal upbeat,
36 -  dogs calm, heal ease,
35 -  dog-sit, back re-injury,
80th year week 39 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to  mend 102/639: 
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY  aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- plugs and front brakes $500 but no diagnostics, windshield spiff, enthusiasm thread to joy a1818,
HEALTHY AGING  by Mayo Clinic;
- a movie, two blood donation attempts, more surf, side tracked referrals a1818, fingertip fan cut heals,
- prophy followed by ten day whiteners, tilt to gym (haircut showers treadmill), c.socks, 
AS-SET NICETIES  support wellness; 
- began cash advance, aim calm, driver inner door seal located J/B Orlando,
SOURCE/USE  of week’s hours;           almost took Acets for marginal health feel, 
Sleep   10 h daily        took less       -7h   positive enthusiasm and responsibility ‘get’er done’,
Health   8 h daily       took more   +8hours have not absorbed huge referral list, treadmill backache,
As-set maintenance    took more   +21h       CAPTO review, RIM operation stabilizes,
Visits (sociality)           took less       -22h several chapters of “identity” book, recoup FL operation,
  aim calm/ease to wholistic life time NOT panic medicals.
notes from a personally relevant current media article:
By any measure he is hugely successful in his professional life, and yet here he is, telling me that he privately 
worries constantly that he is not good enough. Insecure overachievers are made, not born, and typically in 
childhood, through experiencing psychological, financial, or physical insecurity. Taken to extremes, 
the long hours and being constantly driven … can lead to serious physical and mental health problems, ranging from 
simple exhaustion to chronic pain, addictions, eating disorders, depression and worse. As I have 
explained, the factors that create insecurity are based in childhood so there is little that you can do to influence that. 
However, you can influence how you respond to it. Second, define success in your own terms, not others'. 
If you are going to devote yourself, body and soul, to your work, choose a job where you stand the best chance of 
succeeding and enjoying what you do. Don’t persist in a job that doesn’t suit you – quitting a job you “can’t cope with” 
is not a sign of failure but a sign of good sense and emotional maturity. And, third, respect the evidence of and 
celebrate your success. Once an insecure overachiever has achieved a goal, they tend to discount it quickly and 
set the bar even higher. So when you have achieved something, remember how concerned you were about not 
succeeding, how often you have succeeded in spite of these concerns, and challenge yourself to believe the evidence 
of your persistent pattern of success.

“I just can’t believe I pulled this off,” Woods said after capping one of the greatest turnarounds in sports history. 
“It’s been tough. I’ve had a not so easy last two years.”

success in Harv’s terms?  celebrate how?  believe the evidence?

celebrate definition: “3 honor … publicly.”(OAD).  
Thus Harv blogs where posts are labeled ‘publish’ -- for an audience of one -- -- for his selfish self?  
No, for survival of his life vision:  Joy-Love-Freeing versus Sad-Hate-Fear for Oneself-Another-Others 
within the context of a longer and productive/functional lifetime and life time.  
Enter the blog and its weekly challenge.

honor definition: “1 … respect.”(OAD)  
Harv’s love definition is hierarchical 1) Respect 2) Encouragement 3) Challenge  -- -- Elder Self Care (esc -- the escape key).

enthusiasm definition: “1 intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.”(OAD).  

For this Harv has ‘MORe’ and calendar.
Harv’s life routine will not be a multifariousness of health-services referral-orientations --
-- his challenge is to provide a logic behind which health services to choose.  He finds himself under a far greater tsunami of 
referrals from his Primary Care Physician without the prioritization of elective v longevity threat and then who to choose to 
attain a professional calm/ease longevity result. Apparently this is all in the interest of  pinning the patient with the choice 
responsibility without insight into the performance of the referred.

Unfortunately, Harv has personal negative experiences with specialists. To the contrary, this PCP quickly controlled Harv’s 
2017 blood pressure for the first time in his lifetime -- back-to-back unalike clinic days in week 18w38 of 115.76.53 after pill 
additions of f and probiotics since last clinic visit (not necessarily causal). 
Unfortunately, his 47 pulse failed blood donation that same week 18w38, and blood pressure was 160.96!  Erratic!

ESC then is the aim, with QoL and WoL expressed simply as calm/ease. Too many referrals are not calm/ease for 80yo Harv.
However, the referrals taken in sequence of importance for Harv’s calm/ease, deserve review relative to his longevity and 
thus responsible action. Thus, his enthusiasm evidences with Article 1818 “Referrals.”


week 38 challenge: formalize 80yo age afflictions to keep under the radar of referrals to delimit ill-health chase.


flow weekly LIFEWAY

September w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal upbeat, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP.

weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW

39 -  teethProphy, PCP,  
38 -  dog-sit, fly to FL
37 -  dog-sit, heal upbeat,
36 -  dogs calm, heal ease,
35 -  dog-sit, back re-injury,
80th year week 38 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to  mend 102/639: 
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY  aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- aim calm to permeate all life phases, AirPods loss thru airport security was memory lapse,
HEALTHY AGING  by Mayo Clinic;
- no more aspirin, added Probiotic via PharmD, 
- suppositories quiet hemorrhoids, heat pad quiets back, 'lettuce' on outer stool disappears, initiate more BM sit,
- cut finger on fan,  
AS-SET NICETIES  support wellness; 
- went to 42waist jeans and suspenders disconnected from weight loss, enthusiasm threads to joy,
- CA bicycle with belt goes to 2019 tricycle, CA residuals closet and cabinet,
SOURCE/USE  of week’s hours;           move back into FL should result in clearer life/death operation, 
Sleep   11 h daily       took more    +5h   Florida sleep ballooned to 15h daily but sweet dreams persist,
Health   7 h daily       took more   +4hours 1.6 mile walk was break out from three month back injury,
As-set maintenance       less           -8h       checked deep cycle battery and greased door seals, need plugs,
Visits (sociality)              less           -1h packed CA and returned to FL, Robert’s free long term parking, 
  corrected financial transactions with Chris and Susan.

Harv treats these health care issues seriously “on his own” with ‘OTC’ methods -- but they are visible for PCP interdiction.
Elder Self Care elaboration:
… in construction similar to life-phases narrative in week 37 blog.

no longevity threat but possible recurrence worry or second guessing:
lower leg compression stockings used periodically, in addition to a ‘water’ pill daily
exercise breathing 4-12 count must also be done when stifled in bed until respiration is automatic,
2018sept dizziness from numerous Rx countered by “defensive driving” of Harv’s lifeway -- hydration, acets, …
… ‘connected’ to pill consumption thrice daily, past reaction was “tired-nap” but sleep down to 10h daily from 12h,
2018week38 dropped aspirin and began probiotic reacting to FOBT false positive and general GI betterment,
mental-function-fog first awareness instance 2018week36 v daily computer use for knowledge and alertness.
2018august lower legs h2o ‘normal’ with h2o pill begun 
2018 incontinence ‘healed’ from passing kidney stones and prostate problems,
2018 passed ’white’ kidney stones CT scan showed no stones hidden in kidney,  
2017dec prostate cancer radiation ’ten year cure' checked worn out back that showed on prostate MRI CT scans,
2017summer lower leg rash steroid salve may be sun related, even if only indirect -- however, Harv is a sun person
… Everglades area ER visit post “serious fall via trip-up”
2016 head skin cancer 'removed’ “got it all” with a five inch scar, 
2005~ both big toenails broken as bicyclist flew over front corner of car and landed big toenails first
many nutritional supplements seek to afford a balanced diet but non used in mega excess

probable calm/ease longevity complications:
constipation came after prostate cancer cure and may have caused a false positive FOBT -- using p.e.glycol,
chronic sensitive worn out back 2018 CT? bone scan v appropriate waist belt use, walk, rest, heat pad, …
… stock bar coolers, pin setting, bicycle
gym midriff injury with 80# on ab machine, re-injured domestically 2018week35, …
… 2018week38U walked 1.6 miles in CA, 2018week38A in FL injury at-bay via “defensive driving,”
HTN for decades: control finally in 2017 with 5Rx
self foot maintenance without a Doctor Podiatry Medicine 2018 referral

enthusiasm is the word of 2018week38 -- carried into week39:
with a repeat of Harv’s 1990s life vision
“Joy-Love-Freeing for Oneself-Another-Others in the context of a longer and more productive lifetime/life time,”


week 37 challenge: try life-phases differentiation for tome Table of Contents. phases in construction.

2018 September 15 post for week 37
scribbles of A Youthful Spirit  
the  LIFEWAY  of an 80 year old  --  --  -- domain 
week 37 challenge: try life-phases differentiation for tome Table of Contents. phase comments in construction.

flow weekly LIFEWAY

September w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal upbeat, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP.

weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW

39 -  teethProphy, PCP,  
38 -  dog-sit, fly to FL, 
37 -  dog-sit, heal upbeat,
36 -  dogs calm, heal ease,
35 -  dog-sit, back re-injury,
80th year week 37 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to  mend 102/639: 
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY  aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- book reads idle, got through Susan discussion despite 80yo slowness, first 80yo mental fog feeling,
HEALTHY AGING  by Mayo Clinic;
- lower leg care idle no compression socks, extensive heat on back, used supportive waist belt,  
- bicycle broke, walk employed, leg muscles ache, three month multiple back injury seems on the mend,
- fiber gives #4 stool but prepH does not stop hemorrhoid blood, WC case manager phone tag,
- flu shot raw broccoli midriff ache quell, Rx dual state WM txt errs resolved, added v8juice for K, 
- frozen yogurt binge held off for 12 days, initiated more sit for BM, acetaminophen used,
AS-SET NICETIES  support wellness; 
- not much from MORe scans, no gateway article integration yet, jeans’ belt chinch nixed, 42w button easy,
- fence fix quicker, heater fan for room, airport pickup ok, Susan more rLove, house-sit err free w/dog walks,
- any future visit to include tricycle, adjusted to flash drive loss, digitization via Photos, suspenders with jeans,
SOURCE/USE  of week’s hours;           simpler life yet more complex dreams, 
Sleep   10 h daily           same       week32-33was12-11hours but this month holds at 10daily, reason?
Health   7 h daily       took more   +6hours need for back rest v need for strength exercise,
As-set maintenance       less           -2h       life less tangled perhaps condensed “into a suitcase” has been better,
Visits (sociality)              less           -4h OSU football with Susan, dog retreated under bed because of noise,
  life phases show promise as tome organizer, SAD for last CA week.
again -- in construction -- but informative -- no choice as to what to do with this -- construction under this date continues
the calm slant is to permeate all life phases

The blog effort since June2018 satisfices -- next effort is to connect the blog to the tome, to lessen the scribble mess 
captured via Scrivener and MacBook Air since the 2005 period to permit rewrite.

Harv has gone through many phases in his lifetime, and looks to several more life-time phases. Week 36 mentioned
two current life phases as a start -- dog-sitter and car live-in:

--Dog-sit phase offers the opportunity for Harv to share calm and confidence with the vacationers and the dogs 
about their household. Sitting in Florida began 2000 and encompassed locations of 
sitting in Florida began 2000 and before that, Lake Nona pic,
--ESC calm phase --  this 2018 blog/tome development satisfices, an ingredient of wholly hours is to formulate an 
optimized QoL ease with a calm-down reaction 
to the opportunities that Harv’s WoL affords, the calm-down slower-in-time ingredient is mixed with opportunity 
rush to stabilize and enhance the PCP clinic prescription, specialist referrals, and followup; Harv’s WoL is supported 
by health services but not led by health services -- health services may say terminal death is imminent thus 
“do this now” -- however, Harv controls his WoL and quality in death -- unfortunately there is difficulty of questions 
of narrowly crafted directives that call for life change where Harv has to decide perhaps death from the terminal 
condition where that is acceptable to him.  Death could be his tool of life (the QoL until that death) but not the only 
--ESC hospice phase -- a terminal illness could be managed for a relatively seamless transition from the car-live-in 
phase to a hospice phase delimited by residual savings to several months.
--MORe phase -- Harv’s life-long characteristic was/is more, more education, more job challenge, more humans’ 
perspective, …  A daily Modus Operandi Routine (MOR) with Entertainment is MORe, specifically the review of 
websites BBC, NPR, CNN, and another. Articles for the tome result where the article is indexed as the sequential 
number assigned from the numerical list in a1817. 
--Entertainment phase -- vacation slides choose one
--Car-live-in phase began with cross country trips with his 1984 Honda Civic (a 385,000 mile sub-phase in itself that 
took him from Arndt Automation through transit of Chris’ dogs to Florida from Ohio).    
--ESC challenges, Harv’s life philosophy has a hierarchical definition of love -- respect, encouragement, challenge --
within ESC, the self is central, for Harv this means his normal daily reliance cannot be on another or others, he must 
look to himself. When challenge exceeds his ability and the look to others turns futile, he must step back to the 
encouragement and even to the respect level. His self respect grounds in the 1994 spirit command “mend your spirit
first 102/639” and the surrounding commands -- then “restlessness will return 30/639.” 
--Health clinic phase -- 2000 in Florida, 2015-2016 North Carolina health care a disaster, 2017 returned to Florida 
Community Health Centers with an internal recommendation finally controlled HTN but 2018 was overwhelmed
by referrals, refused DPM foot care, urology care still suspect with new urologist cancelling his appointment, 
--High/low health phase events, bicycle across MO, bicycle Cincinnati, 
--Educational degrees phase, post PhD, 
--Careers, engineer, accountant, vice president, business operator, consultant, administrator, teacher,
--Job resume -- typically chronological, different from week 37’s blog phased approach. The phases are freed from
chronology thus the narrative time-hops
--No-talk phase
--Marriage phase, premarital instruction by monsignor, Connie no-talk, PWP president, annulment, surgery, church 
ministries for singles, 
--Carnal phase, angry women reaction, 
--Bigby Hollow? Pauline called for a year,
--Contractual KC home shares, Williamsburg pic, Olathe pic, 
--College teacher
--College administrator
--Mid-life crisis phase: recovery: annulment, PWP, 20 ladies single marketplace, $ flows from men to women,
men die early “that’s the way it should be”, 
--Computers phase, 1980, Radio Shack on-the-job in TX, 2005 geek dumb, Harv is challenged many times beyond his 
ability, computers are at the forefront of Harv’s “restlessness” (see ESC challenge phase). As exercise phases wane
via old age, a computer 
--Photos, cameras, scribble with pix,
--Publish, editor function, scribble with pix, iBook an impossible challenge,
--Teacher, parochial school,
--Diet phases, 2018 daily InOut hamburger, binge under stress/celebration recidivism, 1970s air force regimen 

Exercise phases group: walk, hike, run, bicycle, scooter,

--Baseball/softball career phase, rib cage ace bandaged, 
--Distance bicycle phase, 
--Bicycle phases life-long, 1998 across MO, high school daily across Milwaukee, elementary out to the county lines,
--Walk phases, 


week 36 hobbles: a three-month backache; restart of flab-reduction as an ESC development (Elder Self Care).

From mid 2017, Harv has tested this Google based blog study as a lifeway betterment tool. The context was/is his 
2016 high-neck skin cancer followed by 2017 prostate cancer, and whatever next the terminal scare as uncovered 
by an accelerated ill-health chase.
--From this blog’s inception, calm/ease has been a common thread.
A current specific struggle is his chronic worn-out timid back from life phases of stocking bar-coolers, bowling-pin 
setting, life-long extensive bicycling, and three months ago doing reps 13-15 on the ab machine with 80#, under 
the aim of “no-pain/no-gain” -- current lower back status: vulnerable, perhaps until death. Along with increased 
referrals from his health clinic, is this calm/ease?
--Harv’s ESC calm/ease lifeway perspective has developed well during this current California visit. WellCare 
Florida (also available in California “with better care”) has assigned a Case Manager for Harv. Harv’s “case aim” 
seeks to further strengthen the calm/ease lifeway into any life-terminal-condition. He has rejected several referrals 
so far.
--He begins with the base idea of “do nothing” as an extreme version of “do no harm,” and to build his calm/ease 
choices from that premise. with the stress/anxiety of ill-health chase, unfortunately, his traditional calm action is 
still too-much associated with comfort eats. Contrarily, comfort talk has never been his tradition or a personal 
--Comfort movement(retreat)/peace/ has been engrained since early youth.

Harv’s life philosophy bases upon the ability of all emotions/feelings to ideate on the continuums of Joy-Sad, 
Love-Hate, and Freeing-Fear. The continuums can then be expressed as lines and a circle to be seen as a pie 
of life with varying sizes and slices. At the floating pie center is the oneself as the Point Of Choice To Action. 
Additionally, Harv believes that the human mind works 24/7, and in a most general sense, thinks awareness 
24/7, and thus acts directly/indirectly, including “do nothing.” 
--Importantly, Harv intends to “choose calm/ease” and to “do calm/ease.” For example, calm would facilitate better 
eats control and BMI longevity. Another example, Harv recently re-injured his back via a panic reaction rather than 
choosing calm. The calm action would not have been as easy -- on the other hand, his err was easy to do!

A possible life-end scenario is (1) continued Central Florida car live-in, although (2) geographically relocated due to 
further restriction of over-night parking. CHC health clinic service may be (3) Apopka with sea-shore/over-night at 
(4) New Smyrna Beach for wave-walk activity emphasis (gym?), then whenever (5) hospice (retirement home 
theoretically and conveniently eliminated). Emphasis on (6) extraordinary life-extension effort, contrary to calm/ease, 
is to be discouraged.
blog flow of weekly calm/ease LIFEWAY

2019 continue PCP 3mo afflictions/death watch, encouraged DeBary Fall vacation trip,
November-December  tome scribble, relocate life operation, w44 flyCA? w45 holidaysCA?
October      w40 DDS, w41 eyes, w42 Chris49Amber7, w43 digitize few slides in RIM,
September w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal ease, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP urology.
August        w31 PCP, w32 suitcase, w33 assimilation, w34 flyCA, bicycle,

weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW

39 -  teethProphy, PCP, urology incontinence, 
38 -  dog-sit, fly to FL, 
37 -  dog-sit, heal ease,
36 -  dogs calm, heal ease,
35 -  dog-sit, back re-injury,
80th year week 36 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to  mend 102/639: 
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY  aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- MORe minimized, article1696 identified as a tome content/index gateway, 
- first instance of mental fog feeling
HEALTHY AGING  by Mayo Clinic;
- very tired Friday, much tv/heat pad use, back remains tentative, dogs walked 6 of 7 days, 
- compression socks all week for minor swell, 40waist jeans chinch 4 notches, lower legs sun rash?
- flu shot or ‘raw’ broccoli belly aches, taster off kilter, eyesight marginal, 
- hemorrhoid bleed heal goes from salve to suppositories, p.e.glycol increased to heap cap, twice daily BM, 
- WellCare case manager plays phone tag, added V8 for K loss via h2o pill, several binges,
AS-SET NICETIES  support wellness; 
- Kindle fix, dual computers at In/Out, computer uses table, vac dog dust bunnies, license sticker fixed
SOURCE/USE  of week’s hours;           "Perfectionists" and “Coddling” book-reads dormant,
Sleep   10 h daily           same       +1h issue resolution tools: heat pad and H.suppositories,
Health   6 h daily        took less     -3hours walks and less eats associate but not causal, posture great,
As-set maintenance     took less     -6h       satisfactory tv entertainment, book-reads too serious,
Visits (sociality)             more        +8h going with the dogs life-flow, mainly their walks,
  dogs join to share Harv’s room, Sasha even with bed snooze.