Harv’s 80yo age afflictions that may grow to terminal condition:
2018 chronic worn-out timid back:
:stocking bar-coolers, bowling-pin setting, life-long extensive bicycling
2018 finally lower-legs normal with water pill
2018 foot maintenance without DPM
2018 kidney stones incontinence dormant and CT clear
2017 prostate cancer 'ten year cure'
2017 finally HTN control with five Rx
2016 head skin-cancer 'removed'
2005~ big toenails broken in bicycle crash with auto
1984 two colostomies successful reconnection
blog flow of weekly calm/ease LIFEWAY
2019 continue PCP 3mo afflictions/death watch, encouraged DeBary Fall vacation trip, ...
November-December tome rewrite scribble, w44 flyCA, w45 holidaysCA,
October w40 DDS, w41 eyes, w42 Chris49Amber7, w43 digitize few slides in RIM,
September w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs, w37 dogs, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP urology,
August w31 PCP, w32 suitcase, w33 assimilation, w34 flyCA, bicycle,
weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW
39 - teethProphy, PCP, urology incontenance,
38 - flyFL,
37 - dog-sit, back rest,
36 - dog-sit, back rest,
35 - dog-sit, back re-injury,
34 - flyCA, dog-sit, daily bicycle surprise,
33 - RIM glean, RIM assimilation into suitcase,
32 - suitcase/closet, glean RIM, iCloud Drive backup, excessive referrals cancelled,
31 - PCP, new inverter, new wallet, 1st FL laundry,
80th year week 35 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity:
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- 40 jeans button/WALK dogs, ESC article 1696 for blog to oneself-tome gateway,
- afflictions bring frozen yogurt chips cake treats, daily In/Out 4x4,
- ["to mend spirit command" 102 references proportion of total "spirit commands" references of 639],
- ["to mend spirit command" 102 references proportion of total "spirit commands" references of 639],
- worn back tentative, hip side trunk muscles sore, cap heap p.e.glycol may be optimum,
- extended bicycle w/belt (Tmobile ok Walmart Rx), Sue dog panic backache buys heat pad,
- foot care success, no compression socks & no swell (3weeks h2o pill), no c.almonds orals success,
AS-SET NICETIES support wellness;
- new table/chair does ESC with Susan TV/Greg, vacuumed halls/house most days,
SOURCE/USE of week’s hours; "Perfectionists" book read dormant,
Sleep 10 h daily same +1h do BM times, blogged affliction issues become stability,
Health 6 h daily took less -15hours issues bring binges, THREE MONTH BACKACHE,
As-set maintenance took more +12h tv w/heat pad, house 74 to 76F,
Visits (sociality) more +2h Susan respectLove, sharesFoodFreshenerCar,
dog in room incompatibility causes couch sleep.