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week 36 hobbles: a three-month backache; restart of flab-reduction as an ESC development (Elder Self Care).

From mid 2017, Harv has tested this Google based blog study as a lifeway betterment tool. The context was/is his 
2016 high-neck skin cancer followed by 2017 prostate cancer, and whatever next the terminal scare as uncovered 
by an accelerated ill-health chase.
--From this blog’s inception, calm/ease has been a common thread.
A current specific struggle is his chronic worn-out timid back from life phases of stocking bar-coolers, bowling-pin 
setting, life-long extensive bicycling, and three months ago doing reps 13-15 on the ab machine with 80#, under 
the aim of “no-pain/no-gain” -- current lower back status: vulnerable, perhaps until death. Along with increased 
referrals from his health clinic, is this calm/ease?
--Harv’s ESC calm/ease lifeway perspective has developed well during this current California visit. WellCare 
Florida (also available in California “with better care”) has assigned a Case Manager for Harv. Harv’s “case aim” 
seeks to further strengthen the calm/ease lifeway into any life-terminal-condition. He has rejected several referrals 
so far.
--He begins with the base idea of “do nothing” as an extreme version of “do no harm,” and to build his calm/ease 
choices from that premise. with the stress/anxiety of ill-health chase, unfortunately, his traditional calm action is 
still too-much associated with comfort eats. Contrarily, comfort talk has never been his tradition or a personal 
--Comfort movement(retreat)/peace/ has been engrained since early youth.

Harv’s life philosophy bases upon the ability of all emotions/feelings to ideate on the continuums of Joy-Sad, 
Love-Hate, and Freeing-Fear. The continuums can then be expressed as lines and a circle to be seen as a pie 
of life with varying sizes and slices. At the floating pie center is the oneself as the Point Of Choice To Action. 
Additionally, Harv believes that the human mind works 24/7, and in a most general sense, thinks awareness 
24/7, and thus acts directly/indirectly, including “do nothing.” 
--Importantly, Harv intends to “choose calm/ease” and to “do calm/ease.” For example, calm would facilitate better 
eats control and BMI longevity. Another example, Harv recently re-injured his back via a panic reaction rather than 
choosing calm. The calm action would not have been as easy -- on the other hand, his err was easy to do!

A possible life-end scenario is (1) continued Central Florida car live-in, although (2) geographically relocated due to 
further restriction of over-night parking. CHC health clinic service may be (3) Apopka with sea-shore/over-night at 
(4) New Smyrna Beach for wave-walk activity emphasis (gym?), then whenever (5) hospice (retirement home 
theoretically and conveniently eliminated). Emphasis on (6) extraordinary life-extension effort, contrary to calm/ease, 
is to be discouraged.
blog flow of weekly calm/ease LIFEWAY

2019 continue PCP 3mo afflictions/death watch, encouraged DeBary Fall vacation trip,
November-December  tome scribble, relocate life operation, w44 flyCA? w45 holidaysCA?
October      w40 DDS, w41 eyes, w42 Chris49Amber7, w43 digitize few slides in RIM,
September w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal ease, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP urology.
August        w31 PCP, w32 suitcase, w33 assimilation, w34 flyCA, bicycle,

weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW

39 -  teethProphy, PCP, urology incontinence, 
38 -  dog-sit, fly to FL, 
37 -  dog-sit, heal ease,
36 -  dogs calm, heal ease,
35 -  dog-sit, back re-injury,
80th year week 36 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to  mend 102/639: 
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY  aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- MORe minimized, article1696 identified as a tome content/index gateway, 
- first instance of mental fog feeling
HEALTHY AGING  by Mayo Clinic;
- very tired Friday, much tv/heat pad use, back remains tentative, dogs walked 6 of 7 days, 
- compression socks all week for minor swell, 40waist jeans chinch 4 notches, lower legs sun rash?
- flu shot or ‘raw’ broccoli belly aches, taster off kilter, eyesight marginal, 
- hemorrhoid bleed heal goes from salve to suppositories, p.e.glycol increased to heap cap, twice daily BM, 
- WellCare case manager plays phone tag, added V8 for K loss via h2o pill, several binges,
AS-SET NICETIES  support wellness; 
- Kindle fix, dual computers at In/Out, computer uses table, vac dog dust bunnies, license sticker fixed
SOURCE/USE  of week’s hours;           "Perfectionists" and “Coddling” book-reads dormant,
Sleep   10 h daily           same       +1h issue resolution tools: heat pad and H.suppositories,
Health   6 h daily        took less     -3hours walks and less eats associate but not causal, posture great,
As-set maintenance     took less     -6h       satisfactory tv entertainment, book-reads too serious,
Visits (sociality)             more        +8h going with the dogs life-flow, mainly their walks,
  dogs join to share Harv’s room, Sasha even with bed snooze.