2018 September 15 post for week 37
scribbles of A Youthful Spirit
the LIFEWAY of an 80 year old -- DocHarvOtto@me.com -- http://happyharvotto.blogspot.com -- HarvOtto.us domain
week 37 challenge: try life-phases differentiation for tome Table of Contents. phase comments in construction.
flow weekly LIFEWAY
September w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal upbeat, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP.
weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW
39 - teethProphy, PCP,
38 - dog-sit, fly to FL,
37 - dog-sit, heal upbeat,
36 - dogs calm, heal ease,
35 - dog-sit, back re-injury,
80th year week 37 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to mend 102/639:
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- book reads idle, got through Susan discussion despite 80yo slowness, first 80yo mental fog feeling,
HEALTHY AGING by Mayo Clinic;
- lower leg care idle no compression socks, extensive heat on back, used supportive waist belt,
- bicycle broke, walk employed, leg muscles ache, three month multiple back injury seems on the mend,
- fiber gives #4 stool but prepH does not stop hemorrhoid blood, WC case manager phone tag,
- flu shot raw broccoli midriff ache quell, Rx dual state WM txt errs resolved, added v8juice for K,
- frozen yogurt binge held off for 12 days, initiated more sit for BM, acetaminophen used,
AS-SET NICETIES support wellness;
- not much from MORe scans, no gateway article integration yet, jeans’ belt chinch nixed, 42w button easy,
- fence fix quicker, heater fan for room, airport pickup ok, Susan more rLove, house-sit err free w/dog walks,
- any future visit to include tricycle, adjusted to flash drive loss, digitization via Photos, suspenders with jeans,
SOURCE/USE of week’s hours; simpler life yet more complex dreams,
Sleep 10 h daily same week32-33was12-11hours but this month holds at 10daily, reason?
Health 7 h daily took more +6hours need for back rest v need for strength exercise,
As-set maintenance less -2h life less tangled perhaps condensed “into a suitcase” has been better,
Visits (sociality) less -4h OSU football with Susan, dog retreated under bed because of noise,
life phases show promise as tome organizer, SAD for last CA week.
again -- in construction -- but informative -- no choice as to what to do with this -- construction under this date continues
the calm slant is to permeate all life phases
The blog effort since June2018 satisfices -- next effort is to connect the blog to the tome, to lessen the scribble mess
captured via Scrivener and MacBook Air since the 2005 period to permit rewrite.
Harv has gone through many phases in his lifetime, and looks to several more life-time phases. Week 36 mentioned
two current life phases as a start -- dog-sitter and car live-in:
--Dog-sit phase offers the opportunity for Harv to share calm and confidence with the vacationers and the dogs
about their household. Sitting in Florida began 2000 and encompassed locations of
sitting in Florida began 2000 and before that, Lake Nona pic,
--ESC calm phase -- this 2018 blog/tome development satisfices, an ingredient of wholly hours is to formulate an
optimized QoL ease with a calm-down reaction
to the opportunities that Harv’s WoL affords, the calm-down slower-in-time ingredient is mixed with opportunity
rush to stabilize and enhance the PCP clinic prescription, specialist referrals, and followup; Harv’s WoL is supported
by health services but not led by health services -- health services may say terminal death is imminent thus
“do this now” -- however, Harv controls his WoL and quality in death -- unfortunately there is difficulty of questions
of narrowly crafted directives that call for life change where Harv has to decide perhaps death from the terminal
condition where that is acceptable to him. Death could be his tool of life (the QoL until that death) but not the only
--ESC hospice phase -- a terminal illness could be managed for a relatively seamless transition from the car-live-in
phase to a hospice phase delimited by residual savings to several months.
--MORe phase -- Harv’s life-long characteristic was/is more, more education, more job challenge, more humans’
perspective, … A daily Modus Operandi Routine (MOR) with Entertainment is MORe, specifically the review of
websites BBC, NPR, CNN, and another. Articles for the tome result where the article is indexed as the sequential
number assigned from the numerical list in a1817.
--Entertainment phase -- vacation slides choose one
--Car-live-in phase began with cross country trips with his 1984 Honda Civic (a 385,000 mile sub-phase in itself that
took him from Arndt Automation through transit of Chris’ dogs to Florida from Ohio).
--ESC challenges, Harv’s life philosophy has a hierarchical definition of love -- respect, encouragement, challenge --
within ESC, the self is central, for Harv this means his normal daily reliance cannot be on another or others, he must
look to himself. When challenge exceeds his ability and the look to others turns futile, he must step back to the
encouragement and even to the respect level. His self respect grounds in the 1994 spirit command “mend your spirit
first 102/639” and the surrounding commands -- then “restlessness will return 30/639.”
--Health clinic phase -- 2000 in Florida, 2015-2016 North Carolina health care a disaster, 2017 returned to Florida
Community Health Centers with an internal recommendation finally controlled HTN but 2018 was overwhelmed
by referrals, refused DPM foot care, urology care still suspect with new urologist cancelling his appointment,
--High/low health phase events, bicycle across MO, bicycle Cincinnati,
--Educational degrees phase, post PhD,
--Careers, engineer, accountant, vice president, business operator, consultant, administrator, teacher,
--Job resume -- typically chronological, different from week 37’s blog phased approach. The phases are freed from
chronology thus the narrative time-hops
--No-talk phase
--Marriage phase, premarital instruction by monsignor, Connie no-talk, PWP president, annulment, surgery, church
ministries for singles,
--Carnal phase, angry women reaction,
--Bigby Hollow? Pauline called for a year,
--Contractual KC home shares, Williamsburg pic, Olathe pic,
--College teacher
--College administrator
--Mid-life crisis phase: recovery: annulment, PWP, 20 ladies single marketplace, $ flows from men to women,
men die early “that’s the way it should be”,
--Computers phase, 1980, Radio Shack on-the-job in TX, 2005 geek dumb, Harv is challenged many times beyond his
ability, computers are at the forefront of Harv’s “restlessness” (see ESC challenge phase). As exercise phases wane
via old age, a computer
--Photos, cameras, scribble with pix,
--Publish, editor function, scribble with pix, iBook an impossible challenge,
--Teacher, parochial school,
--Diet phases, 2018 daily InOut hamburger, binge under stress/celebration recidivism, 1970s air force regimen
Exercise phases group: walk, hike, run, bicycle, scooter,
--Baseball/softball career phase, rib cage ace bandaged,
--Distance bicycle phase,
--Bicycle phases life-long, 1998 across MO, high school daily across Milwaukee, elementary out to the county lines,
--Walk phases,