flow weekly LIFEWAY
September w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal upbeat, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP.
weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW
39 - teethProphy, PCP,
38 - dog-sit, fly to FL,
37 - dog-sit, heal upbeat,
36 - dogs calm, heal ease,
35 - dog-sit, back re-injury,
80th year week 38 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to mend 102/639:
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- aim calm to permeate all life phases, AirPods loss thru airport security was memory lapse,
HEALTHY AGING by Mayo Clinic;
- no more aspirin, added Probiotic via PharmD,
- suppositories quiet hemorrhoids, heat pad quiets back, 'lettuce' on outer stool disappears, initiate more BM sit,
- cut finger on fan,
AS-SET NICETIES support wellness;
- went to 42waist jeans and suspenders disconnected from weight loss, enthusiasm threads to joy,
- CA bicycle with belt goes to 2019 tricycle, CA residuals closet and cabinet,
SOURCE/USE of week’s hours; move back into FL should result in clearer life/death operation,
Sleep 11 h daily took more +5h Florida sleep ballooned to 15h daily but sweet dreams persist,
Health 7 h daily took more +4hours 1.6 mile walk was break out from three month back injury,
As-set maintenance less -8h checked deep cycle battery and greased door seals, need plugs,
Visits (sociality) less -1h packed CA and returned to FL, Robert’s free long term parking,
corrected financial transactions with Chris and Susan.
Harv treats these health care issues seriously “on his own” with ‘OTC’ methods -- but they are visible for PCP interdiction.
Elder Self Care elaboration:
… in construction similar to life-phases narrative in week 37 blog.
no longevity threat but possible recurrence worry or second guessing:
lower leg compression stockings used periodically, in addition to a ‘water’ pill daily
exercise breathing 4-12 count must also be done when stifled in bed until respiration is automatic,
2018sept dizziness from numerous Rx countered by “defensive driving” of Harv’s lifeway -- hydration, acets, …
… ‘connected’ to pill consumption thrice daily, past reaction was “tired-nap” but sleep down to 10h daily from 12h,
2018week38 dropped aspirin and began probiotic reacting to FOBT false positive and general GI betterment,
mental-function-fog first awareness instance 2018week36 v daily computer use for knowledge and alertness.
2018august lower legs h2o ‘normal’ with h2o pill begun
2018 incontinence ‘healed’ from passing kidney stones and prostate problems,
2018 passed ’white’ kidney stones CT scan showed no stones hidden in kidney,
2017dec prostate cancer radiation ’ten year cure' checked worn out back that showed on prostate MRI CT scans,
2017summer lower leg rash steroid salve may be sun related, even if only indirect -- however, Harv is a sun person
… Everglades area ER visit post “serious fall via trip-up”
2016 head skin cancer 'removed’ “got it all” with a five inch scar,
2005~ both big toenails broken as bicyclist flew over front corner of car and landed big toenails first
many nutritional supplements seek to afford a balanced diet but non used in mega excess
probable calm/ease longevity complications:
constipation came after prostate cancer cure and may have caused a false positive FOBT -- using p.e.glycol,
chronic sensitive worn out back 2018 CT? bone scan v appropriate waist belt use, walk, rest, heat pad, …
… stock bar coolers, pin setting, bicycle
gym midriff injury with 80# on ab machine, re-injured domestically 2018week35, …
… 2018week38U walked 1.6 miles in CA, 2018week38A in FL injury at-bay via “defensive driving,”
HTN for decades: control finally in 2017 with 5Rx
self foot maintenance without a Doctor Podiatry Medicine 2018 referral
enthusiasm is the word of 2018week38 -- carried into week39:
with a repeat of Harv’s 1990s life vision:
“Joy-Love-Freeing for Oneself-Another-Others in the context of a longer and more productive lifetime/life time,”