flow weekly LIFEWAY
2019 continue PCP 3mo afflictions/death watch, encouraged DeBary Africa vacation trip,
April-May w16-w20 DeBary in Yellowstone.
December w48 w49 w50 flyCA? w51 w52 Susan Xmas?
November w44 tome QoL scribble, w45 PCP, w46 w47.
October w40 anti ESC threat, w41 , w42 digitize few slides in RIM, w43 DDS eyes.
September w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal upbeat, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP plugs brakes.
August w31 PCP, w32 suitcase, w33 assimilation, w34 flyCA, bicycle,
weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW
43 - DDS, eyes,
42 - digitize few slides in RIM,
41 - ,
40 - NC pep, treadmill posture,
80th year week 40 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to mend 102/639:
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- keep moving to digitization, referrals shunned, tweaked diet,
HEALTHY AGING by Mayo Clinic;
- ‘feel’ waves come/go, whiteners end, fingertip fan cut healed, treadmill week boosted posture,
- began WM probiotic 3 daily, compression socks on, fiber lessened by soft stool, suppository neglect,
AS-SET NICETIES support wellness;
- was ready for Bob challenge, fixed RIM door seal, replaced failed fan, app updates,
SOURCE/USE of week’s hours; may have lost “the will to live,” perhaps post Kavanaugh locus,
Sleep 12 h daily took more +14h apparently 150 minutes of treadmill took a toll on the 80yo,
Health 7 h daily took less -12hours shaped into 20minute treadmill durations, GLEAN, READ,
As-set maintenance took less -5h faced the problem of new suitcase/closet position in trunk,
Visits (sociality) took more +3h several chapters of “apprentice” book, Bob pops Sonny invite,
permeate calm/ease into the will to live a wholistic 80yo life time (Tony muse).
week 40 challenge: With unfavorable medical news “not long for this world,” aim enthusiasm at CNN treadmill exercise.
Harv has long viewed blood donation as evidence of reasonable health -- last week Harv was rejected twice. His Elder Self
Care (ESC) is not functional. Therefore he works on just ONE primary thing at a time -- this week it is EXERCISE.
SUCCESS. That is what enthusiastic focus actualized. However, his 80yo legs and butt complain! What now if he
refocuses upon his wholeistic body fat (Tony’s alcohol bloat below) -- over weeks, not just the EXERCISE result of one week.
https://www.yourtango.com/2018314165/why-did-anthony-bourdain-commit-suicide-5-sad-details-about-bourdains-death-addiction “I became successful in my 40s. I became a dad in my 50s. I feel like I’ve stolen a car - a really nice car - and I keep looking in the rearview mirror for flashing lights. But there’s been nothing yet.” He went on to visit a therapist and talk about his relationship with food and how it sometimes sends him into a depression. “I will find myself in an airport, for instance, and I'll order an airport hamburger. It's an insignificant thing, it's a small thing, it's a hamburger, but it's not a good one,” he explained to the therapist. “Suddenly I look at the hamburger and I find myself in a spiral of depression that can last for days." Bourdain admitted to his therapist that he felt like “a freak,” further explaining that he felt isolated. "I communicate for a living, but I'm terrible with communicating with people I care about,” he said. “I'm good with my daughter. An eight-year-old is about my level of communication skills, so that works out. But beyond, that I'm really terrible." "I tell stories for a living. I write books. I make television,” he said. “A reasonable person does not believe that you are so interesting that people will watch you on television. I think this is evidence of a narcissistic personality disorder to start with.” Malkin (psychologist) explains on his website. “If you do not trust that you can depend on people for love, for caring, connection, you're going to have to soothe yourself some other way. You can soothe yourself with narcissism, you can soothe yourself with a drug addiction.”
https://www.businessinsider.com/anthony-bourdain-interview-regrets-shame-unhappy-the-guardian-2018-6 Speaking to The Guardian in January 2017, Bourdain reflected … "I was an unhappy soul, with a huge heroin and then crack problem. I hurt, disappointed, and offended …” He also said he was, "in much better shape than I've probably ever been," adding: "I travel 250 days a year. I'm lean, my alcohol bloat has gone, and I do Brazilian jiu-jitsu every day."
What then is the way that Harv soothes his self. (1) Sexuality wanes as age marches on. (2) Harv blogs his lifetime reality for the purpose
of oneself betterment with the spirit of Joy-Love-Freeing for Oneself-Another-Others. For example, week 40 emphasizes exercise
that has too little effective emphasis life-long. That is, 265# reaction to 2017 prostate cancer -- where 245# in 2018 week 39 seems
too little too late a recoup. In week 40, exercise in real time daily is a priority -- evidence is 20 minutes on treadmill with 90s pulse.
The test of each future week in turn is a below normal weight actualized. Treadmill visits have been up to three in a day!
The ‘simple’ stuff first then Harv can entertain the impact of specialist referrals. Otherwise he simply dies early from refusing to
lose weight.
ENTHUSIASM. In week 40, Harv binged, but also cut his daily diet routine. He tries new tweaks to take the “daily treadmill”
into an eventual normal weight actualization in as few weeks as possible into 2019 AND free of medical industry orientation --
specialists’ referrals are on hold. Also, a change in PCP develops along with a life style change to beach orientation away from
the “city rush/pressure/stress.” He intends to die with calm/ease NOT attempting hurdles of perhaps-longevity-betterment.
He wants calm/ease this week. And is it too much to want that in every week to include any terminal illness.