flow weekly LIFEWAY
2020 possible DeBary Africa vacation.
May -w20 DeBary in Yellowstone.
April w16- DeBary in Yellowstone.
2019 continue PCP 3mo afflictions/terminals watch, continue Harv’s OTC afflictions control.
April w14 w15 DeBary in Yellowstone, w16 w17.
March w09 w10 w11 w12 w13.
February w05 w06 w07 flyFL, w08.
January w01 w02 w03 w04.
December w48 digitals pushed out again, w49 w50 flyCA, w51 w52 Susan Xmas.
November w44 QoL tome scribble, w45 PCP, w46 Harv Thanksgiving, eyes, w47 blood donation.
October w40 exercise, w41 wholeness, w42 cell signal booster, w43 flat and newTires.
September w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal upbeat, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP plugs brakes.
August w31 PCP, w32 suitcase, w33 assimilation, w34 flyCA, bicycle.
July w27 exitCA, w28 donateBlood, w29 Tmobile, w30 bloodPCP.
June w22: into38jeans, w23; CAhome, w24; selfHEAL, w25; TestPack, w26; HIdogCare.
May w18: backupAir, w19; Nancy?dogs, w20; reinvent; w21 seclusion.
April w14: DeBaryH.care, w15; muscleCrampsPAINw11on, w16; CA h.care, w17; stonesPass.
March w13: PCP aims protein, carbs, 6m no b.donate, at least walk for 80#overweight42jeans.
weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW
43 - DDSdelay, newTires,
42 - cell-signal booster, shorts week,
41 - exercised wholeness, RIM as-set up-and-coming,
40 - NC pep, treadmill posture exercise,
80th year week 43 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to mend 102/639:
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- Susan feeds Harv’s “forward facing/looking” philosophy w/two-month CA visit invitation, voted,
HEALTHY AGING by Mayo Clinic;
- x2o, BMs need opportunity, 100minutes of treadmill seem a ceiling, added V8s for potassium,
- two headache occurrences, stress attack over new tires difficulty, eating 3/4hours fights depression,
- ‘as needed’ water pill tests, several mcDoubles work way into FL diet, no frozen yogurt binges,
- whole grain crackers added to diet, cocoa almonds continue, gave up New Smyrna Beach circuit,
AS-SET NICETIES support wellness;
- viewed awesome HD tv, txts on the child/grandchild level, failed sim card replaced, booster marginal.
SOURCE/USE of week’s hours; sleep withdrawal learned life long not considered depression,
Sleep 11 h daily took less -2hours (3) ‘cold’ has come to FL, sleep suit priority challenge,
Health 7 h daily same DDS delayed for higher tech w/geriatric recommendation,
As-set maintenance same (1) flat tire required new tires not unexpected,
Visits (sociality) took more +2h (2) Susan makes xmas flights, Lance monitors Amber boots,
’stable’ week is welcome for ‘room’ for surprises/difficulty (1-4), lost track of life time (4), some good scribble.
week 43 challenge: tome scribble is correct, but is wol, as in programming, yet generally applicable outside programming.
Two weeks ago Harv began to chew two pieces of gum. In his youth the tradition was one-half a stick. Now, two is
In general, Harv’s Quality of Life (QoL) is better depicted as Way of Life (WoL) with wol implications.
Last week’s ‘bottom line’ referenced imperfection. The Japanese way of dealing with perfection is wabi-sabi.
Lily Crossley-Baxter (22 October 2018) http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20181021-japans-unusual-way-to-view
-the-world “The aesthetics of wabi-sabi opened our eyes to everyday life and gave us a method of
handling what is common in an uncommon, aesthetic way,” Prof Otabe said, highlighting the importance of
acceptance in Japanese culture, a society forced to contend with devastating natural disasters on a semi-regular basis.
Rather than casting nature solely as a dangerous and destructive force, it helps frame it as a source of beauty, to be
appreciated on the smallest of levels. It becomes a provider of colors, designs and patterns, a source of inspiration,
and a force to work alongside, rather than against. It is the inevitable mortality embound in nature, however, that is
key to a true understanding of wabi-sabi. As author Andrew Juniper notes in his book Wabi Sabi: The Japanese Art
of Impermanence, “It… uses the uncompromising touch of mortality to focus the mind on the exquisite transient
beauty to be found in all things impermanent.” Alone, natural patterns are merely pretty, but in understanding their
context as transient items that highlight our own awareness of impermanence and death, they become profound.
Harv’s key words/phrases are acceptance, a source of inspiration, and a force to work alongside, rather than against.
These keys aid to unlock Harv’s way of life choices (WoL, Harv’s tome scribble is wol -- write-only language).
Regardless, he scribbles wabi-sabi.