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week 43 (a) daily gym is short, (b) enough calm/ease instilled for failed tires, but (c) more calm/ease needed face forward.


flow weekly LIFEWAY

2020 possible DeBary Africa vacation.
May -w20 DeBary in Yellowstone.
April w16- DeBary in Yellowstone.

2019 continue PCP 3mo afflictions/terminals watch, continue Harv’s OTC afflictions control. 
April           w14  w15 DeBary in Yellowstone, w16  w17.
March         w09  w10  w11  w12  w13.
February     w05  w06  w07 flyFL, w08. 
January       w01  w02  w03  w04. 
December   w48 digitals pushed out again, w49  w50 flyCA, w51  w52 Susan Xmas.
November  w44 QoL tome scribble,  w45 PCP,  w46 Harv Thanksgiving, eyes, w47 blood donation.
October      w40 exercise, w41 wholeness, w42 cell signal booster, w43 flat and newTires.
September  w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal upbeat, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP plugs brakes.
August        w31 PCP, w32 suitcase, w33 assimilation, w34 flyCA, bicycle.
July             w27 exitCA, w28 donateBlood, w29 Tmobile, w30 bloodPCP.
June            w22: into38jeans, w23; CAhome, w24; selfHEAL, w25; TestPack, w26; HIdogCare.
May            w18: backupAir, w19; Nancy?dogs, w20; reinvent; w21 seclusion.
April       w14:, w15; muscleCrampsPAINw11on, w16; CA, w17; stonesPass.
March     w13: PCP aims protein, carbs, 6m no b.donate, at least walk for 80#overweight42jeans.

weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW
43 -  DDSdelay, newTires,
42 -  cell-signal booster, shorts week,
41 -  exercised wholeness, RIM as-set up-and-coming,
40 -  NC pep, treadmill posture exercise,
80th year week 43 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to  mend 102/639: 
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY  aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- Susan feeds Harv’s “forward facing/looking” philosophy w/two-month CA visit invitation, voted,
HEALTHY AGING  by Mayo Clinic;
- x2o, BMs need opportunity, 100minutes of treadmill seem a ceiling, added V8s for potassium, 
- two headache occurrences, stress attack over new tires difficulty, eating 3/4hours fights depression,
- ‘as needed’ water pill tests,  several mcDoubles work way into FL diet, no frozen yogurt binges, 
- whole grain crackers added to diet, cocoa almonds continue, gave up New Smyrna Beach circuit,
AS-SET NICETIES  support wellness; 
- viewed awesome HD tv, txts on the child/grandchild level, failed sim card replaced, booster marginal.
SOURCE/USE  of week’s hours;           sleep withdrawal learned life long not considered depression,
Sleep   11 h daily        took less      -2hours   (3) ‘cold’ has come to FL, sleep suit priority challenge,
Health   7 h daily           same   DDS delayed for higher tech w/geriatric recommendation,
As-set maintenance        same             (1) flat tire required new tires not unexpected,
Visits (sociality)           took more    +2h (2) Susan makes xmas flights, Lance monitors Amber boots,
’stable’ week is welcome for ‘room’ for surprises/difficulty (1-4), lost track of life time (4), some good scribble. 
week 43  challenge:  tome scribble is correct, but is wol, as in programming, yet generally applicable outside programming.

Two weeks ago Harv began to chew two pieces of gum. In his youth the tradition was one-half a stick. Now, two is

In general, Harv’s Quality of Life (QoL) is better depicted as Way of Life (WoL) with wol implications.

Last week’s ‘bottom line’ referenced imperfection.  The Japanese way of dealing with perfection is wabi-sabi.

-the-world “The aesthetics of wabi-sabi opened our eyes to everyday life and gave us a method of 
handling what is common in an uncommon, aesthetic way,” Prof Otabe said, highlighting the importance of 
acceptance in Japanese culture, a society forced to contend with devastating natural disasters on a semi-regular basis. 
Rather than casting nature solely as a dangerous and destructive force, it helps frame it as a source of beauty, to be 
appreciated on the smallest of levels. It becomes a provider of colors, designs and patterns, a source of inspiration
and a force to work alongside, rather than against.  It is the inevitable mortality embound in nature, however, that is 
key to a true understanding of wabi-sabi. As author Andrew Juniper notes in his book Wabi Sabi: The Japanese Art 
of Impermanence, “It… uses the uncompromising touch of mortality to focus the mind on the exquisite transient 
beauty to be found in all things impermanent.” Alone, natural patterns are merely pretty, but in understanding their 
context as transient items that highlight our own awareness of impermanence and death, they become profound.

Harv’s key words/phrases are acceptance, a source of inspiration, and a force to work alongside, rather than against.
These keys aid to unlock Harv’s way of life choices (WoL, Harv’s tome scribble is wol -- write-only language).
Regardless, he scribbles wabi-sabi.



week 42 (a) tried again to skirt diet principles, (b) not yet tuned to daily gym, but (c) looking to more as-set improvement.


flow weekly LIFEWAY

2020 possible DeBary Africa vacation.
May -w20 DeBary in Yellowstone.
April w16- DeBary in Yellowstone.
2019 continue PCP 3mo afflictions/death watch, continue Harv’s OTC afflictions control. 
December   w48 digitals pushed out again, w49  w50 flyCA? w51  w52 Susan Xmas?
November  w44 QoL tome scribble,  w45 PCP,  w46 Thanksgiving by Harv, eyes, w47 blood donation.
October      w40 exercise, w41 wholeness, w42 booster, w43 DDS.
September  w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal upbeat, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP plugs brakes.
August        w31 PCP, w32 suitcase, w33 assimilation, w34 flyCA, bicycle.
July             w27 exitCA, w28 donateBlood, w29 Tmobile, w30 bloodPCP.
June            w22: into38jeans, w23; CAhome, w24; selfHEAL, w25; TestPack, w26; HIdogCare.
May            w18: backupAir, w19; Nancy?dogs, w20; reinvent; w21 seclusion.
April       w14:, w15; muscleCrampsPAINw11on, w16; CA, w17; stonesPass.
March     w13: PCP aims protein, carbs, 6m no b.donate, at least walk for 80#overweight42jeans.

weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW
43 -  DDS, beach walks,
42 -  cell-signal booster, shorts week,
41 -  exercised wholeness, RIM as-set up-and-coming,
40 -  NC pep, treadmill posture exercise,
80th year week 42 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to  mend 102/639: 
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY  aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- defined lifestyle by way of anti depression principles, shorts week,
HEALTHY AGING  by Mayo Clinic;
- h2o pills stopped via refill denial, nixed anti inflammatory trial, leg swell left to mechanicals, 
AS-SET NICETIES  support wellness; 
- surf 19hours aided by cell signal booster via 16hours, travel to Osteen/Publix glimpsed freeing,
- Chris assures Lance not in trouble but silenced, updates to 12.0.1 where cell net needed reset.
SOURCE/USE  of week’s hours;           tried to squeeze COMFORT FOOD into diet,
Sleep   11 h daily          same               a surprise laughter dream,
Health   7 h daily       took more    +3hours both V8s in diet, BM fiber stable,
As-set maintenance    took less       -1h       exercise stuck at 100minutes treadmill,
Visits (sociality)           took less       -2h Susan teases on holiday flights,
“life easy if I were perfect.” 
week 42 challenge

Problem:  apart from, and in precedence to health failures and specialists, routine health care tasks are not 
consistently and conscientiously carried out -- ease defeats betterment.  For example, daily treadmill is skipped.  
treadmill is the solution to exercise deficit.  however, blood donation and lower leg swell are also deficits that 
need to be solved, not skipped -- until these and other solutions, regular treadmill exercise is subject to convenient 
ease so that ALL can be at ease at the same time (treadmill, donation, swell, fiber, RxOTCpills, teeth, nans, almonds, 
protein, residence, as-set, intellect, celebration, carryIns…) -- a lot to tend for an 80yo who must also maintain his 
residence et al.

Solution:  do ALL together with calm/ease -- but to get “all those tasks running together on time, a life complexity 
must be recognized and woven into practical operations.”

-microsoft-he-changed-brain-science-forever) "The human brain works in, so far, mysterious and 
wondrous ways that are completely different than the ways that computers calculate," he told NPR during an 
interview in 2003. "Things like appetite or emotion, how do those function in the brain?"

For Harv, his brain’s mystery centers upon his choice to action and the way that can be shaped as Functional 

A macro context for Harv is 
There is no God -- that's the conclusion of the celebrated physicist Stephen Hawking, whose final book is 
published Tuesday. ["Brief Answers to the Big Questions."] Other bombshells the British scientist 
left his readers with include the belief  that alien life is out there, artificial intelligence could outsmart humans and 
time travel can't be ruled out. "With Brexit and Trump now exerting new forces in relation to 
immigration and the development of education, we are witnessing a global revolt against experts, and that includes 
scientists," Hawking said. His greatest concern, his daughter said, "is how divided we've become," 
adding: "He makes this comment about how we seem to have lost the ability to look outward, and we are 
increasingly looking inward to ourselves." Attempting to answer the question "How do we shape 
the future?" in the book's final chapter, the scientist writes: "Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your 

Regardless of cause or context, choices to turn life time into lifetime have a process.
Tips for Overcoming Depression One Step at a Time. 
small and build from there [each wholly hour]. Feeling better takes time, but you can get there by making positive 
choices for yourself each day. You may not have much energy, but by drawing on all your reserves, 
you should have enough to take a walk around the block or pick up the phone to call a loved one.
You may feel too exhausted to talk, ashamed at your situation, or guilty for neglecting certain relationships.
Reaching out is not a sign of weakness and it won’t mean you’re a burden to others [burden to oneself].
Often when you’re depressed, it feels more comfortable [ease] to retreat into your shell, but being around other 
people will make you feel less depressed. Be a listening ear for a friend, do something nice 
for somebody. Do things that relax [calm] and energize you. This includes following a healthy 
lifestyle, learning how to better manage stress, setting limits on what you’re able to do, and scheduling fun 
[iCalendar] activities into your day. Express yourself creatively through music, art [RIM 
maintenance], or writing. Whether you’re sleeping too much [comfort] or too little, your mood suffers.
Figure out all the things in your life that stress you out, such as work [specialists] overload, money problems, or 
unsupportive relationships [chase], and find ways to relieve the pressure and regain control.
1. Spend some time in nature. 2. List what you like about yourself. 3. Read a good book. 4. Watch a funny movie or 
TV show. 5. Take a long, hot bath. 6. Take care of a few small tasks. 7. Play with a pet. 8. Talk to friends or family 
face-to-face. 9. Listen to music. 10. Do something spontaneous. Exercise is a powerful depression 
fighter -- and one of the most important tools in your recovery arsenal. Research shows that regular exercise can be 
as effective as medication for relieving depression symptoms. It also helps prevent relapse once you’re well.  To get 
the most benefit, aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. This doesn’t have to be all at once—and it’s okay to 
start small. A 10-minute walk can improve your mood for two hours. Reduce your intake of 
foods that can adversely affect your brain and mood, such as caffeine, alcohol, trans fats, and foods with high levels 
of chemical preservatives or hormones (such as certain meats). Aim to eat something at least every 
three to four hours. Comfort foods such as pasta or French fries, but these “feel-good” foods 
quickly lead to a crash in mood and energy. Aim to cut out as much of these foods as possible.
Sunlight can help boost serotonin levels and improve your mood.  Remove sunglasses…
Depression puts a negative spin on everything, including the way you see yourself and your expectations for the future.  
When these types of thoughts overwhelm you, it’s important to remember that this is a symptom of your depression 
and these irrational, pessimistic attitudes -- known as cognitive distortions -- aren’t realistic.



week 41 brought a super feeling of mind/body evidenced as a respite from health care slavery and a super core posture..


flow weekly LIFEWAY

2020 possible DeBary Africa vacation.
May -w20 DeBary in Yellowstone.
April w16- DeBary in Yellowstone.
2019 continue PCP 3mo afflictions/death watch, continue Harv’s OTC afflictions control. 
December   w48  w49  w50 flyCA? w51  w52 Susan Xmas?
November  w44 QoL tome scribble,  w45 PCP,  w46 Thanksgiving by Harv, w47 digitals pushed out again.
October      w40 exercise, w41 wholeness, w42 digest, w43 DDS.
September  w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal upbeat, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP plugs brakes.
August        w31 PCP, w32 suitcase, w33 assimilation, w34 flyCA, bicycle.
July             w27 exitCA, w28 donateBlood, w29 Tmobile, w30 bloodPCP.
June            w22: into38jeans, w23; CAhome, w24; selfHEAL, w25; TestPack, w26; HIdogCare.
May            w18: backupAir, w19; Nancy?dogs, w20; reinvent; w21 seclusion.
April       w14:, w15; muscleCrampsPAINw11on, w16; CA, w17; stonesPass.
March     w13: PCP aims protein, carbs, 6m no b.donate, at least walk for 80#overweight42jeans.

weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW
43 -  DDS, eyes,
42 -  time to digest wholeness, blood donation,
41 -  exercised wholeness, RIM as-set up-and-coming,
40 -  NC pep, treadmill posture exercise,
80th year week 41 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to  mend 102/639: 
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY  aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- chose one frozen yogurt tub celebration, natural juices boost potassium, body-hair-cut then laundry,
HEALTHY AGING  by Mayo Clinic;
- pills management close to 100%, water pill & compression socks fail, OTC anti--inflammatory begun,
- periodic flash-rise in treadmill pulse, external-hemorrhoid spots weekly, BM fiber-control stable,
- burned mouth roof with muffin, eliminated 2-for-$4, cocoa almonds seem not to add kidney stones pain, 
- added wheat crackers just because, youth comfort habits come to the fore in not necessarily a bad way,
AS-SET NICETIES  support wellness; 
- closet hung with Bob’s rip cord, the RIM seems to operate more as a wholistic-availability-support,
- osteen and publix adventures were a flavor of freeing, those youth comfort enjoyments taken to the coffin.
SOURCE/USE  of week’s hours;           health industry slavery vs “will to live” equaled more surf,
Sleep   11 h daily       took less       -5h    sweet dreams continue, no health ‘worries’ may add duration,
Health   6 h daily       took less       -1hours surf dominated week, super wholeness-feel results“will to live,” 
As-set maintenance    took more   +7h       cell signal booster ordered, closet hung, as-set access improves,
Visits (sociality)           took less       -1h DeBary loses fridge, Susan has job meltdown, NC goes dark,
an unanticipated super-feel at U close & core-posture super -- normalized daily-treadmill & weight-loss-diet tweaks.
week 41 challenge: to rebuild, for a 80yo, a calm/ease relationship with the medical industry.

From last week’s literal ‘bottom line:’   “permeate calm/ease into the will to live a wholistic 80yo life time.”
This incidental evidences that Harv’s blog works in his interest, within his life strategy/vision:    Joy-Love-Freeing versus 
Sad-Hate-Fear for Oneself-Another-Others within the context of a longer and productive/functional lifetime and life time. 

Harv spreads the JLF.

However, he worries of the long-term impact of his rebuke of the medical industry where he feels like no one listens -- 
“he will just die early” is the threat that projects.  

Again however, he will (1) enjoy, (2) love (respect, encourage, challenge), and (3) promote freeing.  
In his self-interest this week, he has been doing bits of JLF for his self, but the guilt relative to the medical industry 
haunts his daily thoughts -- he has no one to encourage otherwise.  
Thus he lives his life time and enjoys his lifetime as much as practical.


week 40 provided 150 minutes of treadmill as the 80yo’s exercise/fitness base for posture and blood donation.


flow weekly LIFEWAY

2019 continue PCP 3mo afflictions/death watch, encouraged DeBary Africa vacation trip,
April-May w16-w20 DeBary in Yellowstone.
December   w48  w49  w50 flyCA?  w51  w52 Susan Xmas?
November  w44 tome QoL scribble,  w45 PCP,  w46  w47.
October      w40 anti ESC threat, w41 , w42 digitize few slides in RIM, w43 DDS eyes.
September  w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal upbeat, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP plugs brakes.
August        w31 PCP, w32 suitcase, w33 assimilation, w34 flyCA, bicycle,

weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW

43 -  DDS, eyes,
42 -  digitize few slides in RIM, 
41 -  ,
40 -  NC pep, treadmill posture,

80th year week 40 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to  mend 102/639: 

CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY  aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- keep moving to digitization, referrals shunned, tweaked diet,
HEALTHY AGING  by Mayo Clinic;
- ‘feel’ waves come/go, whiteners end, fingertip fan cut healed, treadmill week boosted posture,
- began WM probiotic 3 daily, compression socks on, fiber lessened  by soft stool, suppository neglect,
AS-SET NICETIES  support wellness; 
- was ready for Bob challenge, fixed RIM door seal, replaced failed fan, app updates,

SOURCE/USE  of week’s hours;           may have lost “the will to live,” perhaps post Kavanaugh locus,
Sleep   12 h daily       took more  +14h   apparently 150 minutes of treadmill took a toll on the 80yo,
Health   7 h daily       took less     -12hours shaped into 20minute treadmill durations, GLEAN, READ,
As-set maintenance    took less      -5h       faced the problem of new suitcase/closet position in trunk,
Visits (sociality)           took more  +3h several chapters of “apprentice” book, Bob pops Sonny invite,
  permeate calm/ease into the will to live a wholistic 80yo life time (Tony muse).
week 40 challenge: With unfavorable medical news “not long for this world,” aim enthusiasm at CNN treadmill exercise.

Harv has long viewed blood donation as evidence of reasonable health -- last week Harv was rejected twice.  His Elder Self
Care (ESC) is not functional.  Therefore he works on just ONE primary thing at a time -- this week it is EXERCISE.

SUCCESS. That is what enthusiastic focus actualized. However, his 80yo legs and butt complain! What now if he 
refocuses upon his wholeistic body fat (Tony’s alcohol bloat below) -- over weeks, not just the EXERCISE result of one week. “I became successful in my 40s. I became a dad in my 50s. I feel like I’ve stolen a car - a really nice car - and I keep looking in the rearview mirror for flashing lights. But there’s been nothing yet.” He went on to visit a therapist and talk about his relationship with food and how it sometimes sends him into a depression. “I will find myself in an airport, for instance, and I'll order an airport hamburger. It's an insignificant thing, it's a small thing, it's a hamburger, but it's not a good one,” he explained to the therapist. “Suddenly I look at the hamburger and I find myself in a spiral of depression that can last for days." Bourdain admitted to his therapist that he felt like “a freak,” further explaining that he felt isolated. "I communicate for a living, but I'm terrible with communicating with people I care about,” he said. “I'm good with my daughter. An eight-year-old is about my level of communication skills, so that works out. But beyond, that I'm really terrible." "I tell stories for a living. I write books. I make television,” he said. “A reasonable person does not believe that you are so interesting that people will watch you on television. I think this is evidence of a narcissistic personality disorder to start with.” Malkin (psychologist) explains on his website. “If you do not trust that you can depend on people for love, for caring, connection, you're going to have to soothe yourself some other way. You can soothe yourself with narcissism, you can soothe yourself with a drug addiction.” Speaking to The Guardian in January 2017, Bourdain reflected … "I was an unhappy soul, with a huge heroin and then crack problem. I hurt, disappointed, and offended …” He also said he was, "in much better shape than I've probably ever been," adding: "I travel 250 days a year. I'm lean, my alcohol bloat has gone, and I do Brazilian jiu-jitsu every day."

What then is the way that Harv soothes his self. (1) Sexuality wanes as age marches on. (2) Harv blogs his lifetime reality for the purpose
of oneself betterment with the spirit of Joy-Love-Freeing for Oneself-Another-Others. For example, week 40 emphasizes exercise
that has too little effective emphasis life-long. That is, 265# reaction to 2017 prostate cancer -- where 245# in 2018 week 39 seems
too little too late a recoup. In week 40, exercise in real time daily is a priority -- evidence is 20 minutes on treadmill with 90s pulse. 
The test of each future week in turn is a below normal weight actualized. Treadmill visits have been up to three in a day!
The ‘simple’ stuff first then Harv can entertain the impact of specialist referrals. Otherwise he simply dies early from refusing to 
lose weight.

ENTHUSIASM. In week 40, Harv binged, but also cut his daily diet routine. He tries new tweaks to take the “daily treadmill”
into an eventual  normal weight actualization in as few weeks as possible into 2019 AND free of medical industry orientation -- 
specialists’ referrals are on hold. Also, a change in PCP develops along with a life style change to beach orientation away from 
the “city rush/pressure/stress.” He intends to die with calm/ease NOT attempting hurdles of perhaps-longevity-betterment. 
He wants calm/ease this week. And is it too much to want that in every week to include any terminal illness.
