flow weekly LIFEWAY
2020 possible DeBary Africa vacation.
May -w20 DeBary in Yellowstone.
April w16- DeBary in Yellowstone.
2019 continue PCP 3mo afflictions/death watch, continue Harv’s OTC afflictions control.
December w48 w49 w50 flyCA? w51 w52 Susan Xmas?
November w44 QoL tome scribble, w45 PCP, w46 Thanksgiving by Harv, w47 digitals pushed out again.
October w40 exercise, w41 wholeness, w42 digest, w43 DDS.
September w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal upbeat, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP plugs brakes.
August w31 PCP, w32 suitcase, w33 assimilation, w34 flyCA, bicycle.
July w27 exitCA, w28 donateBlood, w29 Tmobile, w30 bloodPCP.
June w22: into38jeans, w23; CAhome, w24; selfHEAL, w25; TestPack, w26; HIdogCare.
May w18: backupAir, w19; Nancy?dogs, w20; reinvent; w21 seclusion.
April w14: DeBaryH.care, w15; muscleCrampsPAINw11on, w16; CA h.care, w17; stonesPass.
March w13: PCP aims protein, carbs, 6m no b.donate, at least walk for 80#overweight42jeans.
weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW
43 - DDS, eyes,
42 - time to digest wholeness, blood donation,
41 - exercised wholeness, RIM as-set up-and-coming,
40 - NC pep, treadmill posture exercise,
80th year week 41 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to mend 102/639:
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- chose one frozen yogurt tub celebration, natural juices boost potassium, body-hair-cut then laundry,
HEALTHY AGING by Mayo Clinic;
- pills management close to 100%, water pill & compression socks fail, OTC anti--inflammatory begun,
- periodic flash-rise in treadmill pulse, external-hemorrhoid spots weekly, BM fiber-control stable,
- burned mouth roof with muffin, eliminated 2-for-$4, cocoa almonds seem not to add kidney stones pain,
- added wheat crackers just because, youth comfort habits come to the fore in not necessarily a bad way,
AS-SET NICETIES support wellness;
- closet hung with Bob’s rip cord, the RIM seems to operate more as a wholistic-availability-support,
- osteen and publix adventures were a flavor of freeing, those youth comfort enjoyments taken to the coffin.
SOURCE/USE of week’s hours; health industry slavery vs “will to live” equaled more surf,
Sleep 11 h daily took less -5h sweet dreams continue, no health ‘worries’ may add duration,
Health 6 h daily took less -1hours surf dominated week, super wholeness-feel results“will to live,”
As-set maintenance took more +7h cell signal booster ordered, closet hung, as-set access improves,
Visits (sociality) took less -1h DeBary loses fridge, Susan has job meltdown, NC goes dark,
an unanticipated super-feel at U close & core-posture super -- normalized daily-treadmill & weight-loss-diet tweaks.
week 41 challenge: to rebuild, for a 80yo, a calm/ease relationship with the medical industry.
From last week’s literal ‘bottom line:’ “permeate calm/ease into the will to live a wholistic 80yo life time.”
This incidental evidences that Harv’s blog works in his interest, within his life strategy/vision: Joy-Love-Freeing versus
Sad-Hate-Fear for Oneself-Another-Others within the context of a longer and productive/functional lifetime and life time.
Harv spreads the JLF.
However, he worries of the long-term impact of his rebuke of the medical industry where he feels like no one listens --
“he will just die early” is the threat that projects.
Again however, he will (1) enjoy, (2) love (respect, encourage, challenge), and (3) promote freeing.
In his self-interest this week, he has been doing bits of JLF for his self, but the guilt relative to the medical industry
haunts his daily thoughts -- he has no one to encourage otherwise.
Thus he lives his life time and enjoys his lifetime as much as practical.