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week 44 (a) sleep at 13 hours daily, (b) gave up h2o pills, (c) SLOW walk and weight loss options remain, (d) constant backache.

flow weekly LIFEWAY

2020 possible DeBary Africa vacation.

2019 continue PCP 3mo afflictions/terminals watch, continue Harv’s OTC afflictions control. 
May w18  DeBary, w19  w20  w21.
April           w14  w15 DeBary in Yellowstone, w16 DeBary, w17 DeBary.
March         w09  w10  w11  w12  w13.
February     w05  w06  w07 flyFL, w08. 
January       w01  w02  w03  w04. 
December   w48 digitals pushed out again, w49  w50 flyCA, w51  w52 Susan Xmas.
November  w44 QoL issues, w45 PCP, w46 Harv Thanksgiving, eyes, w47 blood donation.
October      w40 exercise, w41 wholeness, w42 cell signal booster, w43 flat and newTires.
September  w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal upbeat, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP plugs brakes.
August        w31 PCP, w32 suitcase, w33 assimilation, w34 flyCA, bicycle.
July             w27 exitCA, w28 donateBlood, w29 Tmobile, w30 bloodPCP.
June            w22: into38jeans, w23; CAhome, w24; selfHEAL, w25; TestPack, w26; HIdogCare.
May            w18: backupAir, w19; Nancy?dogs, w20; reinvent; w21 seclusion.
April       w14:, w15; muscleCrampsPAINw11on, w16; CA, w17; stonesPass.
March     w13: PCP aims protein, carbs, 6m no b.donate, at least walk for 80#overweight42jeans.

weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW
47 -  “normal” blood donation, DDS two fillings,
46 -  Harv Thanksgiving, eyes, 
45 -  geriatrics primary care,
44 -  QoL tome scribble that is calm (ease consolidation),
80th year week 44 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to  mend 102/639: 
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY  aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- vivid sweet dreams with RECORD sleep at will, 
HEALTHY AGING  by Mayo Clinic;
- o3x, BM regularity is validated but with a tiny bit of external hemorrhoid blood, did not try 4 h2o pills,
- different compression tactics attempted, PharmD supervised increases in h2o pills failed,
- normal 9”+ circumference leg now 11”+ was 13 at peak, one frozen yogurt binge provided 2000mg of K, 
- sheltered legs give NO RASH indicates sun poison, three weeks of flat treadmill ended with debilitation,
- did not try anti inflammation OTC, continue weight loss, renew regular blood donation,
- three headache occurrences 2acets each,  low R hip ache not high kidney ache,
- attempting slow daily walk in FL,
AS-SET NICETIES  support wellness; 
- weak wifi incoming distract cell inbound signal, little boost needed this week, some calm scribble, Zach txt, 
- donned sleep suit for the first 50F weather of the FL season, updated to Mojave, Sling drops HBO, 
SOURCE/USE  of week’s hours;           (1) awareness of lifetime hours spent validated in this blog process,
Sleep   13 h daily        took more  +13hours   treadmill injury takes much rest, (5) blood donations are still absent,
Health   7 h daily           same       -1h (2) SLOW WALK daily would be 350 minutes per week one hour daily,
As-set maintenance      took less      -9h       (3) get geriatrics involved in specialists priorities, (6) 50F cold negotiated,
Visits (sociality)           took more    -2h (4) Harv has ignored referrals to maintain calm/ease RETIREMENT,
back pain destabilizes week, slow walk outdoors with stick is his last resort for FL exercise. 
week 44  challenge:  look forward (face forward).

A Google search:  end of life issues

Harv has long feebly attempted to plan his life time, and found his attempts near impossible in detail because of 
external influence/disagreement.  Although: he has been successful in reaction to day-to-day external influences.
He continues to forge a ‘comfortable’ live-in-car Florida lifestyle with a scheduled two-month 2019 visit to California.
Unfortunately, his health continues to degrade.

(accessed 2018oct30)  Clinical Challenges to the Delivery of End-of-Life Care.
End-of-life care presents many challenges (e.g., the management of pain and suffering) for clinicians, as well as for 
patients and their families. Moreover, the care of the dying patient must be considered within the context of the 
psychological, physical, and social experiences of a person's life.1 Foremost among those who require end-of-life care 
are the elderly, who are prone to loneliness, who frequently underreport pain, and who have a greater sensitivity to drugs 
and to drug-drug interactions.2 Unfortunately, clinicians who are responsible for the treatment of patients at the end of life
commonly lack adequate training to help guide end-of-life decisions and to deliver bad news to patients and families.3,4 
They must also face their own discomfort with discussions about death and deal with poor compensation for the time spent
discussing end-of-life care with patients and families. Given the unique process of each person's death, algorithmic strategies are
often inadequate to guide patients, their families, and the clinicians who care for them through this complex and emotionally
challenging process.
Harv’s take-away keywords:  challenge, underreport pain, suffering, loneliness, drug sensitivity, bad news delivery, 
discomfort, discuss end-of-life care.  For a year or so Harv fashioned his Elder Self Care (ESC) program in his fluid 
imagination, never able to impose control.  This week the topic of his end-of-life care becomes forefront as his health 
continues to fail.


frugally-and-retire-decades-early Working on freedom Despite the “RE” (retire early) part of the 
FIRE movement moniker, the goal for Merz and Whiter isn’t to quit their jobs at 27 or 43 and do nothing until they die.  
“We’re not meant to sit around and drink Mai Tais all day,” Merz says. “Humans have an intrinsic need to work. We
need to feel like a valued member of  society, and that’s not going to stop because you have an arbitrary number in the 
bank.”  Rather, it gives them the flexibility to do what they want. Some choose to travel -- on a budget, of course – while 
others simply pick and choose their work, rather than feeling trapped on the hamster wheel.   “I felt like I was beholden 
to the system,” says Whiter.  “I felt like I was in a prison camp, working to sustain a lifestyle I didn’t actually want.”  
Now he’s free. “A lot of this stuff is emotional and psychological,” he says.  “You have to live through it to understand 
how powerful it is.”

Harv’s take-away keywords:  flexibility to do what is wanted, sustain a lifeway (WoL).

However, Harv does not have the flex of yesteryears! His worn out spine has this year proved to be a permanent 
affliction -- early 2018 began with an 80# failure on the gym ab machine, followed by injury from too quick a panic
movement in CA. Then flat treadmill was tried with 140minutes, 100minutes, and 100minutes in respective weeks.
Result was a return to dull lower back pain. A week of no exercise was followed by a simple near one hour hobble
in the following week -- with encouraging result for this 80yo. Perhaps Harv can integrate his scooter with FL hobble. 
Thus his FL old-age exercise has been delimited to a slow simple hobble. The bright side -- no wheel chair yet. For 
2018 Xmas in CA Harv will try a tricycle for his daily exercise to In/Out. Rest (sleep) that accompanies this physical
delimitation has peaked in week 2018w44 at 13hours daily -- a new high for the old man.

With the onset of even more sleep in his life, and exercise at hobble speed of seven hours a week, the RETIREMENT
hours remaining are 10 hours daily. Eating has been an activity of leisure and slow weight loss while staying in touch 
with 107B others and the choices for his life time as an enhanced youthful spirit. His quality of lifestyle (QoL) or way 
of life (WoL with wol implication) is a challenge -- will his papers, his books to be read, digitizing the family slides, 
attending to a tsunami of medical referrals on top of old-age medical maintenance, etc… ever “have the time?”  
Harv’s careful choice is the answer, as his hours before death become VERY short, even by his own doing or not!

