flow weekly LIFEWAY
2020 possible DeBary Africa vacation.
2019 continue PCP 3mo afflictions/terminals watch, continue Harv’s OTC afflictions control.
May w18 DeBary, w19 w20 w21.
April w14 w15 DeBary in Yellowstone, w16 DeBary, w17 DeBary.
March w09 w10 w11 w12 w13.
February w05 w06 w07 flyFL, w08.
January w01 w02 w03 w04.
December w48 digitals, b.donation, w49 referrals review, w50 flyCA, w51 w52 Susan Xmas.
November w44 QoL issues, w45 PCP, old age WoL, injectors, w46 eyes, w47 DDS, b.draw, Thanks.
December w48 digitals, b.donation, w49 referrals review, w50 flyCA, w51 w52 Susan Xmas.
November w44 QoL issues, w45 PCP, old age WoL, injectors, w46 eyes, w47 DDS, b.draw, Thanks.
October w40 exercise, w41 wholeness, w42 cell signal booster, w43 flat and newTires.
September w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal upbeat, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP plugs brakes.
August w31 PCP, w32 suitcase, w33 assimilation, w34 flyCA, bicycle.
July w27 exitCA, w28 donateBlood, w29 Tmobile, w30 bloodPCP.
June w22: into38jeans, w23; CAhome, w24; selfHEAL, w25; TestPack, w26; HIdogCare.
May w18: backupAir, w19; Nancy?dogs, w20; reinvent; w21 seclusion.
April w14: DeBaryH.care, w15; muscleCrampsPAINw11on, w16; CA h.care, w17; stonesPass.
March w13: PCP aims protein, carbs, 6m no b.donate, at least walk for 80#overweight42jeans.
weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW
47 - “normal” blood donation, DDS two fillings, new PCP blood draw,
46 - Harv Thanksgiving, eyes,
45 - primary care, injectors, terminal surprise?
44 - QoL tome scribble that is calm (ease consolidation),
80th year week 45 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to mend 102/639:
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- niceties reassert, respect garnered from multiple directions, new lots like Target, more CNN video,
HEALTHY AGING by Mayo Clinic;
- geriatric issue, acets for h.aches back ribs general, tums for gut ache, second water pill Rx,
- Renewed lo sodium diet, BMs adjust to new diet, no compression socks,
- Frozen yogurt replaced by McD cone, PharmD omega3 for back,
- Almost daily walks reduced by old age, lo sodium diet V8s fruit crunch p.shakes,
AS-SET NICETIES support wellness;
- vivid dreams, sleep when i will, more MOR e, gym use easier head hair shower pills, sleep suit,
- updates 10.14 Capto scribble, AirDrop for papers glean, build an independent WoL calm/ease,
SOURCE/USE of week’s hours; got thru PCP visit w/o fret rather relative ease,
Sleep 12 h daily took less -8hours new “old age” Way of Life (WoL), sleep seems the WoL
Health 7 h daily took less -9h path set to new PCP for specialist priority guidance,
As-set maintenance took more +14h niceties solidly in the forefront to dominate WoL,
Visits (sociality) took more +3h txts used to respect and challenge relationships,
Back discomfort/pain passed by PCP who did not have bone scan results. Possible terminal surprise.
week 45 challenge: (1) add chronic back to OTC list, (2) spiff for PCP, (3) regular walk, diet, blog, (4) geriatrics betterment.
Lulu Garcia-Navarro (https://www.npr.org/2018/11/04/664103262/lulus-log-the-legacy-of-kepler-space)
"There's a big difference between knowing and believing," says Charlie Sobeck, NASA's former manager of the
Kepler mission. "I think that's what Kepler's legacy is going to be: We finally know that planets are everywhere out
there and now, we're going to go and find out more about them."
Harv’s blog and tome puts his mind more toward the know rather than the believe. He has a lifetime of belief that he will have
the life time to actualize -- of late, he puts that to the test, especially to not spend all his life time extending his lifetime, and none
to actualize the quality tasks of his remaining life time. Know v believe.
Those quality life tasks are not only the why, but simply what Harv has enjoyed decade after decade -- his niceties. He has his
daily MORe, foundational hi tech, waning surf, unlimited cell data, still mysterious scribble, a dirty car although organized
functionally even though marginal, health care a mess with ESC never flowered, …
Then there is George Burns -- a stand-up comic that Harv missed by a generation. However, his words echo …
he might say, "Authenticity is the key to winning elections. And if you can fake that, you've got it made."
Juliana Silva and Bill McGowan (https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/03/opinions/why-trumps-secret-weapon-works
-so-well/index.html) In the workplace, the cliché has become, "bring your real self to work." For
politicians, the imperative equivalent is "bring your authentic self to the campaign trail -- honesty is optional." It
doesn't matter whether you're a political candidate or a breakfast cereal brand, everyone today is on a desperate
quest to prove they're authentic. Perceived authenticity in politics has in many cases usurped qualifications and
AUTHENTIC: of undisputed origin; genuine. • made or done in the traditional or original way, or in a way that
faithfully resembles an original. • based on facts; accurate or reliable. • (in existentialist philosophy) relating to or
denoting an emotionally appropriate, significant, purposive, and responsible mode of human life. (OAD)
Will the authentic Harv please come forward ! Harv, loosed from a family role model, played several roles in his lifetime.