flow weekly LIFEWAY
2020 possible DeBary Africa vacation.
2019 continue PCP 3mo afflictions/terminals watch, continue Harv’s OTC afflictions control.
May w18 slides, w19 w20 w21.
April w14 w15 DeBary in Yellowstone, w16 slides, w17 slides.
March w09 w10 w11 w12 w13.
February w05 w06 w07 flyFL, w08.
January w01 w02 w03 w04.
December w48 digitals, b.donation, w49 referrals review, w50 flyCA, w51 w52 Susan Xmas.
November w44 QoL issues, w45 PCP, injectors, w46 diet, w47 DDS,
October w40 exercise, w41 wholeness, w42 cell signal booster, w43 flat and newTires.
September w35 back re-injury, w36 dogs calm, w37 heal upbeat, w38 flyFL, w39 DDS PCP plugs brakes.
August w31 PCP, w32 suitcase, w33 assimilation, w34 flyCA, bicycle.
July w27 exitCA, w28 donateBlood, w29 Tmobile, w30 bloodPCP.
June w22: into38jeans, w23; CAhome, w24; selfHEAL, w25; TestPack, w26; HIdogCare.
May w18: backupAir, w19; Nancy?dogs, w20; reinvent; w21 seclusion.
April w14: DeBaryH.care, w15; muscleCrampsPAINw11on, w16; CA h.care, w17; stonesPass.
March w13: PCP aims protein, carbs, 6m no b.donate, at least walk for 80#overweight42jeans.
weeks of month LIFE HISTORY FLOW
47 - DDS two fillings, new PCP blood draw, Harv Thanksgiving,
46 - 40sF, eyes scheduled, diet renewal, AirDrop, CuriosityStream,
45 - primary care, injectors, terminal surprise? old age WoL,
44 - QoL tome scribble that is calm (ease consolidation),
80th year week 46 study of calendar reconciled 168 hour week for validity; to mend 102/639:
CONFIDENT CALENDAR LIFEWAY aimed at detail pattern analysis and prompt actualization;
- the Real FL persists w/close-in parks, NC/CA have gone dark, 44F nights survived,
HEALTHY AGING by Mayo Clinic;
- O could be farewell (success of aim life ?), opening for Apopka health care, independence comes,
- Compression socks to jump start dual h2o pills, questioned omega3 anti inflammation,
- McD egg replaces cone, beans too many calories, V8s in reserve, almost daily WALKs,
AS-SET NICETIES support wellness;
- 12.1 update, signed CuriosityStream, over pants lost (in CA ?), bob delivers mail via Perkins,
- AirDrop feeds Photos album markups, slides digitization closer,
SOURCE/USE of week’s hours; life aim independence seems to have germinated,
Sleep 13 h daily took more +10hours sleep suit needs betterment,
Health 7 h daily took more +8h referrals definitely secondary, bone scan visibility next,
As-set maintenance took less -19h diet control now changed for sodium and calories,
Visits (sociality) took more +1h txts used to respect and challenge relationships,
Super health feel has too long been gone (2016?).
week 46 challenge: define and practice a set of Old Age niceties as an end-of-life Way of Life (WoL also QoL).
Harv’s new Old Age lifestyle may be considered in light of a French v American culture distinction:
The excitement that drives Anglophones to action, motivating us and driving us to look ahead is not
nearly as present in France. But … contentment in simple pleasures certainly are. And when one is living
in the moment, there’s no need to think about – or get excited about – what’s next.
Harv renews focus on his niceties invention and betterment. That could be seen as a parallel to the issue of nationalism:
Kevin Liptak and Kaitlan Collins (https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/11/politics/donald-trump-macron-
nationalism-paris-armistice/index.html) Macron offered a clear message about the
dangers of nationalism while hosting the ceremony commemorating the armistice Sunday. With Trump -- a
self-declared "nationalist" -- seated stone-faced in front of him, Macron delivered a stinging rebuke of the US
President's "America First" agenda. "Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism," Macron said.
"Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. By saying 'our interests first; who cares about the others?', we erase
what a nation holds dearest, what gives it life, what makes it great, and what makes it essential — its moral
values." Macron later warned that "the old demons" have resurfaced, declaring that "giving into the fascination
for withdrawal, isolationism, violence and domination would be a grave error" for which future generations
would hold them accountable.
His Elder Self Care is a simple sum:
https://www.bbc.com/news/health-46179118 (12 November 2018) Fat-clogged cells explain why obesity can
cause cancer. To reduce risk:
keep a healthy weight,
stop smoking,
eat a healthy diet,
cut back on alcohol,
avoid sunburn.
To promote super health within his “80yo age afflictions” that he “simply” lives with:
Orient PCP service to a geriatrics foundation,
In the macro a look back is a simple question:
Philippa Fogarty (http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20181107-the-baby-boomers-taking-a-golden-gap-year)
One advantage, Bull says, is that slices of gap time allow people to try out different activities to
see whether they want to pursue them in retirement. “(Short gap stints) are a great way to make that transition —
it can give people a stepping stone towards finding something that really lights them up,” she says.
Only one thing shines bright from Harv’s 80 years — that is, his interest of hi tech, specifically his investment in computers
since 1980. Another is his interest in the broad view — that is, taught all the capping courses at Benedictine, retiring at 52y
to resolve the application of this broad view interest to his questioned retirement years that may not have, in fact, started.
An interesting view at this late stage of near 20 years in ‘retirement.’