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week 49 challenge: (a) take 3day cold snap survival to seasonal, (b) pack Florida operation for transit to California.


Definitions:   IDEA: noun: 1 a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action. 
• a concept or mental impression.
• an opinion or belief.
2 (the idea) the aim or purpose.
3 Philosophy (in Platonic thought) an eternally existing pattern of which individual things in any class are imperfect copies.
• (in Kantian thought) a concept of pure reason, not empirically based in experience. (OAD)

ADVENTURE: noun: an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity.
• daring and exciting activity calling for enterprise and enthusiasm.
          verb: engage in hazardous and exciting activity, especially the exploration of unknown territory.
• [with object] put (something, especially money or one's life) at risk.

With a tub of frozen yogurt, slept a possible duration of four hours, awake to in-car temperature of 44F and a near weather
station at 32F. Previous years avoided this challenge via Everglades’ electric heater hookup. The Everglades’ commute has
become very inconvenient.  At wakeup, mucus of previous cold was gone — one daily mucus buster daily cold-cure followup. 
With day’s activity, some mucus returns.  To McBurritos (600calories) for hydration via protein additive and sodium soda 
with needed flavor boost (NSA without need for flavor boost previously carried-in).
This scene chosen over the Everglades winter scene. An alternate 3am 44F in-car awake would be to run car heat for in-car
life work then sleep return night or day with Selk bag boots but bag not cut.  Another option is gym work.
The above would be the 2018-2019 Florida winter independence WoL.
Non-cut Selk sleep bag would travel to California. New ski jacket stays in Florida?  Air purifier back to California as part of 
room.  Walmart carry-on will carry purifier, digitizer, and some slides; but not scooter. Tricycle test slated for California.
February 12 2018 return to Florida reason: DeBary trip to Yellowstone April 15 - May 15, and dental/medical visits 
