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2019 Dec 22 bucket for week 52 — blood donate, Delgado, Burnedette.

2019 Dec 22 bucket for week 52 — blood donate, Delgado, Burnedette.
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 82nd year 
a million words, 70 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
:Health:  Steps not of great magnitude but good physical feel has evolved overall better outlook.
52 - glimmer of super health blood donation 270# but very weak after. Weight not controlled despite feeble attempts.
52 - PCP 4 month death watch scheduled F, eat pills accurate. Sun lamp delivers.
52 - Steps : 1800A 4200F shop soda 2200R 600W 1000T 1100M 1400U. Zero Disney visits.
52 - The Depression Cure book no structured sociality flexibility, blog positive betterment
52 - A Better Life parallel Knapp saga, ability to walk, China twilight love,
52 - added salad bowl of broccoli tomatoes to follow veggie advice of PCP 262#.    No change in blood pressure Rx.
52 - less iron pills for blood donation 160.100.50 limits for more blood pressure medication. Call Jan31 for defat watch.
52 - steps disappear : 900F 1200R 500W 1800T 1200M 2000U 1900A.    Switch PCP to Pine Hills?
52 - added DO NOT RESUSITATE to health clinic notes.
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade.  Passwords still want.   Daily review current events BBC NPR CNN NYT WAS blog.  
:Reinforcement texts to kids.  TV, read ‘fiction’.
52 - TV : quantum, solar sails, Amazon burns, ’scout’ sail, FRB121102, I400 submarine, 
52 - sent Xmas gift text to kids. Xmas dinner. Old age consult from PCP / Burnadette. 
52 - texts : White Sands, dead ends from Chris/Susan.    Setup contact for Burnadette.
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion):  Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?  


2019 Dec 15 bucket for week 51

2019 Dec 15 bucket for week 51
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 82nd year 
a million words, 70 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
:Health:  Steps not of great magnitude but good physical feel has evolved overall better outlook.
51 - Steps: 10,100A 3800F 1200R 1300W 1200T 2400M 1800U:  bones above ankles hurt requiring cane use.
51 - one pee night 12-hour sleep. Consumed less ClearLax.
51 - Gym exercises rotator cuffs.
51 - Pair Medicare access with Power Of Attorney.
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade.  Passwords still want.   Daily review current events BBC NPR CNN NYT WAS blog.  
:Reinforcement texts to kids.  TV, read ‘fiction’.
51 - The Depression Cure ruminate ‘cud’, restart sun lamp for tan?,
51 - find Photos duplication deletion app.
51 - added Washington Post subscription no ads $200.
51 - no events on calendar “I like that.”    Made location more private.
51 - clippers limp through a shave.
51 - initial case fit for the iPhone Pro Max. Ordered DNR lanyard for possible return to neck operation of phone.
51 - death update text ended at Sciences. Philosophy verb:stew probably ends w/joy-love-freeing away sad-hate-fear.
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion):  Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?  
51 - different ok headlight pattern right skewed.

2019 Dec 07 bucket for week 50

2019 Dec 08 bucket for week 50
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
:Health:  Steps not of great magnitude but good physical feel has evolved overall better outlook.
50 - reactive yellow binder with 3-hole punch for health paper to give clinic at next appointment. papers dated for use.
50 - made tentative decision not to be a dog-sitter primarily.  Called Bob to quit dog-sittingClearLax balanced.
50 - zinc lozenges.
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade.  Passwords still want.   Daily review BBC NPR CNN NYT blog.  Reinforcement texts to kids.  
:TV, read fiction.
50 - life productivity awakes.    Disney interest shrinks.   Daily favorite pizza less 1/6 piece.
50 - toughed thru AppleID, another failed ad blocker, Scrivener update, OS10.1.3, furthered death update.rtfd
50 - gave up CNN and Ad Blocker for CNN.
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion):  Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?  
50 - repositioned ‘closet’ with wire. gleaned some items!
50 - R headlight outage ended $80.
50 - Police hassle via complaint. Disney Security hassle via exploration.


2019 Nov 30 bucket for week 49

2019 Nov 30 bucket for week 49
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
:Health:  Steps not of great magnitude but good physical feel has evolved overall better outlook.
49 - Shower, last was Thanksgiving, clippers still lost.    DDM Schedule B$ gives 6 months till next Prophy/Review, got Old-Age leads.
49 - Began again salad bar as desert. Stool dark sticky.    Steps: 1300A 2400F 1700R 1700W 2900T 1000M 2800U 3500
49 - Added much to the depression life review TextEdit.
49 - M dental with 6 months recall F blood draw, stop and pay dental bill. 
49 - confronted ‘beetle’ for second time with death spray — not impossible that it was a bloated tic. Empty blood sac below L breast.
49 - restarted eye drops.   Pharmacist identified vagrant pills.
49 - increased ClearLax working. Forest City scale read 265#. Pizza slices from 6 to 5 and no extra cheese!
49 - twice in Nov yellow light ticket and twice bounced both axles one curb islands.
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade.  Passwords still want. 
49 - conceived Pack It In for 82nd year as closure to FAMILY CHASE since 1999.    Closed birthday trauma with Chris texts.
49 - found old-style Walmart bags at Altamonte Springs - bought three.
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion):  Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?  
49 - uncovered ‘bleach’ leak in Walmart storage bag, a clipper item but no motor units.


2019 Nov 23 bucket for week 44-48

2019 Nov 23 bucket for week 44-48
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
48 - paid for Thanksgiving dinner for Bob’s mailbox and Rick’s CA car storage.
:Health:  Steps not of great magnitude but good physical feel has evolved overall better outlook.
: Stool leakage and hemorrhoid spots continue.
48 - collected slides from Bob.    Rode over concrete parking lot curbs with front/back tires fully — lake attention mistake.
48 - possible salty cure for body ache causing slow (walker) walk.    Added to the depression life review TextEdit.
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade.  Passwords still want. 
48 - continue to skip over weeks of blog taking the pressure off.
2019 Nov 16 bucket for week 47
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
47 - TEXT of Peaceful Death is meant to set the stage for future — after weeks of ‘depression.’.
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion):  Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?  Pickup slides.
47 - R headlight 2 LED strips of 4 out, also 4 strips for hi-beam — $80 to replace lo/hi with fan on bulb latest hi-tec.
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade.  Passwords still want. 
47 - 50F cold debugged sleep bag storage. 
47 - opted for Great Value drink packet v another Disney $22 soda for ten days.
47 - danced fox trot at Disney.
:Health:  Steps not of great magnitude but good physical feel has evolved overall better outlook.
: Stool leakage and hemorrhoid spots continue.
47 - weight loss diet just not in the cards — much McD night snacking.
47 - every sun day at Disney brings aches.   Steps: 1700 2300 1000 900 3100 2600 3300
2019 Nov 09 bucket for week 46
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade.  Passwords still want. Sound sleep and less pee.
46 - more work on peaceful death.
46 - at Disney Harv adventures into new territory.
46 - a TEXT NOTE began as a peaceful death.     Good talk with Bob.
2019 Nov 09 bucket for week 46
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
:Health:  Steps not of great magnitude but good physical feel has evolved overall better outlook.
: Stool leakage and hemorrhoid spots continue.
46 - caffeine for three months came along with St.Cloud suspected of causing heartburn as well as higher blood pressure.
46 - stool goes a lighter brown.  Week ago it was near black.  Then it transitioned to brown via passage of  a white lining?
46 - Steps: 800  2600  1000  2700  6300  1000  7200  1400.    Return on late Saturday to this basic blog.
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion):  Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?  Pickup slides.
46 - oil change windshield tag in search of receipt.
46 - wired a wood leg used to elevate suitcase.
46 - paid another red-light violation.
2019 Nov 02 bucket for week 45
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
45 -  Walket out/in further debugged with backing and tie-down improved. 
45 - as-set maintenance seems to have broke. Oil change. Front seats glean. 10.15.1 two hours to update.
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade.  Passwords still want. Sound sleep and less pee.
45 - visited 28 year Disney employee John has Animation Resort Store operation including eats.
45 - Cleaned up lutine and CoQ10 melt-down of last week.
:Health:  Steps not of great magnitude but good physical feel has evolved overall better outlook.
: Stool leakage and hemorrhoid spots continue.
45 - too much ice cream.  restarted c.pudding w/protein as night meal.  Whole grain crackers w/pills.
45 - Steps: 4300 1100 2400 4600 2500 2600 4000.
45 - dental hygiene slowly forms without gum chew (tongue bites have been reduced).
2019 Oct 27 bucket for week 44
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
44 -  
:Health:  Personal Cici pizza continues with bowl of veggies w/ranch dressing.
44 - 
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade.  Passwords still want. Sound sleep and less pee.

44 - 

2019 Oct 20 bucket for week 43

2019 Oct 20 bucket for week 43
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
43 - Discovered iPhone screen broke in two places in less than a month, w/seeming concrete impact marks (Disney security).
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade.  Passwords still want. Sound sleep and less pee.
43 - Surprise blood donation via Red Bus.  Laundry/shower became TOP PRIORITY.   St.Cloud closer to home?
43 - Super health sliver blood donation and refusal of cooperating with a false CA WOL for 6 months w/o added end stability.
:Health:  Need more steps.
43 - 4-month recall visits.  Lovastatin refill via CHC phone.   Pushed Disney walk to 6300 steps.  Lost Disney ‘watch’ pass.
43 - Blood donation pressure 144.97.60 14.5 iron w/o the hydralazine interlude. Two days later 126.87.86 at Walmart.


2019 Oct 13 bucket for week 42

2019 Oct 13 bucket for week 42
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
42 - Susan on to next wave without promised next-day feedback to Harv.
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade.  Passwords still want. Sound sleep and less pee.
42 - “All kids now 50s.” I have lost most energy. Till we talk again if ever. Super problem-solve of daily sleep bag storage.
42 - Resurgence of Disney walk but lower L leg hurts bad. Steps: 5300 1500 5500 1700 1600 900 4200.
42 - Changed undies w/o shower. 
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion):  Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?  Pickup slides.
42 -  Glean. Screen repair. Update 10.5 at McD third time did fix dictionary.  Suitcase suspension not yet debugged.
:Health:  Need more steps.
42 - Disney lighter of step but walker out/in pain.
42 - Did 5500 steps but not near enough for super health. Extra fiber may be at the upper limit. Sounder sleep comes.
42 - lower L leg one big ache, day rest dissipates maybe cramp. Dec 4-month PCP followup appointments in focus missed in CA.


2019 Oct 06 bucket for week 41

2019 Oct 06 bucket for week 41
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade/air RIM, thunder/light shows, fireworks lost appeal.  Passwords still want. Susan Find Me.
41 - week 40 closed Saturday with thoughts of  2019sep St.Cloud relocation, a1804 tome entrance (writing), pix, …
41 - returned Susans ridge house muse with a love challenge, now I must turn away and let her take her latest course.
41 - thought as to recoup erosion of flat sleep and the healing of general lower body aches.   Better bed base progresses.
41 - found best placement for shoes. iPhone pinpoints airPod charge err. Scrivener updated. Slept solid. Some tv.
:Health:  Tongue-bite gum-chew nix. Dental prophy interrupted by code-blue. Discontinued hydralazine again.
41 - slept all day Saturday used cane at Cici.   Dental didn’t want new medicare number -  CHC Medical took it.
41 - dental prophy with first hear of teeth stump extractions to be discussed 12-2 with Travis.
41 - with low blood pressure 108.73.63 at prophy again discontinued hydralazine hoping to stem tiredness.
41 - nixed gum chew because of too many bites of the tongue.  Meter of fiber gives successful regularity.
41 - cut pizza flat-bread in half for noon meal. Double fish sandwich seems pleasingly regular.
41 - after drizzle weather returned to Disney walk. Steps: 500 4200 1600 2400 1400 3000 2100 1600. Ice cream tub.


2019 Sep 29 bucket for week 40

2019 Sep 29 (correction) bucket for week 40
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade/air RIM, thunder/light shows, fireworks.  Passwords.
40 - one delve into a1804 as tome entrance.    Sleep/nap and let anti-clutter happen.     Prophy next on calendar.
40 - chose iPhone 11 pro max $1200 as solution to 6+ filled, no-id calls, and updates.   Chris/Susan direct trade-in.
40 - began the ultimate convenience in showers = a Planet Fitness in St.Cloud.  (A laundromat right next door.)
40 - Bob reserved Yellowstone. Sherry treated me to lunch. Dogs were noticeably calmed. Bob invited more visiting. 
40 - ‘credit’ card subscriptions causing a problem. Epass is 407 823 7277 debit card is 9475 pin reset to 1422.
40 - Sun Pass 89546821 is plate account perpetuated by Bob’s payment — no activity since or other detail in account.
40 - had universal functional organization dream.  FOCus = functional organization case of us.
40 - walker tried into Disney.  Tub of ice cream for sunset at East Lake.   Some clutter reigned.
40 - initial drug of iPhone 11 pro max took 8 hours (store table 2, night chat 2, morning chat 2. Purchase took another 2., 
40 - no no-id phone calls, plenty storage, no VPN, update not working yet.   Case: 100915085685
40 - mumbling melodic.    Updated to 13.1.2 at Cici.    McD cafe soda at 6am St.Cloud.
40 - McD at WM SunRail quality sucked added to eviction from non-WM lot plus more-trouble exposure feeling.
40 - Bowl of veggies begun at Cici.   VPN Tunnelbear app added back to iPhone 11 Pro Max.
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion):  Flat sleep adhesive fix. Vac? Glean? Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?
40 - compound anti-clutter into shower.   To Goodwill:  scooter and camp chair.
40 - four storage bins are evolving into the trunk floor base.    Flat-sleep is BUMPY.
40 - updated to 10.14.6 at McD.    Purchased iPhone 11 Pro Max without it working. After 6 hours of Apple chat it works.
40 - second Disney World spurt?   Wrist blood pressure.
40 - gained Osceola Council On Aging advice (Marie boss with hickey).
40 - I can walk slowly and must sit down not stand to be comfortable.   Walker “ok” at Disney.
40 - circumvented Epcot with walker but left just before fireworks chilly in breeze in spite of shirt and gator.
40 - Steps: 1400 6100 round Epcot R screen ripped loose 2300 7000 first trial of walker 1100 1600 900 1300. 


2019 Sep 22 (correction) bucket for week 39

2019 Sep 22 (correction) bucket for week 39
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade/air RIM, thunder/light shows, fireworks.  
39 - consider annual Disney World pass added to DeBary and St.Cloud events for Harv’s retirement region.
39 - bought year lease at Disney World, account since 2011, first annual then a second truncated by Susan (the first time).
39 - Enjoyed three nights of fireworks   Steps:  900. 1300, 1700, 3200, 10k, 13k, 5k, 4600, 2200, 2000, 2500.  
39 - Chose H.Studios for parking in medical overflow with boat convenience to Epcot.    Confront walking handicap.
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion):  Flat sleep adhesive fix. Vac? Glean? Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?
39 - blog has been ’soft’ for weeks.
39 - Safari software update at McD.    Continued to search for night-driving clip-ons.
39 - storage bins went from two to four.    Sleep bag unfurls and storage bins begin operation.    Clothes used as flat-sleep filler.
39 - endured first day of Disney steps at 8000+ for wristband.     Hydrated at Disney McD at inflated prices til sunset.
39 - reactivated flat sleep as sleep bag comes out for the winter.    Cici offers Barbecue Flatbread, McD shakes at night.
39 - major activity fallback after initial Disney World spurt.     One night’s evening meal was chocolate pudding protein powder.


2019 Sep 22 bucket for week 38

2019 Sep 22 bucket for week 38
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion):  Flat sleep adhesive fix. Vac? Glean? Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?
38 - Pix libraries:  as-set, health, travel, marriage,…   Chris was to read articles on Monday.
38 - began 1password upon recommendation by NYT.
:Health:  HTN of decades pops up again 163.111.82.  Steps fall to half the days.  Rotator cuff hurts.  Bi-cep bulge not needed?
38 - L foot improved to walk-thru pain 3.   Weight exacerbates life-long flat-feet finally catches 81yo.
38 - Zantac “s…” ingredient tested up to 20mg in rats from PharmD lookup.
38 - gave up steroid leg rash salve in favor of OTC skin cream.
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade/air RIM, thunder/light shows.  Ocean wave walks with tan not needed?
38 - vision poles JLF with these week numbers R happiness.
38 - will slowed lifestyle aid in actualizing next life task?  Example:  armrest screw, 1password…
38 - second OdoBan spritz bottle.
38 - began parking COA on Harley’s street.


2019 Sep 15 bucket for week 37

2019 Sep 15 bucket for week 37
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less via THE  NOW a1804 tome entrance, a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion):  Flat sleep adhesive fix. Vac? Glean? Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?
37 - Not much progress with Wholeness and Wholesome but Despair Suicides is another angle for betterment.
37 - the St.Cloud history roundabout continues — Cici’s, Walmart, 2019 eyewear, Rx, shade, East Tohopekaliga lake front.
:Health:  HTN of decades finally controlled.  Steps fall to half the days.  Rotator cuff hurts.  Bi-cep bulge not needed?
37 - self-Rx return to Hydralazine 3x daily.  Dizzy from third hydralazine.   Tired from hydralazine.
37 - spent all-nighter eyewear now has two grey/dark flip-up clip-on polaroid sun protection.  Eyewear has UV glare protection.
37 - Beta Carotene has use in patients with heredity risk of macular degeneration.
37 - personal visit to dental to insure correct appointment dates.
37 - Why ‘Zantac’ cancer promotion.  PharmD?
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade/air RIM, thunder/light shows.  Ocean wave walks with tan not needed?
37 - Apple backed phone and did iTunes restore but still 6G storage is sucked up by Other.   Must minimize camera Photos.
37 - Kissimmee gym still possible.   Entertain possible weekends in Kissimmee/St.Cloud with joy in drives.
37 - checked with Linda and she does have me on next weeks dinners.


2019 Sep 08 bucket for week 36

2019 Sep 08 bucket for week 36 
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less via THE  NOW a1804 tome entrance, a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion):  Flat sleep adhesive fix. Vac? Glean? Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?
36 - Wholeness is harmonious completion. Wholesome is conducive to good health and physical well-being.
:Health:  HTN of decades finally controlled.  Steps fall to half the days.  Rotator cuff hurts.  Bi-cep bulge not needed?
36 - Leakage warning from 1983 comes to be.  Sorted pills inside the car again.
36 - Assessed himself as Stage three dementia.
36 - Continued to evidence personal examples of Stages four and five.  Hope is to not lose these recent weeks for this tome/blog.
36 - Harv seems to have lost his self-action over last month, unrelatedly watched videos on dementia.  Other Curiosity Stream.
36 - Hemoroid blood — restarted half cap ClearLax.   Flu shot at WalmartDebary.   Carry Odoban for leakage.
36 - scheduled had eye exam and Brian review to go NoGlare nix Transitions go dark grey flip-ups.  R eye improves.
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade/air RIM, thunder/light shows.  Ocean wave walks with tan not needed?
36 - Sweet Dreams via frequent naps.  Susan reacted to Greg’s curiosity about Harv and Dorian.
