2019 April 27 bucket for week 17
a YOUTHFUL SPIRIT scribbles a LIFEWAY in its 81st year
a million words, 70 thousand photos, and longing less with continuation of THE MARCH INTO THE VOID
DocHarvOtto@me.com -- http://happyharvotto.blogspot.com -- HarvOtto.us domain
17 - tooth restoration work seems to have healed completely, along with gum chew, floss, and brushing after each meal.
17 - took the HurryRoll out for a park stroll in the sun — storage in RIM seems adequate.
17 - pressure to binge is building — too many new crackers not whole grain.
17 - floss hotspot healed. Also toffee corn at week’s end.
17 - counted calories all week — honed diet but tub of frozen yogurt at week’s end. Crackers back to Triscuit.
17 - subscribed to New York Times for use and support of investigative reporting $4/week eventually.
17 - did a few bits — long in coming. Indication of end of transit from CA to FL?
17 - txts to Lance and Susan. Harv learned to put a pic into another pic.
17 - RIM enjoyment facilitates not having to please someone else, yet personal norms are needed.
17 - phone set to receive calls from contacts only. Backed up phone.
:Florida RIM household (Residence In Motion):
17 - eyed SHINE for housing advice. https://www.npr.org/2019/04/27/712240801/a-workable-alternative-to-nursing-homes-in-vermont-adult-family-care