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2019 June 09 bucket for week 23

2019 June 09 bucket for week 23 
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words,   70 thousand photos,   longing less       via       THE  NOW      a1804 tome entrance  --  -- domain 
:Health:   10hr flat sleep for legs.  Article 1804 still acts as tome entrance.
23 - ClearLax will eventually eliminate painful BMs that peaked last week.  Now ClearLax with each McDouble.
23 - miss two night pill sets this week, and a morning pills.
23 - steps 5000, 500, LEFT LOWER LEG PAIN8 requiring cane for little relief, nixed this pedo to GW, ordered another 6-19.
23 - much emphasis on flat sleep, positions R or L with blanket work.
23 - blood donation 115.81.53 low on iron, consulted PharmD, began OTC daily iron pill but lost bottle, hit 9gallon for FL.
23 - did six eggs without bread.
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade/air.  NOTHING need.  Blog assists lifeway shape.
23 - to GW 2nd cane, heater110v, TimeMachine, pedometer; space for slides appears.
:Florida RIM (Residence In Motion):  OPEN DOOR flat sleep access.
23 - bought $15 wiper refills, $900 for driver seat skin, ideated nix nerver-used head rest, use passenger back skin for driver.
23 - new position for inverter no charge problems, bought can goods shelf to rebuild above blue-top12v, 
