2019 June 23 bucket for week 25
a YOUTHFUL SPIRIT scribbles a LIFEWAY in its 81st year
a million words, 70 thousand photos, longing less via THE NOW a1804 tome entrance
DocHarvOtto@me.com -- http://happyharvotto.blogspot.com -- HarvOtto.us domain
:Health: Article 1804 still may be tome entrance. Melodic attitude. Rest consumes some days entirely.
25 - ClearLax upped finally fine-tuned? Flat-seats RIM night/day provide skinny ankles (with focus on diet).
25 - 42 girth complains after a tub of Blue Bunny Caramel Gold Brew.
25 - flat RIM sleep gymnastics gives a body/mind too weak to continue with successive betterment bits.
25 - disability is a workers’ benefit without application over 66yo. NCOA.org may be a good start.
25 - a foot long meatball sub at a secluded Subway may break the two-month ice cream habit. Maybe salad.
25 - stool concern: not drinking enough water, and not eating enough fiber. Returned to old water bottle.
25 - zinc lozenges are a weekly occurrence as are missed pill sets usually evening.
:Niceties: Real Florida shade/air. NOTHING= a choice. Blog assists lifeway shape. Satisfice bits= good health?
25 - attempted to write off from NYT Christians Sex article but could not handle the three pane Scrivener use..
25 - LIFEWAY bases on RIM organization operation and above indicates WRITE aim but elusive.
25 - eats tradition is JOY. Hamburger and ice cream daily (with discard). Tested Subway.
25 - email is controlled! Sent Lisa and Chris keep-in-touch greetings using Father’s Day as excuse.
:Florida RIM (Residence In Motion): REAR DOOR flat sleep gymnastics. Seat padding ineffective.
25 - function becomes really pleasing. Many organization bits actualized.
25 - despite seemingly unlimited rest time, table top now has a no-skid covering. More bits to come?
:California household (no car needed): Remember that Susan pointed directly to Florida housing for Harv.
25 - tested Susan on new life w/o Cheyne. Sue still hasn’t gotten the point — nor have I. I keep trying for me.
25 - Susan completed her new life list, Cheyne was her old ‘marriage’ life. She was advised by the ‘oldsters.’