2019 July 14 bucket for week 28
a YOUTHFUL SPIRIT scribbles a LIFEWAY in its 81st year
a million words, 70 thousand photos, longing less via THE NOW a1804 tome entrance
DocHarvOtto@me.com -- http://happyharvotto.blogspot.com -- HarvOtto.us domain
:Niceties: Real Florida shade/air RIM. Rest #1, many days no time for satisfice bits= good health/happiness.
28 - partial/full Safari quit observed. Assumed it was security software doings. Could have been memory loss.
28 - will pop for Bob’s lunch for his birthday. Shower/hair cut top priority all week with back debilitation.
28 - funded Lance’s presents activity. Susan phone call err response quelled, codependence weaned.
:RIM (Residence In Motion): Formalize operation apart from Florida, that is, by function.
28 - another tweak of flat-sleep — removed/discarded back seat (passenger side already gone) at back pain cost.
28 - actions for flat-sleep setup from within RIM determined for side sleep L&R. Studied submariner psychology.
28 - just-in-time, spent hours in steady hard rain working flat-sleep naps alternated with seat-upright work.
:Health: Rest as much as needed. Caffeine return quells substantial dizziness increase and excessive rest.
28 - recover back w/acetaminophen (8) from back seat removal and gymnastics from flat-sleep debug,
28 - missed 1 of 6 evening pill sets, last week maybe two or three. PCP visit starts with worn-back bone-scan report.
28 - txt quiz Sue of abnormal lab results for PCP visit Friday. A/C now controlled without seat adjust from outside.
28 - head/body haircut and shower went smooth, remember to charge clippers.
28 - PCP did not want bone-scan for records, nixed clonidine with wean next week, Tdap shot billing complexities.
28 - death watch moved out to four-months.
28 - a mile walk caused a back pain flair feels like core inflammation, stool ok. PCP feels one iron pill sufficient.