2019 July 21 bucket for week 29
a YOUTHFUL SPIRIT scribbles a LIFEWAY in its 81st year
a million words, 70 thousand photos, longing less via THE NOW a1804 tome entrance, a1783 notes
DocHarvOtto@me.com -- http://happyharvotto.blogspot.com a1815 -- HarvOtto.us domain
:Health: Rest as much as needed. Continue acetaminophen for core discomfort from walk and even sit.
29 - forgot several pill replenishments makes the 6-day sort more complex. Wean off clonidine this week.
29 - profuse nose run, assume it’s allergy time in Florida. Backache turns to a generalized core discomfort.
29 - backache relents but clonidine wean has some weird associations: alert, stomach upset, more dizzy, …
29 - backache chronic again but able to walk without cane. Core probably inflamed, took an acetaminophen.
29 - backache challenged Harv’s ability to walk. Breakfast milk gives way to protein mix. Shaving calories.
29 - perhaps flat-sleep bottom pillow glued on passenger seat back was counter comfort thus causing back pain?
29 - acetaminophen every three hours cleared by PharmD as max.
:Niceties: Real Florida shade/air RIM. Rest #1 task with search for back pain relief.
29 - patronized Bill the bum with another McD double fish sandwich meal..
29 - watched the Project Bluebook videos.
29 - shared government history of the century with Susan txt. Susan’s new life = Sascha/Greg v Cheyne/Keith
:RIM (Residence In Motion): Function operation faces failing back mobility.
29 - began study of rough idle Fit engine maintenance needed. Florida garage challenge.
29 - will probably install new ignition coil as soon as back pain permits. RIM flat-sleep turns restless.
29 - stuffing removed and saved from bottom pillow to test if caused back pain. Vac/table light connected for use.
:California household: Look forward to visiting Harv’s tricycle for InOut.
29 - avoided political discussion with Susan/Greg. Emphasized civics principle to help her develop “new life.”