2019 July 28 bucket for week 30
a YOUTHFUL SPIRIT scribbles a LIFEWAY in its 81st year
a million words, 70 thousand photos, longing less via THE NOW a1804 tome entrance, a1783 notes
DocHarvOtto@me.com -- http://happyharvotto.blogspot.com a1815 -- HarvOtto.us domain
:Health: Rest as much as needed. Continue acetaminophen for core discomfort from walk and even sit.
30 - Ability to walk returns after much rest with stuffing removed from pillow. Greater walk ability progresses.
30 - with Bob’s aid, survived two potential pass outs in the heat although it was early morning.
30 - to PCP for annual Medicare physical and Tdap vaccination by way of shower.
30 - familiarized with Medicines Therapy Management.who said they had time to analyze OTC medications.
30 - week is heading to end with ever better back strength, reason remains mysterious except for much rest.
:RIM (Residence In Motion): Function operation faces failing back mobility.
30 - reviewed Honda manual for coil info. Ended www study of stutter ill causes. Purchased/installed coils.
30 - Harv able to easily justify car-life to PCP at annual physical. PCP projected another 20 years.
:California household: Look forward to visiting Harv’s tricycle for InOut.
30 - txt happiness article to Susan.
30 - searched and found happiness podcast for Susan from Papa
:Niceties: Real Florida shade/air RIM. Rest #1 task with search for back pain relief.
30 - watched the Curiosity Stream videos, mathematical representation of the universe.