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2019 Aug 11 bucket for week 32

2019 Aug 11 bucket for week 32 
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 70 thousand photos, longing less via THE  NOW a1804 tome entrance, a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
:Health:  Rest as much as needed.  At super health with review back..
32 - week begins with solid half day rest. Half day steps with history 1600, 2900, 3200, 4800, 3700, 3400; v 3-4000 challenge.
32 - shower, senior social dinner, PCP visit.  Adjusted pills based on PCP direction.  Verified no dizzy but sleepy w/PharmD.
32 - Super health review in a1783 enacts scribble into blog.  This blog still stuck in 2018.  Sleepless after three hour nap.
:RIM (Residence In Motion) As-set:  Function operation faces failing back mobility.
32 - purchases integrated. Watermelon again replaces ice cream.  But full tubs later in week.
32 - replaced tail light same day as alerted.  Placed transaction lockdown extra security feature on Fidelity accounts.
32 - Mulled senior socializing, observing traits that keep Harv away from renting.  Began understanding iCloud Drive.
32 - iPhone Photos not updating to iCloud Photos 68,800.  Capto Collections not Photos Library 2.
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade/air RIM. 
32 - Double fish sandwich, melodic, ice cream.  Pic edit ended up in iCloud Drive?  Reset password to current password.
:California household:  
32 - Responded optimistically to Susan “check in.”  Focus remains Real Florida senior socialization and tome/blog.
32 - Susan thinks four past months of tricycle In n Out should last forever rather than the NOW.
