2019 Sep 01 bucket for week 35
a YOUTHFUL SPIRIT scribbles a LIFEWAY in its 81st year
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less via THE NOW a1804 tome entrance, a1783 notes
DocHarvOtto@me.com -- http://happyharvotto.blogspot.com a1815 -- HarvOtto.us domain
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion): Flat sleep. Vac? Glean? Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?
35 - Missed the prompt closure of last week — a good possibility that the week 34 blog/tome is incomplete.
35 - With coop, studied an 84yo married male w/current ill health, who insisted overextending to prove he was worthy.
35 - Harv must dial back! He must retreat to end the many projects/programs that he thought he would have the time.