2019 Sep 22 (correction) bucket for week 39
a YOUTHFUL SPIRIT scribbles a LIFEWAY in its 81st year
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less via THE NOW a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt), a1783 notes
DocHarvOtto@me.com -- http://happyharvotto.blogspot.com a1815 -- HarvOtto.us domain
:Niceties: Real Florida shade/air RIM, thunder/light shows, fireworks.
39 - consider annual Disney World pass added to DeBary and St.Cloud events for Harv’s retirement region.
39 - bought year lease at Disney World, account since 2011, first annual then a second truncated by Susan (the first time).
39 - Enjoyed three nights of fireworks Steps: 900. 1300, 1700, 3200, 10k, 13k, 5k, 4600, 2200, 2000, 2500.
39 - Chose H.Studios for parking in medical overflow with boat convenience to Epcot. Confront walking handicap.
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion): Flat sleep adhesive fix. Vac? Glean? Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?
39 - blog has been ’soft’ for weeks.
39 - Safari software update at McD. Continued to search for night-driving clip-ons.
39 - storage bins went from two to four. Sleep bag unfurls and storage bins begin operation. Clothes used as flat-sleep filler.
39 - endured first day of Disney steps at 8000+ for wristband. Hydrated at Disney McD at inflated prices til sunset.
39 - reactivated flat sleep as sleep bag comes out for the winter. Cici offers Barbecue Flatbread, McD shakes at night.
39 - major activity fallback after initial Disney World spurt. One night’s evening meal was chocolate pudding protein powder.