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2019 Nov 30 bucket for week 49

2019 Nov 30 bucket for week 49
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 81st year 
a million words, 69 thousand photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Way Of Life task (LOFt),   a1783 notes  -- a1815  -- domain 
:Health:  Steps not of great magnitude but good physical feel has evolved overall better outlook.
49 - Shower, last was Thanksgiving, clippers still lost.    DDM Schedule B$ gives 6 months till next Prophy/Review, got Old-Age leads.
49 - Began again salad bar as desert. Stool dark sticky.    Steps: 1300A 2400F 1700R 1700W 2900T 1000M 2800U 3500
49 - Added much to the depression life review TextEdit.
49 - M dental with 6 months recall F blood draw, stop and pay dental bill. 
49 - confronted ‘beetle’ for second time with death spray — not impossible that it was a bloated tic. Empty blood sac below L breast.
49 - restarted eye drops.   Pharmacist identified vagrant pills.
49 - increased ClearLax working. Forest City scale read 265#. Pizza slices from 6 to 5 and no extra cheese!
49 - twice in Nov yellow light ticket and twice bounced both axles one curb islands.
:Niceties:  Real Florida shade.  Passwords still want. 
49 - conceived Pack It In for 82nd year as closure to FAMILY CHASE since 1999.    Closed birthday trauma with Chris texts.
49 - found old-style Walmart bags at Altamonte Springs - bought three.
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion):  Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?  
49 - uncovered ‘bleach’ leak in Walmart storage bag, a clipper item but no motor units.
