2019 Dec 29 bucket for week 01 year 2020
a YOUTHFUL SPIRIT scribbles a LIFEWAY in its 82nd year
a million words, 70 thousand photos, longing less via THE NOW a1804 Life Of Functional tasks (LOFt), a1783 notes
DocHarvOtto@me.com -- http://happyharvotto.blogspot.com a1815 -- HarvOtto.us domain
:Health: Evolved overall better outlook with physical aches/pains but walker/cane not a necessity.
01 - sun lamp used daily held for approval by eye guy. DNR lanyard to neck but have cold feet on DNR.
01 - Harv’s eye guy Brian will check on the safety of light box use for Depression Cure book.
01 - steps: F2300 R2000 W900 T2400 M2000 U1200 A900 F1300
01 - morning laundry with rotator cuff/bicep gym workers, with no morning nap.
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion): Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?
01 - end clippers hunt. Laundry/gym/hair cut/shower. Set slide digitizer.
01 - Advertised Frankie tow card on windshield.
01 - Headlight recalibration guy. Repair arm-rest.
:Niceties: Real Florida shade. Reinforcement texts to kids. TV, read ‘fiction’.
:Daily review current events BBC NPR CNN NYT WAS blog.
01 - integrated DNR lanyard w/phone. More glass cracks seen. Give up kitchen as-set?
01 - DeBary New Year’s Day coffee/cookies delayed to some January Saturday Sonny’s.
01 - Transition House clinician (open invite to talk) agreed with Senior Center COA emphasis to find counsel.
01 - St.Cloud Civic Center boss Lori interview came to same counsel solution with three local vendors of WellCare connection.
01 - NYT article has been following six old-olders since 2015 with five now dead. NYT article Harv’s need not geriatric.
01 - Diabetic James near kidney and liver failure intends to get back to New York.
01 - cataract texts for Susan. TV: Iran war, surf.
01 - Passwords glimmer via Chris scheme.