2020 Jan 05 bucket for week 02
a YOUTHFUL SPIRIT scribbles a LIFEWAY in its 82nd year
a million words, 70 thousand photos, longing less via THE NOW a1804 Life Of Functional tasks (LOFt), a1783 notes
DocHarvOtto@me.com -- http://happyharvotto.blogspot.com a1815 -- HarvOtto.us domain
:Health: Evolved overall better outlook with physical aches/pains but walker/cane not a necessity yet.
02 - acid reflux study — too many antacids ingested, no gum chew means no acid dilution. Ginger ale? McD cone.
02 - back to licorice candy. Stomach overfill no-no, no onions, limit coffee/soda, drink ginger, non-citrus, apple cider vinegar,
02 - added Cici chicken soup to noon meal with licorice for desert.
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion): Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?
02 - bought sleep pad base and very small 25 watt heat pads — Again spent all day in pad study w/tonight 41F.
02 - sleep capability will now sustain 39F consistently. 9”x9” $10 Walmart perhaps 15 watt pad runs all night.
:Niceties: Real Florida shade. Texts to kids. TV: Daily review current events BBC NPR CNN NYT WAS blog.
02 - bought James a dinner salad again — he lingers in Florida with diabetes and kidneys/liver on their way to failure.
02 - Huntcliff kids pull a fast one — a ping-pong table birthday for Mom. Per Lance Chris sooooooo happy! And surprised.