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2020 Mar 01 bucket for week 10 — Tamsulosin/apple cider vinegar (kidney stones) stops. Heartburn.

2020 Mar 01 bucket for week 10 — Tamsulosin/apple cider vinegar (kidney stones) stops. Heartburn.
a    YOUTHFUL SPIRIT    scribbles a    LIFEWAY    in its 82nd year 
a million words, less photos, longing less   via THE  NOW   a1804 Life Of Functional tasks (LOFt),   a1783 notes
Identity: joy-love-freeing away sad-hate-fear for self-another-others in the context of a longer and productive LOFt.
Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health?     There is still youthful physical spirit yet to be tapped.  -- a1815  -- domain 
:Health: next, first Kissimmee laundromat. 
10 - Snot cough wanes. Acet periodically. Tamsulosin stops. Heartburn becomes constant and intolerable.
10 - Walmart alkaline water
:Niceties: sweet dreams, current events seven sites, routine retirement comes to be?
10 - HBO WestWorld. Phone hung 180 to avoid clog of charge slot. Computer table
10 - Phone angled on necklace. 
