2020 Quarter 2 narration — this is self-encouragement: blood donation, weight loss diet, …
Identity: joy-love-freeing away sad-hate-fear for self-another-others in the context of a longer and productive LOFt.
Why reluctance to spiff as-set operation to super health? Sweet dreams unto death based on actualizations,
More for example: coach self, write Scrivener, RIM as-set includes OSs productivity, …
From Quarter 1 —
a youthful spirit scribbles a lifeway in its 82nd year,
a million words, less photos, longing less via THE NOW
a1804 Life Of Functional tasks (LOFt),
a1783 notes
There is still youthful physical spirit yet to be tapped.
DocHarvOtto@me.com -- http://happyharvotto.blogspot.com a1815 -- HarvOtto.us domain.
For Quarter 3 — Sweet dreams unto death — LOFt aim, that is: “pack id” use Susan, Chris, and Lisa w/o their responsibility, — .
2020 weeks of quarter two — actualized functional tasks from blog.
:Health: Rx, rest, diet, repack LOFt,
15 - 11000M and 9000W steps, constipation healed.
14 - 6600R chafe
:Niceties: sweet dreams, current events eight sites, streaming three sites. Includes functional socialization.
15 - reading collects unwanted? notes. song words for Susan 2020apr11Sat3pm.mov
14 - sleep bin, aim tome, “pack id in”
:RIM As-set (Residence In Motion): includes OSs.
15 - added battery vapor. Oil checks full.
14 -