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2020 June summary of weeks 26-22 —  RIM spiff 90yo, ulcers, wellness v chase unhappiness


Health:  Rx, immune rest, diet, pack LOFt, wellness a1783 a1767 a1745 a1806,

26 - prophy, lost Sophia “Patient Education”, Walmart Rx account, 

25 - ulcers also stress reduction, 

24 - sleep seems perpetual aim, but it has become boring,

23 - 22h fast,

22 - obtained Vince,

:Niceties: sweet dreams, www(wifi/hotspot), pack id a1831, dry clean, sound/light shows, melodic, .

26 - encouraged Susan fortitude,  

25 - iPad Pro learning w/MBA humidity problem, bought humidity and lunch cases,

24 - precedence network reemerges, Prine, reached out to Susan/Chris.

23 - Caesar: don’t chase unhappiness

22 - antifreeze 2 Caesar, wellness as lifeway why, challenges to Susan/Jared.

 :RIM As-set (Residence In Motion):  includes OSs maintenance.

26 - wheel undercoat, last six eggs in car rice cooker, 

25 - bought humidity and lunch/computer cases,

24 - air Walmart automotive (Jose).

23 - brush rims,

22 - vacuum car,