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2021 July 25 bucket for week 31 —  mask-use return, asset spiff bits,  non-fast blood draw, chafe, insect bites,


: Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness), gym cardio, immune rest-gym-diet, LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806,

31 - Checker’s $5 double fish no bun many days, LabCorp appointment, life expectancy w/o HBP w/alcohol, 

31 - pain 3 hi end of thighs U,  M W 30 minute cardio aches dissipated, M T W 1300c but not likely,

31 - M T caffeine coffee all-nighters, forgot to fast T, bought peppermint schnapps for life expectancy, 

31 - celebrated Jodi[Emma] call R w/ice cream, tears in Kohl’s lot F (simply back off), chafe from dampness, 

31 - insect bites, used baby salve and 1% itch salve,


:Niceties routine: smile, sweet dreams, scan www-slides-papers/read/awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN),

:self/RIM declutter, melodic, freeing v fear choice, family calls challenge, emotional stability, intellectual activity, 

Air4 surf/write/stream (connects to television of youth), sound/light shows (storms),

31 - halved Sonny’s napkins, Erin speak M W half sub soda candy for Bob, Erin has unemployment problems T, 

31 - Erin unemployment texts/email, Erin broke from Bob A wee hour phone call put off breakfast till U, 


:As-set Residence In Motion routine:   spiff, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s if living, minimalism, 

31 - walker-slide-pole anchors front seat back straighter, tightened arm rest screw half turn, front bins stack straighter, 

31 - protective bumper unto sharp ceiling tube, painted new wheel weights, spray waxed top surfaces,

31 - hook for mask-use reminder,