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week 53 blog bucket #2 begins 2022 December 25 —  BMs more normal, 267#, itch persists, slept-life-away ?illness?

updated 2022dec27M11pm

Health non-routine:  

53 - A TXRH new gift card U McD double fish x2 chocolate shake M ice w/MM peanuts T slept on day in car til 5pm W 267# Nettie fills in for Christina with turmoil, Harv withdraws, Susan aftereffect? too much partying 


Niceties non-routine

53 - M Sakura by Ron, he shared nicely for all two hours, Harv was another David, 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) non-routine:  

53 - M WM Sakura mid grade 

week 52 blog bucket #2 begins 2022 December 18 —  266# 265#, COA naps, depression intervention, 31F felt like 23F, new battery for 10w furnace, long range retirement flicker, 

updated 2022dec24A8pm


Health non-routine: 

52 - cookies/sweets/card from Rose, T stopped caffeine coffee, W monthly review with health captain, depression intervention by associates R depression seems to break, F Mex too hot nix avocado ice/cherries A 31 feels 23 F TXRH Sophia  Linda hi to Ron /Kathy pried Ron Sakura call for noon, 


Niceties non-routine:  

52 - M card from Linda, COA naps ongoing for week, R bunko Karen Nancy Ellie reinforced, Regina house partner Sherry artist, basking in the glory of non-depression (J-L-Free) chance meet Regina/Cindy AutoZone F power boss at COA Erin buys Mex soup/rice gave Bob Rx gel A Erin checks my condition in decade $80k to house nixed Rhonda Bob has shirts set [careful with Ron’s confidence]


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) non-routine:  

52 - W glued new thermometer velcro hanger, R iPad iOS16.2 day-COA-not night, purchased AutoZone 3-year battery some success in turning filters off cracked into Tmobile/Google web sites, F began heat pad 6am 31F

week 51 blog bucket #2 begins 2022 December 11  — depressed , 264#, RIM relief? ill, slept ill away?, return to more water, defining Fit neo normal, ordered duds, Shane memorial, 

-updated 2022dec19M11am-


Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness); itch zyrtec, scratcher; immune rest--diet (pills 2prunesV8, decaf, gym.water, root beer, COA 300, Wendy’s 400, chia, garlic/onion powders, cups, ice.half.pint 300c, V8 prunes pills 100c), LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, drip-pad / spat-clean, pill sort, renal diet, nose leak water 20oz a.m., 400 wheat.peanut.butter seldom, 400cWendy teeth brush seldom, naps, sweet dreams,

51 - U TXRH corn wrapped rolls M banana bread w/p.b. by Rose slept afternoon skipped ice slept ill away thru night T two cookies, R depressed morning, F party lunch spaghetti supper A gel refill via Paul for R pickup (Kevin stepped down to Sanford) 


Niceties routinesmile, sweet dreams, study: www slides papers awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN Smerconish, C-Span), self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, blood family challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, 

Air4 surf/stream iPad, sound/light shows/storms, COA dine/‘computing’ 9-4 door posted, 

51 - M banana bread for Rose’s 06Dec birthday, T Maria for Charles by Mary ok’ed by Charles call, F Charles no hire Christina carries ball with Mary for Charles A cried at Bob Regina just a memory encounter


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routinerestful sleep, melodic awake, spiff computing, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism, 

51 - several charging reds, defining Fit normal operation idle periods repeated at will A returned tight thermals bought XL bottoms

week 50 blog bucket #2  begins 2022 December 04  — fix D.Tune RIM, low fat ranch no butter no sour cream no tartar, wrote of Harv’s tradition/future direction, precedence network writer language, fed ‘cold’ extra pee drop with zinc 263#

-updated 2022dec10A1pm-


Health routine: gaining weight via personal celebrations using holidays’ excuse but F weight after coffee was not a bad at 263#, 

50 - U no prunes raw salmon roll low fat half ice M roll ice cherries celebration T 5 cookies 71F bundle-up 75 by 3pm for new visitors no ice W 73 2 cereal milk 300c ice cherries another celebration R two double cookies triple walk two miles ice cherries Pringles another celebration F had to use cart INTO Walmart for walk recoup no zinc lozenges two cakes 263#  ice cherries Pringles another celebration A gym water short on water this week TXRH 


Niceties routine: writing/publishing via Blogger super, precedence network language came from accounting for time flow from D.Tune to Wendy’s and back then to celebration and sleep, additionally the scheme fits Harv’s own cryptic writing style explanation.

50 - U head haircut, ordered D.Tune print delivered same M New York rye to Ron T Charles needs housekeeper Mary absent today W newbie carded Brenda/Judy social worker J hostile probably hi% dementia R COA holiday blues talk Maritsa offer of extended COA service discussed privately Brenda/Judy Pam/Ralph Harv’s contribution? COA dementia COA support group learning? COA ‘thermostat’ education? thought-invented precedence network language F Rx info for Brenda clothes change A 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routine: Harv’s writing style becomes Blogger software for composition, organization, and publication. Published current-event-linked-notes on Bible Principles pasted to tradition-page life-characteristics. 

50 - iPad update M Downloads Folder cleared/gleaned ‘dad’ George T iOS16.1.2 W source of lifetime youthful-spirit cleaned Air and iPad R D.Tune $311 for performance security narrative precedence network language F drove/idled with a/c spiffed RIM papers A 

week 49 blog bucket #2 begins 2022 November 27   Ray’s break though for RIM ill, birthday doings reasonable, prep for D.Tune Fit maintenance push, support for Ron, took 85th year as Blogger writer/publisher.

-updated 2022dec07A7pm-


Health: CKD itch continues to recede, no holiday weight loss, added weekday ex.lettuce/tomato, intensified fungus toe work.          

49 - U 2100 night snacks left Fit lights on M 263# 75 actual 75 set cool west 77 actual 78 set again worked on face whitehead celebration binge T no recollection of temp 900 1500 Pringles 2400 W spit out cookie evening pie not ice R 4 cookies F toe anti fungus 264# A caused fungus bleed bought V8 six-packs for toe work-stool found nail miller ice cherries


Niceties: Ray points to Fit maintenance solution, foot gel challenge to Ron, challenge-carded table of three ladies after discussion.

49 - M Ray HRV^ride/search super friend response, Demo/F/A hospital administrator, T Shirley y95/John/Stan/Debbie Ray/Holly car advice D.Tune recommendation, W George/Jerry D.Tune analysis visit Holly/Ray car fix research likes buy new car nixed w/Ray encouraged Shirley computer R super birthday card displayed much chat but no sparkle F pain gel for Ron taking Buddy to vet another $20 for Lucy sister Karen/Janette Tim newbie carded HAH/Bernice/Inez extensive discussion across tables A 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM): no more premium gas, notes for D.Tune, killed roach? lanyard iPhone fix, WD40 fixes, shifting toward 4000rpm. 

49 - U Gumout test seems to have proven results over premium gas for RIM, night idle for a/c lit engine^light decided big $ for Firestone/Boulevard^analysis, chased roach that probably came via today’s Wendy’s bag, T car better? W D^Tune visit, R wire fix for iPhone lanyard lubed balance scale Debbie’s step-up put-up door garland F A completed list for D.Tune

-updated 2022nov27U1pm-

2022 November 20  blog bucket #2 for week 48261#, COA retirement office, the hermit spends the four-day Thanksgiving weekend eating salmon at Texas RoadHouse, most days until last night with forced sleep but sleep nonetheless


Health: Much idle sleep for ‘family’ holiday, wore long socks thru last of cold spell, un-don tights, readied for hair cut/shower/laundry, TXRH has loaded ranch for 200 c premium to eliminate next week, weight loss regiment coming into focus, PCP undoes every-other-day K pill, cancelled offload of Rx pills inventory to patient.

48 - U skip 1200 TXRH ice 300 pc 300 1800, M s.pill long socks to eliminate short socks leg grooves, 263#, 75d set 73 heat reviewed with Christina/Maritsa, 700 cookies Rose pic binge, Luisa Nov health review vocalized need for 1400c daily for weight loss, Oni PCP review tested her knowledge of K sparing, 1800, T added 2 prunes tot morning 100 V8 pills 263#, 73 actual 75 set on heat but not heating, substitute 3 fingers of grapes for NOT, read V8 veggie list, 1100, W 100 V8 prunes almost 261# morning wet fart clean a necessity 1300 felt gag-ish post COA/Wendy eats, tired but nap unsuccessful, another zinc today, R (2)double fish-bun, full pint ice mistake 1900, F TXRH lo c ranch roll 1800, A 1800, .


Niceties: Maritsa trashcan tie preped, Rose cookies exclusive, began thinking of possible new car Susan text, helping Janette again, Ashley promises Matt knowledge.

48 - M Rose sister-in-law not Rene, Lesley/Mary COA dine,  Ray HRV $20k+ new, Susan HRV is old smaller CRV, T  read SUV hatchback fold.down seats preference, W renewed Janette walker-into-car, Ashley/Oscar/Matt IT has OC facilities thermostat standard settings receives email invitation Wava heat/air units are new 2021, Susan texts, Erin wine ? R Thanksgiving Erin cancels Sunday, nightmare Chevy , F, A,


As-set: Blogger becomes another writer/publisher style, blog ’task’ lines become paragraphs and pst routine redundancy become sum paragraph. 

48 - M blog text-lines changed from week id# to paragraphs, post Rose pic to week 47, perhaps premium gas ? W published happiness report commentary with pic,

-updated 2022nov21M9am-

2022 November 13  blog bucket #2 for week 47 —  work Air4, tradition/values, one walk healed, 261#, COA stature, 


Rose - a COA driver 
for Meals on Wheels

Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness); itch zyrtec, scratcher; immune rest--diet (pills V8, decaf, gym.water, root beer, 300 COA, Wendy’s 400, chia, garlic/onion powders, cups, ice.pint 400, V8 pills), LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, drip-pad / spat-clean, pill sort, renal diet, nose leak water 20oz a.m., 400 wheat.peanut.butter, 400Wendy teeth brush, naps, sweet dreams,

47 - U s.pillV8 100 popcorn 1200 TXRH, 600 ice, 1900, walkM skip V8 262# 700, 100 pineapple 200 cookies 200 pc

47 - 600 ice 100 pc, 1900, T s.pillV8 261#, full ice pints counter walk debilitation and weight loss pining, 200 pc, 600 ice,

47 - 1500, W skip 263# could have did half ice ! inner bottom lip pimple a cold sore matching other mild cold symptoms, 

47 - 300 cookies 1400, R s.pill 262# 200 cookies 600 ice 200 pcV8 1800, F skip 264# (2)4hr sleep durations with 10w heater,

47 - 200 pc (2) spaghetti 1000 ice 300, 2300, A s.pill TXRH 1200 ice 300 pc 300 1800


Niceties routinesmile, sweet dreams, study: www slides papers awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN Smerconish, C-Span), self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, blood family challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, 

Air4 surf/stream iPad, sound/light shows/storms, COA dine/‘computing’ 9-4 door posted, 

47 - U Bob, M Charles promoted to call, Rose, Ray, thermo on heat 75 F thru bingo set and actual, T Charlie delivers,

47 - W Odoban bottle to Ron request, thermo set/actual 72 F rest room lots warmer, using coffee cup for root beer, 

47 - R she visited carded worked slick  Joyce 76yo DEA agent? single mother dominos, night 41d thermo 74 actual 74  

47 - DEA block up from Wendy’s, Dee-mo 50yo Abraham RN to US in 1969 as 70yoNOT Florence from Nigeria, 

47 - F Lesley/Mary@Ann’s, Linda wants Ron@spaghetti, Ilene sharp dresser,  A Erin Sunday dinner invite, 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routinerestful sleep, melodic awake, spiff computing, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism, 

47 - U topped coolant none into overflow, cleaned front door-stick seals, nixed soda/water ice in COA table cups, 

-updated 2022nov13U1pm-

2022 November 06  blog bucket #2 for week 46 —  more into normal retirement, balance potassium, balance protein, hone writer/reader skills, 263# diet settles, super lifetime model in spite of hurricane and past COA roughness, Fit power age-diminished,


Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness); itch zyrtec, scratcher; immune rest--diet (pills V8, decaf, gym.water, root beer, COA 300, Wendy’s 400, chia, garlic/onion powders, cups, ice.pint 400, V8 pills), LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, drip-pad / spat-clean, pill sort, renal diet, nose leak water 20oz a.m., 400 wheat.peanut.butter, 400Wendy teeth brush, naps, sweet dreams,

46 - U TXRH 100 popcorn last night, M pill shift, 263#, furosemide cut K gainer room for V8 1250mg K load, pineapple, 

46 - tired hit survived, 800, big surf binge, T 300 wheat group exercises 400 cookies 100 popcorn, 600 ice pop 2600,

46 - car heat/air for rain, W s.pill not yesterday but today starting every other day less-sparing potassium tomorrow skip s.,

46 - W V8 outage, 200 cookies, 200 pop 300 wheat, 1400, R skip 100 apple 400 wheat 400 wheat 200 popcorn, 

46 - 200 popcorn V8 600 ice, 1900, F s.pill, tick in R butt arising this week, 263#, big BM day, 1485, A skip, 100 pc, 400 rye,  

46 - 1300 TXRH, 100 pineapple, 200 popcorn, 2100


Niceties routinesmile, sweet dreams, study: www slides papers awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN Smerconish, C-Span), self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, blood family challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, 

Air4 surf/stream iPad, sound/light shows/storms, COA dine/‘computing’ 9-4 door posted, 

46 - U surf last night, Bob executor, M Susan, Rose Jeep three races Dennis Corvette, Janette pulse 64 MD, 

46 - Ray Fascist State insulation COA Susan Chris Lisa, Ron dementia episode, Jan F. volunteers temp comfort today, 

46 - no jacket but at 1:30 actual temp 70&74 a mystery still w/o jacket, “i feel self-dignity”, T Shirley John Floyd Stan, 

46 - Ron talks, Cristina flex hours, Susan texts, Debbie joins table for minutes, W COA closes 3pm vacant R, 

46 - Leslie volunteer, Christina folder, Charlie name tag overkill, COA Harv’s image comes, Polk City rest stop,

46 - don socks, find clothes, nix baggy long johns, no night lights, truck stop West Tampa eye touched me and headed north,

46 - R Susan texts, A Erin cell COA off, 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routinerestful sleep, melodic awake, spiff computing, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism, 

46 - reset Hotspot, iPad works independently, rewrite R column, glean Finder surf binge then next day eats, 

46 - Fit engine power age-eroded, F found long shirts, oil change, winter short socks work ok long in reserve,

46 - F OS13.0.1 auto update on power charge at COA, 

-updated 2022nov05A10pm-

2022 October 30 blog bucket #2 for week 45jacket COA, day dialysis, 265#, glean Photos,

  scrub memories, happiness tractions COA, CKD at bay, 


Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness); itch zyrtec, scratcher; immune rest--diet (gym.water, decaf, root beer, pills V8, COA 300, Wendy’s 400, chia, garlic/onion powders, cups, ice.pint 400, V8 pills), LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, drip-pad / spat-clean, pill sort, renal diet, nose leak water 20oz a.m., 400 wheat.peanut.butter almost never, 400Wendy teeth brush, naps, sweet dreams,

45 - will-to-live study naught, 400, 400 wheat, 600 ice 300 pc, 1700, M creative blood draw, 263#, 200 cookies, 300 cookies, 

45 - probably sadness eats, 600 ice, 300 popcorn, 2200, T 265#, 200 cookies, Jacket cold at 73 temp left v gloves on, 

45 - 100 popcorn, 1700, W 265#, west thermo 70 actual 9am, Ellen nutrition boss = Debora will print out c helper, 100

45 - pineapple, extra 300 lunch, Tom “cold in here” (not James orange book) maintenance 74 will inquire Oscar, 1200

45 - Tom 74F automatic door works, 265#, ‘rowhan’ $45 96.3 264# w/o lanyard/shoes, 200 cookie/pineapple, 1000

45 - 300 popcorn, 1300, ice cream 600 or half? 1600, shallow zit pinned, F set 74 mode heat actual 72 a/c blowing, 

45 - rest rooms being overheated twice month, wakeup tired but can’t sleep, 100 oranges 500 100 popcorn 300 ice 1300

45 - Desai afterglow, eventually diet spreadsheet, 100 popcorn 1400, A headlights on TXRH 100 popcorn 200 beer

45 - 400 salmon 500 loaded potato 200 salad 200 rolls 300 ice 100 popcorn, 2000, V8 1250 potassium 25% nix, 


Niceties routinesmile, sweet dreams, study: www slides papers awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN Smerconish, C-Span), self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, blood family challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, 

Air4 surf/write/stream iPad, sound/light shows/storms, COA dine/‘computing’ 9-4 door posted, 

45 - encouraged Charles walker, Jackie MI rummy not aware St,Anne, Stan/Shirley 91yo trick/treating, tumblr surf, 

45 - signed newtumbl xstumbl mastodon reddit ? surf, set COA table, Lucy intends bingo at men’s table, 

45 - Robert/Robbie Tampa 40yo hospitalized other 42yo tuber, happy tractions COA, Curly 95 females 52 Kyle 47, 

45 - F con’t 2 heart attack pres. of welding supply one job female millionaire divorced 70 after 39 years, Susan news texts,

45 - envy 95yo Curly’s family support he married into, wrote tradition no-talk lives forever into the pits, 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routinerestful sleep, melodic awake, spiff, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism, 

45 - emphasized RIM with dialysis, Photos glean to 17004, scrub memories

-updated 2022oct30U1pm-

2022 October 23 blog bucket #2 for week 44 —  tired day-long rests, CKD irritability, DDS Golden Corral, COA constraints, sociality declines? 


Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness); itch zyrtec, scratcher; immune rest--diet (gym.water, decaf, root beer, pills V8, COA 300, Wendy’s 400, chia, garlic/onion powders , fruit maybe, ice 700), LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, drip-pad / spat-clean, pill sort, renal diet, nose leak water 20oz a.m., 400 wheat, 400Wendy teeth brush, banana, apple, Roma, peach,  grapes, naps, sweet dreams,

44 - low metabolism/anxiety? U 400 700 1100, M EmHeat mode 72, 300fresh bread-dunk impulse, 

44 - cookie binge but no evening ice, 1500, T 264# contrary to low calorie intake 300, 300 nan, 400, 1200, 2200 uncare

44 - W 400 200 cookies, 400, 450ice 200 p.corn, 1650, current nature very irritable, face cut shower, DDS, 3000, 

44 - Golden Corral, V8 popcorn 200, ice 600, 3600, St.Ann 1500, 1900, A 400 TXRH end of life dinner carded lady, 

44 - ice followed TXRH, 2100,


Niceties routinesmile, sweet dreams, study: www slides papers awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN Smerconish, C-Span), self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, blood family challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, 

Air4 surf/write/stream, sound/light shows/storms, COA dine/‘computing’ 9-4 door posted, 

44 - U/M stream, T EmHeat set 70 actual 75 fan auto east actual 78, Lucy Robert 40yo kidney failure, W 70 west felt ok, 

44 - Barb loves Robert, Jan name tag replacement, Erin complains others become her personal problem, read WTL SWB,

44 - missed Charles, pleasant streaming,


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routinerestful sleep, melodic awake, spiff, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism, 

44 - OS13 update nixed one login, W personal cards, Debbie computer sparks COA wifi review w/rich history, 

-updated 2022oct24M11am-

2022 October 16 bucket #2 for week 43 —  study CKD newsletters, 263#, anxiety from one meal to next? 


Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness); itch zyrtec, scratcher; immune rest--diet (gym.water, decaf, root beer, fruit, chia, garlic/onion powders), LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, drip-pad / spat-clean, pill sort, renal diet, nose leak water 20oz a.m., pillsV8, 400 wheat, 400Wendy teeth brush, banana, apple, Roma, peach,  grapes, naps, sweet dreams,

43 - U 400++ diet lemonade, M 260#net pleasant surprise, 500COA, 900, cold loose stool hemorrhoid, 1300, p.b.nan 300, 

43 - registered CKD course, 1600, 200p.corn 100grapes 1900, 263#net, T COA lobby, ice reflux, 261#net 49 temp, 

43 - WDeVita 2 hours WebEx/browser root beer confirmed, ice celebration NOT, Petroleum jelly … R 262#net,

43 - seals moisture prevents scab formation speeds wound healing may reduce itchiness, SAD-SLOWED rate of life flow, 

43 - R  afternoon sleep, P.Jelly replaces retest of zyrtec for CKD itch relief, again evening ice, R V8, 400 400cookies200, 

43 - 100cookie 400p.corn300grapes300, ice900, 3000 anxiety? left car lights on this week, Tired, F 400 300 400 1000 2100,

43 - move p.butter to evening extend mini-fast to noon, chap lips for weeks, A 400 200peach100p.corn, ice 700, 1400

43 - surf binge


Niceties routinesmile, sweet dreams, study: www slides papers awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN Smerconish, C-Span), self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, blood family challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, 

Air4 surf/write/stream, sound/light shows/storms, COA dine/‘computing’ 9-4 door posted, 

43 - Joyce carded/hospitalized Tampa youngest son moves for Ron,  car-living comfy with regular eats weekend

43 - Ray/Holly, first winter night in car, Debbi HP computer F purchase, Chris followed up Amber’s birthday present,

43 - Ron falling apart, Richie needs meal delivery, Joyce absent, John spaghetti next F, Susan texts, 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routinerestful sleep, melodic awake, spiff, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism, 

43 - Finder glean Desktop Air v Drive, tied sun eyewear to main eyewear R, thermostat 72 from 66 east “change filter”, 

43 - lip balm for bag, began Theory W, blog spiff, 

updated 2022oct15A10pm

2022 October 09 blog bucket #2 for week 42head hair shower, 266#, NEU, Blogger site revamp, writer dawn, more stable COA, unstable iPad, bins consolidation, no 2.5 use, 


Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness); itch zyrtec, scratcher; immune rest--diet (gym.water, decaf, root beer, V8, fruit, chia, garlic/onion powders), LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, drip-pad / spat-clean, pill sort, renal diet, nose leak water 20oz a.m., 400 wheat, 400Wendy, banana, apple, Roma, peach, grapes, naps, sweet dreams, 

42 - U400 Wendy 700 toffy p.corn 200 finished off fruit 50 V8 A-U(chips) ice super ‘stool’, head hair shower M, 261#net, 

42 - M400 rye, 300COA, study WellCare changes no reason to change, NEU 6 min lazy eats, ordered Rx, 400 Wendy,   

42 - 6grapes100, 1200 +lemonade 200, tom p.corn grapes 400 no ice, 1800, T pills V8, 265#net strange after no ice,

42 - hemorrhoid blood, 400rye, 300COA, 400 Wendy, 100 3prunes pills, 6grapes100, Roma p.corn300, 1600, W pillsV8

42 - 262#net shed three # urine in night F.79, 400wheat, COA9am F.72 began long john’s, 300COA, 600Wendy+, 

42 - 100peach, 300grapes, 1700, R pillsV8, 266# with no ice this week, 400wheat, 300COA, 500b.bread3x, 1200

42 - nix Wendy lemonade, Roma p.corn200, 12grapes300, 1700, 263#, 400COA, 900grapes p.corn, 300grapes, 2400

42 - A ‘regular’ eats diet, 400, last ‘minute’ ice “yuk”, 1400


Niceties routinesmile, sweet dreams, study: www slides papers awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN Smerconish, C-Span), self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, blood family challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, 

Air4 surf/write/stream, sound/light shows/storms, COA dine/‘computing’ 9-4 door posted, 

42 - fill/mail ballot, Ray talks, Kay talks, post DC’s 26th birthday present, birthday posts exceed main page timing

42 - Erin kindred spirit, Richard/Connie Dianne SFI commission sales job, MLM, WROTE? 

42 - “sales force international”?  Multiple Level Marketing (Wikipedia) banned in many countries, 49%72F, 

42 - blog page Writer Types study, Kim delivers Orange City Village Improvement Association history book to COA, 

42 - Christina 66/heat on thermostat, Chris birthday sang to voice message took-the-day-off texts, 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routinerestful sleep, melodic awake, spiff, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism, 

42 - downloaded Epson updates via cell data installed, blog site revamp, nix dingy zipper over shirt, 

42 - permanently deleted Blog Amber, glean Air Finder/iPad messages, iPad cell# mystery, RIM 110v zeroed

42 - mid grade idle smooth half tank after Gum Out, liquidate Walmart gas card, laundry, sync works, 

42 - called for another Air Messages sync with www w/o power connection, no Messages visibility security,

42 - iPad inoperable keys, better streaming than Air has failed? iPad second cell#? deleted obsolete iPad texts, 

42 - warped crates discarded, new bins being worked, gift card liquidation, 

updated 2022oct1T11am

2022 October 02 bucket #2 for week 41renew diet, spiff quality, some ice nix, much rest, 262#


Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness), immune fungus rest-gym-diet (gym.water, decaf,, fiber, veggie, fruit), LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, drip-pad / spat-clean, pill sort, renal diet, day walk mile nix, nose leak water 20oz a.m. ?oz p.m., banana, rye, apple, tomato, protein ?bar? grapes nectarine

41 -  U400 Wendy naps Texas unable to finish meals, 9M100 prunes V8 12M400 Wendy 3M400 tom P.corn Grapes,

41 - new diet attempt phenylalanine, 6M700 ice for 1600, M stream eats till 2T, COA nose runs in spite of con’t zyrtec,

41 - 261#net, nose still runs into 3rd week re-zyrtec, T500 spice cake 400 rye 400 COA 400 Wendy’s 400 Frosty… ,  

41 - 262#net see spice cake W400 rye 300COA 300p.cornV8, 400Wendy’s, 600grapesIce W2000, much rest procrastination, 

41 - R400rye 300COA no ice, F200grapes 400rye 400COA no ice, F April/Russell dietitian


Niceties routinesmile, sweet dreams, study: www slides papers awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN Smerconish, C-Span), self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, blood family challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, 

Air4 surf/write/stream, sound/light shows/storms, COA dine/‘computing’ 9-4 door posted, 

41 - Susan texts elder deaths, T flashlight Gwen Logan Belle music FullSail faculty adm. Mary husband lower leg gone,

41 - WM M too small Wrangler over-shirt with long sleeve undershirt, donned long undershirt, Chela friendly, 

41 - ‘finished’ Chris gift, Charles very who talking selective ’66-’86 Plymouth ’87-’97 Open Air (includes drive-in?), 

41 - super F news curation for Susan, fast read of Profiles In Ignorance, Bob visit A, 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routinerestful sleep, melodic awake, spiff, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism, 

41 - left lights on, also once last week, 2.5 brush extension (two weeks w/o 2,5 = itch sores), wearing 12clogs with rub

41 - bought two pair 13clogs, safety pin for bag zipper stop, RIM hesitates much, nix RIM-dash bag, iOS16.0.2,

41 - bought humor/politics book finished light read, iPadOS15.7 cell data

2022 September 25 bucket #2 for week 40 —   


Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness), immune rest-gym-diet (gym.water, decaf,, fiber, veggie, fruit), LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, drip-pad / spat-clean, pill sort, renal diet, day walk mile nix, nose leak water 32oz a.m. 32oz p.m., weekend , two banana peanut butter breads, apple, tomato, protein bar?

40 - ate/rest all day U 261# M, continued zyrtec, T Luisa review, Wendy’s Titusville W, W salad Cocoa banana ice, 

40 - R rye V8, F WM eats, A rested into Texas on me for Erin/bob


Niceties routinesmile, sweet dreams, study: www slides papers awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN Smerconish, C-Span), self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, blood family challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, 

Air4 surf/write/stream, sound/light shows/storms, COA dine/‘computing’ 9-4 door posted, 

40 - Rose/Carl 60s transplant cancelled by cancer blind survivor dialysis, Ray maybe an electric vehicle subject to paranoia,

40 - T nite to Titusville, W afternoon hurricane in face south to Cocoa, W night heavy downpour to Palm Bay into R sleep, 

40 - R clear back toward Titusville went Beach Line through eye up 417 turned around for refuge in St.Cloud overnight R,

40 - F to Sanford Race gas then ‘home’ of/on lights, A dim lights if any, Chris texts for St.Cloud info, 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routinerestful sleep, melodic awake, spiff, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism, 

40 - Amber web site ideated, 

2022 September 18 bucket #2 for week 39 —  younger NEF, $8000 walkaway, glean not much if any, 


Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness), immune rest-gym-diet (gym.water, decaf,, fiber, veggie, fruit), LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, drip-pad / spat-clean, pill sort, renal diet, day walk mile nix, nose leak water 32oz a.m. 32oz p.m., weekend , two banana peanut butter breads, apple, tomato, protein bar?

39 - cancelled Roadhouse maybe in three weeks, cloudy no sun walk, Rose/Carl’s NEF ? Amy youngest NEF

39 - appt with Dasii, itch shower M-T, 2pm T stomach red itch peanut allergy ? call dental, took zyrtec T, 

39 - began daily zyrtec de-itch, A ice, F-W? off COA nap, R surfed CKD itch, T assumed Covid/Flu shots,  


Niceties routinesmile, sweet dreams, study: www slides papers awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN Smerconish, C-Span), self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, blood family challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, 

Air4 surf/write/stream, sound/light shows/storms, COA dine/‘computing’ 9-4 door posted, 

39 -  easy shower, ginger ale/catsup to COA, enjoying $8000 walkaway shared with Ray in-law cousin lawyer retired, 

39 - Bob no know Voyles, new book title, added update highlights to web site, updated Epass Visa, 

39 - F 2:30am sleepless also itch, A Bob Wellcare card 2-for for cremation, Erin trapped Rhonda too local, constant eats …

39 - Bob relates gasoline deicer = distance Amber


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routinerestful sleep, melodic awake, spiff, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism, 

39 - installed wiper inserts, U off = rest, glass clearers both windshield/bag, Mail glean