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2022 January 30 bucket #2 for week 06 — nephrologist prep, biphasic sleep, RIM spiff, renal diet,


Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness), immune rest-gym-diet, LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, use drip pad and spat clean routine, pill sort, COA weekday lunches, two dumps tries daily, 

06 - used 10amp heat pad all night 27 F, plus hard back heater also same night, winter cope = biphasic sleep

06 - worked renal diet, drafted Living Will, toe fungus treated, 


Niceties routinesmile, sweet dreams, study -www- -slides- -papers- awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN),, self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, family calls challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, Air4 surf/write/stream (connects to television of youth), sound/light shows (storms), COA lunches, gym/COA water

06 - wholistic growth precedence = freeing posted to Foreword, from Blog restored week 05 bit lost via porn surf wipeout, 

06 - out of ‘committed’  Bonnie got “guitar clean” recognition bit, and challenge flash to get me another song word page,

06 - big number of betterment bits unease with that, worked paper bins RIM spiff,  nix nap v study moods of j-s l-h f-f, 

06 - Kaye lets God decide what she feels not responsible for (ultimate acceptance of external influence by a small mind),

06 - advised Bob no Fidelity fees and integrator in mail, Tina flowers by Lance also rest of tranche, head haircut,

06 - Bonnie comes  to COA table, Kathy beams of her VoTran adventure,  Jerry Seinfeld Gestapo soup kitchen

06 - Bob hasn’t heard from Apex either, daughter Susan is back!, 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routinespiff, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism, 

06 - recycled Air3, spray wheel cleaner to Linda RIM spiff, idle charge AZ battery (2x), study BI 100 integrator, 

06 - single instances of knock and misfire at 70% oil life (Gumout every oil change), Air battery drained after porn?,

06 - study integrator replacement bought, $1 JustAnswer trial cancelled, Fidelity said no fees for Power of Attorney, 

06 - study BI 100 will not reconnect ‘light’ circuit,