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2022 April 03 bucket #2 for week 15 —  neurologist, PCP…, dermatology prep, Photos Library 3, Tikku celebration, 


Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness), immune rest-gym-diet, LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, drip pad and spat clean, pill sort, COA weekday, renal diet, daily walk mile, ONI@WG 7/6 2:30p, 

15 -  U 7” 6” M 9” 3” moved to Eats Notes, second booster 2022apr03U, walk U-M-W moved to Ears Notes, 

15 -  continue Eats notes development, second schnapps nix for gym water space, continue health glean for Dr.Tikku, 

15 - gym water, mailed stool sample apr04M8am, sanitizer follows shower for itch mitigation, dermatology appointment

15 - Sheryl Academy, nose run itch waning?, approaching super diet perhaps ready for analysis plateau coast thru dental, 

15 - Tikku prep clothes-change celebration ice/sugar binge may have led to cold-sore illnesses as well as 42 F, 


Niceties routinesmile, sweet dreams, study: www slides papers awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN Smerconish, C-Span CNN+), self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, family challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, Air4 surf/write/stream (connects to television of youth), sound/light shows storms, COA lunches 8:30gym-water 9:00enter-12:30,  

15 - COA four hour weekday dependency activity coming 12:30-5pm, Planet B stream, Erin called clear A-U for eats ok, 

15 - daily Wolf stream settles NOT


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routinespiff, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism, 

15 - first $35 gas ‘fill’ stayed with mid grade, mac deletions not deleted in iCloud, update 12.3.1. , check RIM fluids

15 - goop shoes for cruise, TreadSafe NIX for cruise etc, seat cover fails discarded, car battery failing maybe,

15 - deleted iCloud originals STUCK, created Photos Library 3 auto-face-add crap gleaned supplements gleaned, 

15 - sine-wave affects track-pad