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2022 June 19 bucket #2 for week 26 — happiness report stymie, near panic, door-lock/battery ills, Photos still stuck, 


Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness), immune rest-gym-diet, LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, drip-pad / spat-clean, pill sort, COA weekday, renal diet, day walk mile, nose leak, banana sandwich, water 32oz a.m. 32oz p.m.,

peanut sandwich weekday decaf dunk, weekend egg/sausage/burnt muffin Enterprise McD, 

26 - face haircut shower, nightly Double McFish continues, some allergy nose leak returns, cleanup/sync Rx’s, bit of panic

26 - lengthly sleep duration but tired, well done McEggSausage, 95 F nap in car rain days reprieve

26 - began more regular hydrocortisone 2.5%


Niceties routinesmile, sweet dreams, study: www slides papers awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN Smerconish, C-Span), self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, family challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, Air4 surf/write/stream (connects to youth television), sound/light shows storms, COA dine 9:00-12:30, gym water, COA melodic,

26 - knifed into Happiness Report brought on by Susan’s Father’s Day message, ask Bob to sum DeBary household sits

26 - carded Ray scuba Netherlands world cruise curiosity but not for 9 months, carded Ilene 91 years young, Charles GE stock.

26 - tense COA proceeds ice, asked Bob for house-sit dates for Susan assist weave no Tina call to Bob either invited probe, 

26 - COA soap continues, one spot of hemorrhoid blood, Happiness Report stymied, shortage bought 2XL brief mid-rise

26 - eye shorts duds replacement cotton shirt nix, forgot Susan’s birthday, texts Tina Chasin’ Raisins, 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routinespiff, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism, 

McD Photos wifi office,

26 - locked driver door-lock problem would not accept key to unlock car (Residence In Motion — RIM), re-fixed ceiling bars,

26 - car battery labors to start car battery water ok, oil ok, coolant ok, put bar bumper on tightened bar, 

26 - purchased new battery felt washers baking soda but old battery not dead yet, passenger door basket dislodged

26 - lithium jumper from 2021oct would not charge from 49% over hours free replacement, 

26 - F new jumper at 94 then 92% charged to 100 from 79% within hours zip tied new jumper to storage bar clamp flashlight,