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2022 July 10 bucket #2 for week 29  readCKD, reduce#, all-dayCOA, 


Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness), immune rest-gym-diet (gym.water, decaf,, fiber, veggie, fruit), LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, drip-pad / spat-clean, pill sort, COA weekday, renal diet, day walk mile, nose leak, banana sandwich, water 32oz a.m. 32oz p.m., weekend burnt egg/sausage/fries, 

29 - clip nails fungus, GFR 34 via CHC email U (stage 3b) reviewed tome page 8, no McFries/juice for BMI

29 - restriction BMI diet success three days with cake/fast, M lost 3 evening pills via failed pill bag, lost pill T morning, 

29 - first night of BMI fast, T found 2 of lost pills, T 263#2#shoes/neckwear, W+ continued success 2 days,


Niceties routinesmile, sweet dreams, study: www slides papers awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN Smerconish, C-Span), self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, family challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, Air4 surf/write/stream, sound/light shows storms, COA dine/‘computing’, 

29 - data base format in question, H.R.event context, publish July Happiness Report, publish articles via blog, publish a1831,

29 - Jeanette/Ken, Vinny/JoAnne, COA member name tag, carded Mary Lou thru Jean, computing activity still COA tentative,

29 - noted Mexico/Caribbean human history, Erin Kim text counsel, captured cruise itinerary, no name tag morning COA, 

29 - COA 9am morning limit may become , study Data Base construction, Nettie visits COA,  Jackie/Bill snub recouped, 

29 -  Jean/John Herzog, Theory W.numbers feeds blog, Nettie R COA uproar, fools rush in where wish fear to tread=closed,

29 - looks like a within-the-rules 9-4 COA to hide from their bureaucratic foibles of evicting a ‘disruptive’ H2o with his ‘car’ forte


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routinespiff, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism, 

29 - 3kRPM before shift, some Photos deletions w/use, new air filters, new floor mat vacuum, fix door basket

29 - support printer paper, tools to back ’table’