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2022 July 31 bucket #2 for week 32  CKD stage four panic, 


Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness), immune rest-gym-diet (gym.water, decaf,, fiber, veggie, fruit), LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, drip-pad / spat-clean, pill sort, renal diet, day walk mile nix, nose leak water 32oz a.m. 32oz p.m., weekend , two banana peanut butter breads, apple, tomato, protein bar?

32 - napped A-U, errs U, 258#net M, plant diet life quality ruin appetite naps all day A U water uptake wanes sluggish no aches, 

32 - $20 vegan meals, study red meat balanced/complete protein v protein bars NOT, Wendy’s Triple MTWR, 

32 - watered indigestion, soda for indigestion, bought juices = grape sugary, bean chili W, naps fill life, ginger ale heartburn

32 - 264#net Moorjani 131-81-91 GFR upset nixed supplements Olmesartan I replaced w/m.t., daily car lockout forgetfulness,

32 - provided Stage 4 followup to Joyce F for NEF, had Calcium info on phone for NEF but FORGOT R could not recall, 

32 - summed recent history Googled Stage 4 CKD for longevity circumstances called Susan scribbled an email also sent to Bob, 


Niceties routinesmile, sweet dreams, study: www slides papers awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN Smerconish, C-Span), self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, family challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, Air4 surf/write/stream, sound/light shows storms, COA dine/‘computing’ 9-4, 

32 - Erin cusp approval, Wondrium magazine to Ray M, 42oz tomato juice mistake to COA M, sound/light show T, 

32 - Charles awaits 15min. T, text Charles my contact card, despite trials COA is my ‘home’, 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routinespiff, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism, 

32 - new cylinder M Bob checks U-tube, M study manual/www Bob can’t get part T, OS12.5 update, lockout car x2 this week,

32 - Enterprise City McD wifi super, Erin key email, ordered key cylinder T no label W, cylinder PU bob call, 

32 -  concluded 2024 death, new key cylinder by bob A,