2022 September 11 bucket #2 for week 38 — cruise cancellation email confirmation, sun-walk, nix Moorjani, iOS16safariOS, diet meld, 259#,
Health routine: awareness (wholesomeness), immune rest-gym-diet (gym.water, decaf, root.beer, fiber, veggie, fruit), LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, drip-pad / spat-clean, pill sort, renal diet, day walk mile nix, nose leak, water 32oz a.m. 32oz p.m., weekend , two banana peanut butter breads, apple, tomato, protein bar?
38 - sun walk, HC2.5brush Tx(x3 U), nose run prolific, Moorjani NEF prep, daily Wendy’s “complete” protein,
38 - Frosty’s pleasure tradition (x2 U), no Frosty M-T = grapes nan/p.butter Frosty W anxious CKD ?
38 - John TMM got Rx no web orders WellCare TMM block ? Wellcare not-blocked Rx somehow incompatible,
38 - HC2.5 twice at night M-T-W, 259# T-W even after big T feed, Lisa Grains Nutrition, new Page 8 diet,
38 - medical-Rx Notes update, print W published W, Moorjani no letter discarded no D calcium, Lucy Dasii ?
38 - Dasii probably optimistic philosophy Moorjani do nothing unless forced then do something guessed (2x D then none0,
38 - decided to attempt manipulation of Moorjani, confirmation email of cruise cancellation should be coming within 24 hrs,
38 - 261# 2 tubs ice W-R stress comfort, grapes F, decided to get Amy advice away from Moorjani, root beer suspect,
38 - water soluble vitamines 4 or 5,
Niceties routine: smile, sweet dreams, study: www slides papers awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN Smerconish, C-Span), self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, family challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, Air4 surf/write/stream, sound/light shows storms, COA dine/‘computing’ 9-4,
38 - bob @ S&S debary+$1, Erin bob update, Lucy Jimmy older Robbie? Tampa, Susan Forest Hill burning quit working,
38 - Ellen COA nutrition smiles in addition to Cheryl (white hair) and Cheryl (Asian) and Lisa (FU),
38 - coffee mug Gwen Maritza Christina Susan, Joyce dominos, email gleaned, Bob/Ginny Voyles via Carol,
38 - printer success but heat-plugged cartridges, dry clothes change, laundry A, Charles’ church,
As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routine: restful sleep, melodic awake, spiff, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism,
38 - iOS16 COA+night install, stopped Air update for iOS16 178 minutes, Safari16 OS16 COA, found printer et al,
38 - stored printer cables all together for future use, Air update F connected iPhone F no alert, bought wiper inserts,