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updated 2022oct1T11am

2022 October 02 bucket #2 for week 41renew diet, spiff quality, some ice nix, much rest, 262#


Health routine:  awareness (wholesomeness), immune fungus rest-gym-diet (gym.water, decaf,, fiber, veggie, fruit), LOFt, wellness a1767 a1806, avoid overreach, drip-pad / spat-clean, pill sort, renal diet, day walk mile nix, nose leak water 20oz a.m. ?oz p.m., banana, rye, apple, tomato, protein ?bar? grapes nectarine

41 -  U400 Wendy naps Texas unable to finish meals, 9M100 prunes V8 12M400 Wendy 3M400 tom P.corn Grapes,

41 - new diet attempt phenylalanine, 6M700 ice for 1600, M stream eats till 2T, COA nose runs in spite of con’t zyrtec,

41 - 261#net, nose still runs into 3rd week re-zyrtec, T500 spice cake 400 rye 400 COA 400 Wendy’s 400 Frosty… ,  

41 - 262#net see spice cake W400 rye 300COA 300p.cornV8, 400Wendy’s, 600grapesIce W2000, much rest procrastination, 

41 - R400rye 300COA no ice, F200grapes 400rye 400COA no ice, F April/Russell dietitian


Niceties routinesmile, sweet dreams, study: www slides papers awareness (BBC NPR NYT WaPo CNN Smerconish, C-Span), self/RIM declutter, melodic, J-L-F v s-h-f choice, blood family challenge, emotions stable, intellect active, 

Air4 surf/write/stream, sound/light shows/storms, COA dine/‘computing’ 9-4 door posted, 

41 - Susan texts elder deaths, T flashlight Gwen Logan Belle music FullSail faculty adm. Mary husband lower leg gone,

41 - WM M too small Wrangler over-shirt with long sleeve undershirt, donned long undershirt, Chela friendly, 

41 - ‘finished’ Chris gift, Charles very who talking selective ’66-’86 Plymouth ’87-’97 Open Air (includes drive-in?), 

41 - super F news curation for Susan, fast read of Profiles In Ignorance, Bob visit A, 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) routinerestful sleep, melodic awake, spiff, OSs, self/RIM LOFt, future RIM in 90s expectancy, minimalism, 

41 - left lights on, also once last week, 2.5 brush extension (two weeks w/o 2,5 = itch sores), wearing 12clogs with rub

41 - bought two pair 13clogs, safety pin for bag zipper stop, RIM hesitates much, nix RIM-dash bag, iOS16.0.2,

41 - bought humor/politics book finished light read, iPadOS15.7 cell data