updated 2023feb11A8pm
Health non-routine:
06 - U Sakura fungus Tx M McD DQP protein? T loose stool asleep at COA McD DQP protein? W hot flash then 20 minute sweat apple snack McD DQP licorice for sweets R bran flakes crackers V8 licorice apple peanut butter McD QP F bran flakes V8 crackers apple peanut butter jammed another McD Double QP for assumed good health protein A Sakura licorice
Niceties non-routine:
06 - M Ray book read challenge Susan text misses news curation T texts to Ray Susan began Blind Spot read W Bob has cup arranger pickup read book fingernails clipped R brake wrench for Donna superglue for Nettie center website for Christina clothespins for Maritsa Eileen banged head John F Harv’s table was full Ron asks about Beltway construction Christina enhanced Harv’s stature A a glimmer of Eileen companion
As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) non-routine:
06 T cold engine light George do nothing found scissors for Ken left lights on W lost another scissors for Ken R second scissors to Ken reset phone to eliminate garble loose wallet zip tie F worked Blind Spot brief into COA afternoon A drafted fulfillment plan for 91y expenctancy
Comment 23w06: unemployed kid dominos irritation this week, gear lifetime for local yokels, but write to the cloud of forever increased expectations!-
updated 2023jan10T9pm
Book read Lifespan was recommended 23w02 by Ray. Thank you Ray for causing Harv to circle back into Harv's web-site life-model work now named Control Your Lifetime/life time (CYL) Control Your Life in short -- a familiar ring of the book that began a personal journey, that is, Alan Lakine's paperback "How to control your time and your life."
The book Lifespan by Sinclair (2019) can be of import to one’s thought, via the term healthspan - “the portion of our lives spent without disease or disability” (Location 227 of that book). (Sinclair, David ; LaPlante, Matthew D.. Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don't Have To. Atria Books. Kindle Edition.)
For himself, Harv questions when his lifespan hasn’t been at dis-ease or dis-ability (pop victimhood of sorts) — that certainly qualifies Harv to buy the book.
And, if Harv references his 2022 newfound writer ease/ability HarvOtto.com “web site aim”, he may be able to claim most of his life as dysfunctional ease/ability. Four of his five epochs (84 years total) are identified as the ”chase” for human functionality. A question for Harv then: is Sinclair’s ideal tale of what human functionality could be, just a fictitious tale — perhaps analogous to the promise of fusion energy, as was previously renewable energy, atomic energy, and fossil energy?
For Harv, the tale of Sinclair’s healthspan seems optimistic journalism at the book Introduction (L82). In harsh terms, healthspan is Best Seller crumbs thrown to mainly urban slaves of the modern global economy where growing wealth disparity affords healthspan to the select.
The Best Seller trick of the trade for this publish is the cowriter at mdlaplante.com — an excellent resume and due credit.
For Sinclair, the book is the mere basis for the personal wealth promise of his Sinclair Disclosure (page 294).
However, before slamming the door on Sinclair, Harv does seek practical ways to increase his newly-introduced healthspan life-quality term as part of his more familiar longevity term.
For example, in what ways does Harv advantage healthspan quality from his life time of health services? Then, for his daily lifestyle, what does Harv do to optimize his healthspan?
Harv knows of his life-long health/psychological service fumbles — personal and specialist. That is Harv’s personalization of Sinclair’s Part 1. Harv also has successes in healthspan before he knew the term.
In Sinclair’s Part 2 (page 88) “There is great reason for hope on the not-so-distant horizon, but those battling against the ravages of aging right now must do so in a world in which most doctors have never even thought about why we age, let alone how to treat aging.”
With this limitation in mind, Harv uses the book's Part 2, via his Kindle notes, to reenforce the specifics of his healthspan lifestyle going forward by integrating same into his web-site life-model.
Back from the Lifespan-read to Harv's web-site-life-model work. Any project has its cocoon that protects the reality of the non-reality within the cocoon as the protected work ensues. Upon project closure, the cocooned results can then be applied to the project of Harv's-real-life, itself a forever-project. Beginning 2022, that project of Harv's-real-life is titled YOUTHFUL SPIRIT (encoded as HarvOtto.com). 'YS' is renamed y84, y85, etcetera but the project is never closed unless fervent-closure-steps are taken, most beyond Harv's grasp. In religious speak this may be entertained as eternal life to pump one's significance. Via human entropy, YS will disappear. Until then, Harv uses YS as a could-be functional model for optimizing his lifetime/life time -- attempting to better visualize the optimization of his daily routine and sundry projects of which, too many are unclosed -- thus a warranted critique of "chaos" existing under the guise of "organized". WILL "YS" BECOME MORE THE MODEL OF HARV'S FUNCTIONALITY? If that is to be so going forward, how will that happen step by step? From Lifespan, longevity steps? From where??? What??? But, perhaps the reading/writing Blogger style exemplified in this paragraph is a progression from its own cocoon, or better described, the work results of several/many intermingled/entwined cocoons.
Back to Harv's web-site-life-model work and his choice to return to some other activity-thread of sense - seemingly unsuccessful due to his current inability to control his life-time L-T(hours) recently and thus ultimately his LT lifetime/lifespan/healthspan 'happiness'. {Using shift-brackets for emphasis, Harv wrote this paragraph with a first-ever writer-feeling-sensation of using Blogger-software for the human publish/read cycle, knowing that his market target is a meer audience of one, that is his self, and specifically aimed for his betterment therein.} Within his LT lifetime, he has seemingly come a "full-circle" of 60 years - 1960s to 2020s.
A future-forward web-site twist.
Harv reinvents his 1960s idea of LT lifetime control. His dissertation narrative needs review -- another of his L-T(hours) snags. To be continued ... This feels like 'book' outline stuff.
Lifespan ends