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15 week “action” blog bucket #2 begins 2023 April 09 —  laundry, dementia update, Photos seems stable, flash drive, Photos duplicates, 

updated 2023apr16U2pm


Health non-routine:  

15 - U sausage egg goober TXRH MM peanuts don long pant M LGBTQ consolidation sweet-dream soup donuts cookie MM peanuts McDQPC T rice Tikku TXRH W soup Greg loner MM peanuts McDQPC R rice 4 cookies collected apples first ok test shifting with sandal F rice 3 cookies A McEgg TXRH 


Niceties non-routine

15 - U licorice to gBob laundry Susan text to blog underwear change Tradition M licorice to Charles/Ray Photos very discouraging T new Photos strategy carded Carol Bunko who visited and took lunch Stan visits related about Drive Photos in minutes W Judy lift LOST touch with iDrive Finder merged duplicates R asshole haircut John visit Jean shares shakes they and son have tablets carded Shirley dominos her interest Frank took a card F 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) non-routine:  

15 - U added air pillow = ok M lost 15913 Photos version via ‘easy’ OS updates, 64132M2 Photos version trashed but version in Trash is only 6.94G trashed file name ‘M trash’ T pull originals from Photos as used new strategy ? see txt progress report eventually for integration with Computer History Blog Page Photos seems stable W R another Photos backup to flash drive F 

Comment 23w15:  Shoe-boot weekend use-healing pain use continues into week. Sour stomach from candy or licorice? Old-age aches? By weekend back into sandals although L is 13 where R is 12.
