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17 week “action” blog bucket #2 begins 2023 April 23 —  LabCorp blood draw W, blood trouble? high RBC cancer? 

updated 2023apr30U5pm


Health non-routine:  

17 - U McEgg McDQPC apple peanut butter M rice two donuts V8 CKD renal nutrition support nixed by Referrals T donut V8 W rice ice fasting blood draw 9:45am R soup Labcorp 42 GFR blood cell trouble? apple peanut butter McDQPC high RBC cancer? F oats V8 spaghetti jelly beans apple peanut butter A McEgg  TXRH jelly beans apple peanut butter


Niceties non-routine:  

17 - M Ray visits texted “Awe” book, T via Christina discussion and thought Shirley goes way of Bonnie W Ray gets into awe R John’s brother USPS delivers 500 F jelly beans /John A began ‘regular’ 13,000 Photos glean


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) non-routine:  

17 - M found batteries brush clothespins T Photos duplicates zeroed flash backup failed W option Trash Empty R command deleted photos library with cloud-nix icon 120G flash will not Finder mount neither flash end mounts restart Air(2) makes the apple icon whole began cleaning computers share COA attempt to Air(2) stopped with 7 hours to go 7880 could not connect another, flash disk only option left? F A pickup Amazon return @Kohls, new flash put Photos backup library to Air(2)


Comment 23w17:  Engine light remains off. Ice cream convenience into diet but wanes this week, 
