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31 week “action” blog bucket #2 begins 2023 July 30 —   blood draw, no y91 aim, hate old,  269#, 



Health non-routine:  

31 -  U  secluded sleep-in  Sakura  M  clothes change  pill sort  bran  small apple pie  COA basic  two cookies bag popcorn  forgot evening pills  T  bran COA basic  three cookies with cold meal  bag popcorn  two apples peanut butter   saltines    W  bran  COA basic  bag popcorn  two apples peanut butter  protein bar   saltines   R  bran  COA basic  watermelon  five cookies   F  blood draw  bran  COA basic   two birthday cake  pint ice cream  box MM peanut  popcorn  A   Sakura  popcorn  protein bar  


Niceties non-routine

31 -  U  con’t Chris tribute  spiffed new template  M  Jeff one of 4 public-works knows Dustin of IT will pass along an invitation for Dustin to visit Otto  T  Web site work through wee hours,   Ken crutches/Dana here  velcro ties for Rachel  W  several naps in car  R  Carol in DeBary to NC  logged John into COA wifi  F  “I hate old people. My kids hate old people.” = challenge love reach out to touch someone  call to exhausted Susan after her text   streamed  A  VFW ballroom dance = “Been there, done that.”  text to Susan  Susan response  called her but she was off to haircut  


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) non-routine:  

31 -  R  Eileen’s new keyboard  F  old keyboard gone from Dale’s can box  A  

Comment 23w31:  No gel on collapsed arch but tender.  Cans continue for Dale.  Web site gets complex yet simply points to a no-talk number of hands dealt over his lifetime.  Probably missed an evening pill set.  


30 week “action” blog bucket #2 begins 2023 July 23 —   sit sleep, scratched blood, almost cramp, flat sleep, COA gets wifi, 268#, aches, Gel on arch, missed another evening pills, 



Health non-routine:  

30 -  U  left foot arch ache from wrestling with left shoulder blade pain  slept sitting Sakura popcorn  major scratch draws blood  slept 4 hours sitting?  M  gel unto arch ache  restarted ‘zyrtec’  269#net bran  cherry pie filling  COA basic  slept-left all afternoon   gel unto arch ache again  intense back itch without scratch  one extra zyrtec  L lower leg almost cramp  T  bran/pill-sort  COA basic  three cookies  bag popcorn V8 protein bar  itch creamed left lower leg  W  aches  268#  bran  don hood   COA basic  bread pudding   cut to nap   pint ice cream   box MM peanuts  popcorn/pills  R  forgot evening pils  F  oats COA basic   popcorn   two apples peanut butter  few saltines   A    Sakura  bag popcorn  protein bar


Niceties non-routine

30 -  U  weekend? beard cut  cleared week calendar  M  Ray (x2) and Charles  Eileen will bring keyboard R to cut open   scheduled blood draw  T  Terri/Evelyn/staff top tier  Milissa legs Development  Heather/Nettie/Debora releases wifi  Sandy/Felix/Brazil  Jennifer/Graham in same 24/7 home  Dana will bring husband/laptop he wants a blog  W  Lori donepezil?  Frank2 wifi setup  EtheLyn left early after sharing   88F cooldown   R  cut broken game-box strap  Eileen may be getting new keyboard thus cut-corner delay  F  A  texts to Chris/Susan


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) non-routine:  

30 -  U  second cut collar/pocket  isolated news curation links  backed into car in rainstorm — called Christina added waterproof bag  W  ideated Rosemary game handle replacement  began Chris’ birthday write  R    F    A  

Comment 23w30:  Excess itch continues.  One ice cream last week — eating routine no longer accommodates.  ‘Zyrtec’ long gone, maybe itch is more — restarted zyrtec M.  Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese at least once weekly also no longer.  COA too busy?   Gel on arch ache all week.  Normal in-car ‘foot movement’ causes ache recurrence somehow.  Using scissor opening of protein bar for non-messy eat, go to echolocate v lemon.  Vince to ‘normal’ tooth hotspot later in the week.


29 week “action” blog bucket #2 begins 2023 July 16 —   calendar clean, OS updates, 268#, laundry(w29,w15,w01), ill sleep,



Health non-routine:  

29 -  U  morning jar rub for itch  Cici  V8 popcorn protein bar  M  bran/pills decaf/soda  apple pie  popcorn  T  269#net bran/pills  COA/basic  two popcorn  two apples peanut butter  W  bran/pills  COA/basic  three cookies  popcorn  two apples peanut butter dip  R  bran/pills 120c4p7f  milk 110c9p0f  COA/basic 340c20p7f  two frosted cookies 300c popcorn 270c4p9f   V8 60c3p3f missed evening pills 1300c40p26f   F  268#net bran/pills 120c4p7f  milk 110c9p0f  COA/basic 340c20p7f   A  Sakura popcorn V8  used heat pad in 90s heat for shoulder blade ache interfering with sleep


Niceties non-routine

29 -  U  slept all morning  Rachel/Dan contractor in retirement/Charles  Rachel/Dan/Jessica(Haiti)/Jasmin has piano and second bench  Ray visits on news curation  T  Rosemary clings  Lori nervous  R   Myrna Tmobile or ATT?  F  Rachel on W? shirts/visit with Bob  stream  A  laundry(w29,w15,w01) stream


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) non-routine:  

29 -  U  household bits  completed several device updates  M  T  W  no stream/render internet continues  R  F  A  removed one collar/pocket 

Comment 23w29:  Using ‘jar’ for itch — expensive Gold Bond for ’touch-up’?  Clear calendar week.  Itching like crazy, probably in combo with heat wave.  



28 week “action” blog bucket #2 begins 2023 July 09 —   Susan turnaround, bypassed ice cream, ‘circuit’ stabilizes, diet patterns c p f,  rewrote Real Retirement, 



Health non-routine:  

28 -  A  4pm eats stop  surf till 4am iFast till 11am Sakura felt morning pills even into meal 960c53p11f +wrap, rings, grapes  1pm eats stop popcorn with bedtime pills M  iFast till 9am 272#net bran COA basic apple pie popcorn protein bar/water iFast began 9pm  T  W  bran COA basic+crab popcorn/pills V8 protein bar /water  R  bran COA basic + Doreen watermelon  popcorn V8pills protein bar/water  9pm  F  bran COA basic pint ice cream popcorn two apples peanut butter protein bar recommended Gold Bond used for itch  water  A  sakura popcorn protein bar  


Niceties non-routine

28 -  U  text Susan  M  Lisa texts, Nancy’s Hawaii (60% Asian) daughter Sharon, Eileen computer charge port bad challenged her to try iPad alone to guide son-in-law in her choice of free replacement, Lori new member placed in Katy’s chair M-W-F bus Ann/Clair guided her bingo intro, Rachel showed her iPad pix my Blogger intro to her failed   T  text/called Susan  W  Donna spreadsheet difficulty  R  garnered too many apples  new volunteer Scott also DeLand  has RV for vacations fussy eater father was in property ownership management  Nancy/Ross w/o car rides with Karen?  bunko booted me off table  Eileen ok with separated iPad  Blanca/Maritsa too many apples   F  shared CKD health info with Pam  give up on feeling that bingo is taking more time  triggered Bob on USPS four shirts  expedited Rachel on piano   A  second attempt at DeLand overnight failed


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) non-routine:  

28-  A  reservoirs need fluid  U  push video/photos pushes into VideoPad  video edit with QT/Capto combo  T  fluids were ok, added zip tie to straighten bag on cart  W  found orange peeler in COA lot  R  upgraded snot rags  F  stored 10 apples  cleared junk folder  A   installed ‘NO’ in ceiling


Comment 23w28:  Mail Downloads since 2016 glean begins along with iMovie QuickTime FinalCutPro Capto push.  Tried to quell lower arm itch with hydrocortisone and also 0.1% steroid -- itch feels nervous related.  Bought Capto registration again.  ScreenFlow unacceptable watermark.  Check nutrition balance with advent of protein bar daily.  ‘Circuit’ life-flow becoming more regularly stable satisfying.  Gold Bond no-scratch try.

27 week “action” blog bucket #2 begins 2023 July 02 —   reinvigoration, COA too high, prostitute pattern, RIM 99F in shade, close foot heal, diet reset?



Health non-routine:  

27 -  U sakura 960c53p11f   lot more beans 11-2pm deep-rub hydrocortisone lower leg itch  F  bran COA basic ice cream pint not satisfying ditto cherry juice no cherries popcorn maybe V8  April 12:30 Journal article, only 3 CKD sessions left for year?, April encourages diabetes classes?  A  McEgg for calming MM peanuts for craving V8 Cici 8 pizza salad plate blue cheese soup 


Niceties non-routine

27 -  U ordered shirts, lutein  errands/incidentals reinvigorated  M David/Ivy Charles’ $50 Christina meeting W  T F  Ivy Salatiga Church of Christ extended family  grand daughter Jessica/Brit  A 4:30am called 911 ‘prostitute’ knocking/wandering Park/Ride then drove away with ‘pimp’ ‘Rodrigues’ response ‘confirmed’ several weeks of other P/R ‘prostitute solicitation’, 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) non-routine:  

27-  F  discard two foot-failure shoe-boots, reoriented bag on cart with zip ties,  roller-coaster high chooses food-debrief  A  RIM front seat glean

Comment 23w27:  “Making change” activity successful, as is action underway for next singalong activity (singalong activity different than simply playing background music anytime).  FinalCutPro seems too complex for increased movie use.  Foot failure healed, drop anti inflammation turmeric, discard boot and shoe-boot.  Drop nose-run Rx in spite of ‘zyrtec’.  H2o ignoring CHC requests for PCP and monthly talk appointments.  Prostitute solicitation is a pattern. 
