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27 week “action” blog bucket #2 begins 2023 July 02 —   reinvigoration, COA too high, prostitute pattern, RIM 99F in shade, close foot heal, diet reset?



Health non-routine:  

27 -  U sakura 960c53p11f   lot more beans 11-2pm deep-rub hydrocortisone lower leg itch  F  bran COA basic ice cream pint not satisfying ditto cherry juice no cherries popcorn maybe V8  April 12:30 Journal article, only 3 CKD sessions left for year?, April encourages diabetes classes?  A  McEgg for calming MM peanuts for craving V8 Cici 8 pizza salad plate blue cheese soup 


Niceties non-routine

27 -  U ordered shirts, lutein  errands/incidentals reinvigorated  M David/Ivy Charles’ $50 Christina meeting W  T F  Ivy Salatiga Church of Christ extended family  grand daughter Jessica/Brit  A 4:30am called 911 ‘prostitute’ knocking/wandering Park/Ride then drove away with ‘pimp’ ‘Rodrigues’ response ‘confirmed’ several weeks of other P/R ‘prostitute solicitation’, 


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) non-routine:  

27-  F  discard two foot-failure shoe-boots, reoriented bag on cart with zip ties,  roller-coaster high chooses food-debrief  A  RIM front seat glean

Comment 23w27:  “Making change” activity successful, as is action underway for next singalong activity (singalong activity different than simply playing background music anytime).  FinalCutPro seems too complex for increased movie use.  Foot failure healed, drop anti inflammation turmeric, discard boot and shoe-boot.  Drop nose-run Rx in spite of ‘zyrtec’.  H2o ignoring CHC requests for PCP and monthly talk appointments.  Prostitute solicitation is a pattern. 
