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28 week “action” blog bucket #2 begins 2023 July 09 —   Susan turnaround, bypassed ice cream, ‘circuit’ stabilizes, diet patterns c p f,  rewrote Real Retirement, 



Health non-routine:  

28 -  A  4pm eats stop  surf till 4am iFast till 11am Sakura felt morning pills even into meal 960c53p11f +wrap, rings, grapes  1pm eats stop popcorn with bedtime pills M  iFast till 9am 272#net bran COA basic apple pie popcorn protein bar/water iFast began 9pm  T  W  bran COA basic+crab popcorn/pills V8 protein bar /water  R  bran COA basic + Doreen watermelon  popcorn V8pills protein bar/water  9pm  F  bran COA basic pint ice cream popcorn two apples peanut butter protein bar recommended Gold Bond used for itch  water  A  sakura popcorn protein bar  


Niceties non-routine

28 -  U  text Susan  M  Lisa texts, Nancy’s Hawaii (60% Asian) daughter Sharon, Eileen computer charge port bad challenged her to try iPad alone to guide son-in-law in her choice of free replacement, Lori new member placed in Katy’s chair M-W-F bus Ann/Clair guided her bingo intro, Rachel showed her iPad pix my Blogger intro to her failed   T  text/called Susan  W  Donna spreadsheet difficulty  R  garnered too many apples  new volunteer Scott also DeLand  has RV for vacations fussy eater father was in property ownership management  Nancy/Ross w/o car rides with Karen?  bunko booted me off table  Eileen ok with separated iPad  Blanca/Maritsa too many apples   F  shared CKD health info with Pam  give up on feeling that bingo is taking more time  triggered Bob on USPS four shirts  expedited Rachel on piano   A  second attempt at DeLand overnight failed


As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) non-routine:  

28-  A  reservoirs need fluid  U  push video/photos pushes into VideoPad  video edit with QT/Capto combo  T  fluids were ok, added zip tie to straighten bag on cart  W  found orange peeler in COA lot  R  upgraded snot rags  F  stored 10 apples  cleared junk folder  A   installed ‘NO’ in ceiling


Comment 23w28:  Mail Downloads since 2016 glean begins along with iMovie QuickTime FinalCutPro Capto push.  Tried to quell lower arm itch with hydrocortisone and also 0.1% steroid -- itch feels nervous related.  Bought Capto registration again.  ScreenFlow unacceptable watermark.  Check nutrition balance with advent of protein bar daily.  ‘Circuit’ life-flow becoming more regularly stable satisfying.  Gold Bond no-scratch try.