33 week “action” blog bucket #2 begins 2023 August 13 — shower, nix tricycle cargo van, publish article 1838, FLAT TIRE, phone silenced, blood draw, week’s blog effective, 268#, shots list,
Health non-routine:
33 - U McEgg Sakura popcorn V8 M ? four cookies T body cut shower deodorant (bad cap to reserve jug) bran/no pills COA standard NSA cottage cheese v ice cream 360c64p0f W bran 269# net after breakfast = 268# COA basic cottage cheese 360c64p0f bag popcorn one apple peanut butter R Sakura flat tire went directly to Walmart Automotive overnight Anthony Hopkins “A Bridge Too Far” F blood draw bran/pills COA basic returned shit sample to LabCorp ice cream 610c0f8p half bag cheese crunch 640c0f4p discarded melted 30mg zinc gummies - lozenges not available for year also no cold symptoms discarded equate husk fiber solved by daily weekday morning bran fast from 3pm 71% humidity 82F half bag cheese crunch 640c0f4p Edward Norton “Illusionist” A finished cheese crunch pill sort Sakura fast from 2pm got needed shots list from PharmD V8/pills Edward Norton “Stone”
Niceties non-routine:
33 - M shower body cut W hot tooth (it was a mushroom burn from A) relented with Vince Tx surf through wee hours R texts to Susan to track my relocation reasoning Sandy was at Sakura Felix 86yo in home for six years texted Susan Spirit Commands but she is on medical leave with more than she can handle thus not available Harv support stream via Walmart “A Bridge Too Far” depressing that 10,000 went in but 2000 retreated at Arnhem F COA computing no Eileen for pamphlet return phone will remain silenced nap shoulder blade aches RIM computing A text Susan robot answer tweaked blog format
As-set Residence In Motion (RIM) non-routine:
33 - T charge body clippers W article 1838 “Spirit commands/principles” is ok for Eileen nix cargo van for tricycle idea R integrated Spirit Commands into blog/tome TOC in two places F flat fix old tire chat with Jerry Dyno Tune yellow 3 ring organized well dehumidified RIM A fixed loose driver door fabric minor glean of junk box
Comment 23w33: Scribble computer files being integrated into blog/tome. Harv’s Tradition Contents written last Saturday, perhaps begins the narrative rationalization of why Harv is the way he is. HARV HANGS IT UP FOR A WHILE means phone silenced, he displays cynicism, more irreverent than ever, BUT ever more serious about cooperation “requiring deep reflection and inviting a considered response”(OAD). A another ‘book’ title, “sidestep self stresses and build back better. [s3b3]” finishing curation but not reading books some interest in old computer files but that job is very long term then there are the papers — they should be peeked at