2023nov22. (what's 'new' personally this week 47 ?) A: Liver cysts; one 'a softball', another 'a tennis ball', and probably others "hanging around'. He thinks tiredness is the symptom. Otherwise he is healthy and feeling productive. A: Week46 -- His Theory W ideation now reverts back to filling his calendar with 'wholly hour' acts in the spirit of Alan Lakein’s book “How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life” 1973) -- that will provide an explanatory step into the 'narrative' of using 'precedence-network-database (PND)' language for Theory-W in Functional Organization. In week 45, Harv attempted to write in PND but was unsuccessful. A: "Happy Thanksgiving !" -- a time of serenity. A: News curation/publishing continues. A: Teeth clean and oral exam ABRUPTLY and SECRETLY cancelled by clinic. A: COA activity expands to the COA parking lot. A: Achieved quality/unlimited broadband internet connectivity! A: Used winter-sleep sweat-pants, jacket, and socks. A: First laundry in 18 weeks. A: Began using COA parking for day-naps. A: First iteration of week's calendar was too complex for PNDL/Theory-W tutorial. Second iteration:
a one-day snippet with act#s and pre-act#s |