24 week 13:
" Skip COA dine x2 unload Office bag install small bins"
168 whole hours this week: sleep 97 (down 02) ; others 71 ; growth 62 hours (up 09 hours) ;
study web write 29 absorb snags into sociality control sociality to self-interest 33
2023 taxes 00biggies: :: support Susan :: Harv's fatal fault flaw :: "a perfect life"(H2o) :: very noisy engine start 65F R 'quiet' on idle in half hour :: F generator checks ok by Doug stress upper L chest ache :: CORPORATE entrance dream followup quality not quantity :: unloaded COA wheeled office bag ::
non biggies : :: functionalized write with underline :: TextSniper working again :: apples/p.butter nix prunes back nots not used :: bettered soda can logistics :: added Bloomberg curation also WSJ AP from before that :: consider no 2024 COA if raining :: new sleep place 3rd night success :: 2 vax aches :: placing new bins :: unpack wheeled tote bag used for 2023 COA :: no full week steps data
procrastination within time-constrained life-flow -- can't get it done not enough lifetime released -- how about too much attempted too soon ? :: (2) slides cull :: (1) Finder cull :: (0) U-self :: ::